The tournament of bowling.

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(Ashley p.o.v)

Ok so apparently when you take naps you can miss a lot on what's happening. I just learnt this from being awoken by my door suddenly being open and Emil rushing in.
"Emil I was taking a nap." I told before I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as he sat next to me on the bed.
'He looks nice in blue. Makes his green eyes pop more.'
"Well you still look beautiful like always. But I wanted to share the news with you." He told making me give him a somewhat sleepy smile towards him.
"What's the news? Also you should wear more blue since you look nice in it. Also makes your green eyes pop more."
"Noted. But the news that I wanted to tell you was Regina has been helping me with my homesickness."
"Well that's good."
"It is. She has also gotten me to take Teddy's place in the bowling tournament."
"Does Teddy know?"
"He does. He was complaining about not being able to work on his new invention because of the tournament so I'm taking his place." He told with his smile that always brightens my day.
"That's good then. Now you'll get to see what it's like to lose to The Dirksens."
"The Dirksens?"
"You will see."
"Will you join me? As in watching me bowl?"
"Of course Emil. But I still got to wake up a little first." I told before yawning.
"Of course." He told as he wrapped his arm around my waist so I didn't accidentally fall off the bed.
'I feel bad for Teddy. He always pretended like he hates the tournament but I know he likes doing it with Regina.'

We headed downstairs and Regina came walking over as she gave a kind smile.
"How was your nap sweetie?"
"It was good. Minus being woken up by this one rushing in."
"I did do that!"
"Emil are you ready to practice?" Regina asked
"Ready as a Moose being rated."
"How do you rate a moose."
"Wet nose and a firm rump." We said at the same time.
"I forget you two are from the same place." Regina mentioned before they went off to practice.
I went and got a drink for us before heading over to see Emil get his first strike. I set the things down on the table and went over to get pulled into a hug by Emil.
"Ashley! Did you see the strike I got?! Apparently you want to knock all the pins down and not leave any up." He told when he pulled away from me
"I did. It was very good."
"You said you never bowled before Emil." Regina stated
"We kind of have a game like this back at home." I told
"It is where we have to roll a cabbage between the legs of a hungry moose." Emil continued.
"Yogs farm is usually the best place to do it."
"Especially with all the times they escape." We both said at once making Regina shake her head.
"You two make the weirdest friends." She told
"Is that a complement?" Emil whispered to me
"I have no clue." I whispered back making Regina laugh.
"Ok let's get back to the practice."

~a few moments later~

I was collecting some chips to eat while I watch when Teddy ran over to me.
"Will you be my partner in the bowling tournament?"
"As much as I would love"
"What? Why?"
"Because you know I'm better at cheering from the side lines then bowling."
"You get strikes most of the time."
"Yeah but tournaments take the fun out of everything for me. Is it really winning if your not having fun during the game?"
"Please Ash, I beg of you."
"Why not ask Wade? He bowls well." I told as I pointed towards him.
"Of course. Thank you Ash!" He told before running to Wade.
I grabbed the chips and headed back to the seats to have Emil sit next to me since it was Reginas turn.
"What was Teddy talking to you about?"
"He wanted me to be his partner in the tournament. But I don't like being in tournaments."
"How come?"
"Just takes the fun out for me. So I'm the official cheer squad for these guys."
"Guess I'll have fun looking forward to you cheering for me." He told with a smile.
"Guess you do." I told as I returned it back.
After a while Wade ran off and I heard him mention corn dog.
'Was that what was clogging the sink?'
I soon saw Teddy run off to his room and I felt bad for him.
'Guess it's not easy to feel replaced..... at least he still has Regina here.'
I looked back over at Emil to see him smile and enjoying his time.
'At least we're found each other again. The worst part of moving was losing him.... and now I have him back.'
He came and sat next to me and couldn't stop smiling.
"Guess your homesickness is gone." I stated making him smile.
"It is."
"Guess all you had to do was bowl."
"That's not the full reason Ashley."
"It's not?"
"No. It is because I have you here with me." He told smiling as he took my hand in his.
"I'm glad your here with me as well Emil."
We enjoyed the time we were spending together and I would cheer for Emil every time he stood up to bowl and I could tell he was enjoying being here. I saw Teddy was bowling better and I shared the same look with Emil.
"He does know it is obvious he is cheating right?" He whispered to me making me giggle.
"I don't know how he thinks otherwise." I whispered back making us laugh.
I look over at Teddy to see him look annoyed. Once he looked over at me again I gave a smile and a small wave which he returned.
"GO TEDDY!" I shouted making him smile more
"Your cheering for someone who is cheating?" Emil asked not removing his smile from his face.
"What can I say? I love cheering for the people I care for. But the Dirksens. I'll never cheer for them." I told making him laugh.
Once Teddy hit a strike he began to show off his tea dipping robot arm and looked over at us.
"I am on fire." He told
"Yes, you are. Literally." Emil told as Teddy's arm caught on fire.
"OH LOOSE MOOSE!" I shouted before rushing to where we kept a fire extinguishers.
Once I got the fire extinguisher I ran back and sprayed him with it till there was no more fire.
"Are you ok Teddy?"
"Peachy." He told before walking off.
I watched him leave before heading back to where I got the fire extinguisher from.
"Ashley are you ok?"
I turned around to see Emil giving a worried look.
"Teddy could have gotten hurt." I told as I brought my arms up to hold me.
"But you saved him by thinking quick and getting the fire extinguisher." He told as he placed his hands on my arms and gave them a light squeeze.
"It's going to taste terrible." I told
"You know what a fire extinguisher taste like?"
"I was baking once and it didn't go well. I accidentally found out what it taste like."
"I'm just glad your ok."
"I just hope Teddy is as well."
"You always did care more for others then yourself. Come here." He told as he pulled me into a hug.
I hugged him back and began to feel calm again.
"Better?" He asked  not letting me go.
"Much. Thank you Emil." I told once we pulled away from one another.
"How about you get some more chips and drinks for us? Since I have to get back to the tournament."
"Of course." I told giving him a small smile which he returned.
He walked back and I went to the bar for more food and drinks.
'He is the best.'

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