Oh my.

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(Emils p.o.v)

I was sitting around the campfire with everyone else as they played truth or dare. I kept focus on my hands and was stuck in my thoughts.
"Why does Ashley seem so familiar. The way we act and how she treats me is like she and I were once connected. But obviously that can't be the case since she wouldn't have been allowed anywhere near the castle.'
"Ok, truth. My biggest secret is.... I hate playing the violin." Sydney told
"No way."
"I only do it cause my mums make me. This might sound crazy, but.... I kind of want to be a DJ. Is that crazy? It's crazy. I mean it's crazy, right? Oh my gosh I sound crazy."
"Nah girl, follow your dreams." Tanner told her
"Thanks Tanner."
"I also have a dream. One day, I want to climb Mountain Dew. Hey! Who wants to hear me learn how to play guitar?" He asked as he stood up and everyone followed him.
I stayed in my seat and went to watching the fire.
'Maybe I'm just looking too far into it. I did have that one friend when I was really young but I hardly remember her and she randomly stopped coming when we were 6. I'm just looking into it too much. I mean she was obviously just being kind to me about the trip, she seems to just be focusing on her book of hers.'
"Hey, you seem distracted. You ok?" Sydney asked as she came back over.
"Truth. I'm not ok." I told as I stood up next to her "I feel terrible that I dragged Teddy and Ashley here and they're not enjoying themselves. I was hoping this trip would bring Teddy and I together like magnets, but instead it just pushed us apart... also like magnets. I was also hoping Ashley and I got to become closer and I got to know her more, but all she seems to be doing is focusing on a old leather book instead of enjoying the whole camping trip. Maybe I simply wasn't meant to have friends."
"What are you talking about? We're friends." She told making me smile.
She walked over to the seats and we sat down before she continued to talk.
"You know, when Teddy and I were younger we used to hang out a lot. And then when Ash came she clicked with us right away even when everyone else didn't like her since they found her weird. But then I got into an all girls school, he got into robots and there's not a lot of crossover there... and Ash lost her mother to an accidental overdose so she got adopted by the Jacksons."
"She doesn't talk about her parents a lot to me." I told
"We never met her dad since he had passed away before they moved here." She told before getting a somewhat sad look on her face. "Honestly, I think with Teddy, he needs someone like you to give him a push. And Ash, I think she just needs to know you won't find her weird."
"I certainly would never think that." I told
"Also the whole book thing, it was a gift from her father when she turned 6. She uses it to draw flowers and also to collect them since she likes to press them. She has a whole collection at home she loves to show people if they ask. I think it's something her dad taught her when he could between being a guard for the royal family and what not."
'Wait her father was a guard?!'
"Sydney if you don't mind telling me. What was Ashley's last name before it was changed to Jackson?"
"Oh no it's still apart of her name. Her name was Ashley Warner." She told making me realise.
'I remember now. How could I forget?!'
"You are right Sydney!" I told as I stood up. "I will wear them down with my relentless charms until they have no choice but to succumb to our inevitable friendship, and get to know Ashley as best as I can." I told before rushing over to where she was sitting and drawing.

(Ashley p.o.v)

I was sitting away as I drew the plant in the book and couldn't stop smiling.
'I really like this trip.'
I heard some footsteps from behind me making me turn my head to see Emil.
"Hey Emil. I'm just drawing this plant but if you wanted you could sit next to me and talk." I told before going back to focusing on the plant.
He sat next to me and I could tell something was wrong.
"Ashley..... when were you going to tell me that we were friends before you left?"
I froze to my spot and blinked a few times before putting my pencil down.
"When did you work it out?"
"As soon as Sydney told me your last name was Warner. Everything makes so much sense now. Why Joosep said you seemed familiar, why we seemed to get along so well like we were already friends, why you said stuff like I had told you before then. It's because we were childhood friends."
"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you Emil. I just figured since you forgot about me it was because you didn't like me so I pretend that we only just met."
"Didn't like you? Ashley you were my best friend when we were kids. I always waited when your father would bring you with him for us to spend time together. I always assumed that after your father passed away you just didn't come back to the castle since it made you always think of him." He told sharing the same sad smile.
"No it was because we moved and I wasn't given any time to say goodbye to you and tell you what was happening."
"To think after all this time we still reconnect." He told making me giggle.
"I was glad to know you hardly changed." I told making him smile.
"Same to you. I'm surprised you kept with drawing plants but the pressing them is new."
"Oh yeah. I started it awhile ago. It was to help me have them to compare and always draw them when I wanted to."
"Ashley..... can I hug you? I don't remember the last time I was able to hug you." He told making me smile.
"Of course Emil. You never have to ask." I told before putting my bag down and moved so we could hug.
I felt his grip become tight for a bit before it softened again and we pulled away. I gave him a small smile which he returned.
"I missed you so much." He told
"I missed you a lot as well."
"Should you finish your drawing before we go to find Teddy?" He asked
"Yeah I just need to do a few more lines and then we can go find out robot boy." I told making him smile.
'Turns out he missed me as well. Who knew.'

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