When three turned to four.

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(Ash p.o.v)

We walked into school and came to a stop since Teddy wanted to make an entrance. Me and Emil both shared the same annoyed looked at his antics.
"Are you sure I can't hose him?" I whispered to Emil.
"As much as I would enjoy to see that, I simple can not allow that. No matter how annoyed I am at him."
"Just say when and I'll do it." I told making him chuckle.
He turned his attention back to Teddy who still hasn't come in yet.
"Teddy, you promised you were going to be discreet."
After he said that, Teddy came walking in and did a spin to show his look off.
"I am being discreet. You're the one who keeps bringing it up." He told before tipping his hat to some girls that walk by. "Ladies."
"I'm so glad your not like that." I whispered to Emil
"You'll never have to worry about me being like that Ashley." He told before placing his arm over my shoulders like he usually does.
'He's been doing that a lot more recently. Wonder why?'
"Teddy he is right. This is going too far."
"Hey, he is just making it up to us."
"And your taking advantage of that. You know how I feel about using people."
"Ash it'll be fine." He told before we heard another voice coming up to us.
"Teddy, I like the gear." Sydney told as she came closer and was eating gummy bears. "I didn't know you liked Fillmore."
"More like Fillmore is into me.... I don't know why I said that. But... uh yeah, we have tickets to opening night. No biggie."
"Yes biggie! I've been dying to see it! How did you guys get tickets?"
"Teddy won them from a radio contest." I told to help keep Emil calm.
"Nice, how many tickets?"
"Three." / "Four." The both said at once.
"Three." Emil said becoming serious and taking his arm off of me.
'I've only ever seen Emil serious once.... I would not mind to see that side of him more.... why is that feeling stronger now?'
"No remember. After you totally ruined everything they offered us four?" Teddy told making Emil sigh.
"I suppose it was four."
"I have no idea what's going on here."
"Boys being boys I guess." I told before giving an awkward laugh before Emil put his arm back where it was.
"We have an extra ticket. Would you like to come with us...maybe?" Teddy asked making Sydney jump up and down as she screamed.
"She says yes." I told
"Yes, yes, yes, yes! Are we getting picked up in a limo? I've never been in a limo before. Please tell me we're gonna have a limo."
"Of course there's gonna be a limo. We won the whole party package. Complete with a six-foot sub, video games, and a giant gummy bear." He said making us both glare at him.
"That is one extravagant and oddly specific party package, Teddy." Emil said.
"Especially since we were given the low profile contest." I said as I could tell I was getting angry.
"Hey, if they were able to get us the tickets, wouldn't they be honour-bound to get us the rest?" Teddy said making Emil growl.
'Oh that growl.... last time I heard it a boy from the village was teasing me for not being friends with anyone.'
"But they've done a lot already. Should more really be added to that?" I asked hoping he got the hint.
"I really don't know what's going on here. But I can't wait for Fillmore!" She told before she began to walk off. She quickly stopped and turned back towards us. "Oh hey, you couldn't get a fifth ticket for Tanner could you?"
"Just four!" We all said.
Once she was out of ears reach I turned to Teddy.
"Teddy why would you agree to that?"
"Ash it's not that bad."
"Not that bad?! You are risking so much right now. You've overstayed your welcome to this."
"Ash, come on."
"Teddy I'm sorry but if you can't see that then I don't want to talk to you right now." I told before heading to my locker.
While I was getting my tote bag ready for the first two periods I felt arms snake around my waist and I was pulled into a hug.
"Are you ok Ashley?" Emil asked as his head rested on my shoulder.
"No not really. Emil, he could risk people finding out."
"I know. It will be fine if you are there with me. Because everything is always going to be ok when you're there by my side."
"Thanks Emil. Do you have your things ready?" I told as I pulled away so I can shut my locker and face him.
"I will in a few." He told before moving down two lockers and going to his.
I went over to him and he quickly got his things before closing his locker. He put his arm around me again and I gave a smile towards him.
"History?" He asked as he looked down to me.
"History. Today we are learning about Henry the 8th and his six wives."
"He had 6? I could only ever be with one person by my side."
"Yeah and knowing your father he would make it so it was like a game show if you two really know each other. I would hate to be in that spot."
"I would as well. I think if two people are meant to be together then they would have found a way to be together without some sort of game show to say if they were meant to be or not."
"Agreed. But it does make some good reality tv shows."
"They are very well done. I however feel bad for all the people who are taken out."
"I figured that was the case."
'All problems pushed aside, he makes me feel safe.'

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