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(Ash p.o.v)

We were standing in the bowling alley looking at the group and I could tell Emil was really confused and still upset about what had happened earlier with him and Spitzak.
"Who are these sad people?" He asked as he looked at us.
"We call ourselves S.A.S.S.Y." Susie told
"They do not look very sassy."
"It stands for 'Students Avoiding Scott Spitzak....Yo.' We're the kids that eat lunch in the computer lab. We're all victims of Spitzak." Teddy told
"Wait, Teddy. Even you?"
"Yep. Spitzak got me in the third grade. He convinced me to trade my Albert Einstein Chia Pet for a ticket to the Moon. When I showed up to the airport, they laughed in my face." He told before grabbing Emils shoulders and began to shake him "They laughed in my face!" He shouted before stopping.
"Oh, Teddy!"
"When I asked Spitzak to give me, my chia pet back, he did."
"By breaking it over my head."
"After that, every single day at lunch, Spitzak would cram me into anything he could find. Trash cans, milk crates... he even stuffed me into a backpack."
"How did he.....?"
"Hey, hey. I wasn't always this ripped. It didn't end until I started avoiding him altogether."
"We ended up having to cut him out of the backpack. He was in real tight." I told
"Teddy, that's awful."
"Yup. And everyone here has a similar story. Susie brought Bigfoot spray and got a towel whip to the back."
"Still stings." She told as she rubbed her back.
"Marty loaned him his favourite shirt, and Spitzak customised it for him." He said as Marty stood up and showed the back of his shirt. "And then, there's Leo."
Leo turned around to show his leg in the cast and I saw Emil become shocked.
'Oh this is gonna be good.'
"Oh, no, Leo!"
"Yep. Spitzak ate his butter butters everyday last year."
"What about his leg?" Emil asked making me smirk.
"Oh. That was just a rollerblading accident." Teddy told "But we found a way to fight back. By completely rearranging our lives to avoid him." Teddy told
"So, we are just going to let the entire school be forever terrorised by this monster?"
"He's a senior. I'm sure he'll graduate in the next three years or so. 'Til then, you can eat lunch in the computer lab with us. It's actually not that bad. There's some pretty cool math- based games in there."
"We've got number munchers." Susie told before sitting back down.
"Honestly I prefer poptropica but that's just a me thing." I told
"Recreational math? Well, this is no way to live. There must be a better way." Emil told before rushing up the stairs.
"I'm going to make sure he is ok." I told before rushing after him.
I walked into his room to see him clicking a few things on his tablet.
"Emil.... are you ok?"
"How could they let him treat them like that?"
"He preys on their weakness Emil." I told as I sat next to him on his bed.
"So my weakness is being kind?"
"No that's not what I'm saying Emil. What I'm saying is, you do trust people really easily and sometimes you should be careful of people. It's not a weakness but a strength that you care a lot and believe the good in everyone. Just sometimes bad people will use it against you." I explained.
"This Ashley...." he told as he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together. "Is why you are one of my favourite people. You never cared what I was just, who I am as a person."
"Of course Emil. Your status doesn't make who you are as a person or define who you are." I told
We rested our foreheads against each other again and didn't stop looking at one another in the eyes. He cupped my face and we began to slowly turn our heads moving closer to one another. Before anything could happen his tablet began to ring startlingly him enough so he fell off of his bed.
"You ok Emil?!"
"I'm good. Guess my father decided to call now."
"I can leave?"
"No no stay. Just stay hidden and not make any noises so I don't get sent back.... even though you already knew me...."
"Emil pick up the call before he thinks your dead or up to something not good." I told before moving to the end of the bed to stay hidden.
He quickly picked the call up still on the floor and pretended that everything was fine.

"Hello father!"
"Maxemil, are you on the floor?"
"Yes! Because I went to pick up your call only for the tablet to fall onto the floor and you see I went to reach for it only to also fall onto the floor."

I shook my head towards him but kept quiet so it wasn't my fault if he had to be sent home.

"So what was it that you needed advice on?"

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