Bowmans Scrap Warehouse

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Emil was standing on the platform with his back towards the crowd and Scott across from him. Susie stood in the middle with the bucket and microphone.
'Come on Emil. I just hope you won't get hurt too much.'
"Ladies and gentlemen, in this corner, the undisputed towel-snapping champion of Plainview Public, Scott Spitzak!" Susie said into the microphone causing everyone to boo.
'You can do this Emil.'
"And in this corner, the challenger, who tried to kiss me earlier but I said, 'no way', Emil Pulkow!"
"Susie that didn't happen!" I shouted making her act like she didn't hear it.
"Rule are simple." Scott started taking over "No rules! We just hit each other with towels 'till someone falls off."
"So, two rules."
"Gentlemen, wet your towels." Susie told
Emil grabbed his towel from his bag and headed to the bucket.
'He went for the small fluffy white towel! This isn't going to go well.'
"Ooh! He went fluffy. Rookie mistake. Good for a spa, bad for a towel fight."
Scott gave a smile before he made his way to his bag.
"Now say hello to my extra-long friend." He told as he pulled his long towel out making everyone gasp.
"Holy Spitzak!" Susie said out of shock.
He snapped his towel near Emil, making him jump back a little bit.
"Emil are you sure about this?" I asked making him turn towards me.
"I need to do this."
"I know. Please be careful." I told making him give me a small smile.
"I can not promise that. But I'll try for you." He told as he quickly gave me a kiss of the forehead before turning back to Spitzak.
"And three, two, one....warehouse towel fight." Susie told before she grabbed the bucket and ran off the platform as the bell dinged.
"Come on! Take your best shot."
"Eat terry cloth!" He shouted before taking a shot at Scott only for him to not move a muscle.
"Feels like being kissed by a bunny."
"How the hell do you know that?!" I shouted only for him to pretend I didn't say anything
"Now dance, dill-rod!" He shouted as he took shots at his feet.
Scott got some hits on Emil before he got an angry look on his face.
'I believe in you Emil."
Emil charges his hits on Scott only to have them each be his away with his own towel until Emil was hit on the chest.
"This is fun. I'm having fun." He said as he let out a chuckle.
He then flung his an attack towards Emil only for it to be dodged. He fires back with his own attacks but Scott did one of his signature moves and de-troweled Emil leaving him weaponless. Scott hit the ground on both sides of Emil before he hit him on the chest, making him try not to fall back into the crowd.
"Sweet dreams, loser." He said as he ready his attack and Emil looked at me.
"Stay strong, Emil!" Susie shouted.
'I need to do something.....'
He looked back at Spitzak as he flung the final blow towards Emil only for him to grab the end of his towel, and moved to grab more of it making the crowed go whoa.
'He's doing it!'
"Dude, let go of my towel!"
"No, you let go."
Spitzak pulled the towel again which allowed Emil to move out of the position he was in. He took a few steps before he quickly went down on one knee and used the force to drag Scott off the platform.
'He did it!'
The crowd cheered for Emil and I ran over to him, jumping into his arms. He spun me around a couple of times before placing me back down onto the platform with his back facing everyone.
"You did it Emil."
"Because you believed in me.... and what we mean to one another." He told
"Screw it!" I said making him get a confused look on his face.
Before he could ask, I grabbed his face and pulled him towards me, making our lips connect. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer towards him. We pulled apart and couldn't stop smiling towards one another.
"That was worth the wait." He told making me laugh.
"Agreed. Shall we get their money back now?"
"Oh yes of course." He told as we pulled apart but made sure our hands were still connected.
We walked off the platform and everyone was finally done cheering to rush over towards us, and completely missed the moment me and Emil just shared.
"You beat Spitzak. You're our hero." Susie told
Emil smiled before becoming confused when Susie gave Emil on the cheek and making me growl at her.
"Eh, no sparks." She said before moving away.
"She didn't just do that?" I whispered as I continued to be shocked from what happened.
I felt my hand be given a light squeeze making me look towards Emil.
"Do not worry Ashley. I only have eyes for you." He whispered so no one heard making me smile again.
He turned around and looked over at Scott who was finally getting up from where he landed. He walked over towards us with an annoyed look on his face.
"Alright, Spitzak, it is time to give everybody their money back."
"Uh yeah, I got the money right here." He told as he began to put his hand in his pocket before pulling out his fist. "Not happening! None of you are getting any of your money back. And there's nothing you can do about it!"
"Or is there?" Someone said that was hidden.
The crowd parted to reveal Teddy standing there with a controller.
"Teddy?" Me and Emil questioned once we realised it was him.
"Nice work, Emil. But I knew Spitzak would go back on his word. So, I came up with a plan. Because my mommy told me I'm the smartest boy she knows!" He told making everyone confused.
I gave him a blank look before I began to laugh my head off.
"Teddy you did not think how that sounded did you?!" I said before laughing more
"Yeah, that sounded way cooler in my head. Check and mate." He said before pressing the green button which made Spitzaks bike lower down over a vat of melted cheese.
"Not my mud-flinger!"
"Teddy, what are you doing?" Emil asked.
"Something I should've done a lone time ago. If you don't give us our money back, I'm hitting green. I hope you like dirk bike fondue." He said as he began to go press the button."
"No n-no, fon-don't! Just stop being so mean for a second. I'll send you all your money right now. Gosh!" He told before grabbing his phone and clicking a few things.
Everyone's phones began to ring and chime letting us know that their money was coming in. People began to say they got theirs. Scott ran over to his bike and got a smile on his face.
"It's okay, baby. Did that big bad bully hurt you?"
The crowd moved away from us as they were all checking to see if everyone got paid.
"I'm proud of you, Teddy." Emil told.
"Yeah Teddy. I knew once you stood up you wouldn't be scared of him anymore." I told as I gave him a hug.
"Thanks Ash. Guess all I had to do was listen to your advice." He told as he returned the hug back.
"Oh group hug!" He said before he quickly joined us in the hug.
"Emil!" Both me and Teddy exclaimed before we all laughed.
"Besides man, I was just following your lead. You know, someday, you're gonna be a great king." He told making sure to whisper to last part as we all pulled away from one another.
"And someday, you are going to be a great robot." Emil told making me laugh as we turned around to see Susies announcement.
"Wait, what?" Teddy asked only to not get an answer from us.
"Now back to the bowling alley for carrot sticks!" She announced making everyone cheer making me and Emil smile.
'They really do love carrot sticks.'
"Shall we Ashley?" He asked as he extended his arm for me.
"We shall Emil." I told as I linked my arm with him.
We began to make our way out with everyone as Teddy stayed in his spot.
"Emil. You do know I don't actually want to be a robot, right?" He asked as he come after us.
'Nothing can ruin this.'

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