You guys are weird.

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I was chilling on the couch watching the festival for the princes 13th birthday since I missed when it originally aired and Regina was spraying away at the shoes to clean them.
"What you watching there Ash?"
"The prince of my home country had recently celebrated his 13th birthday. I'm watching the festival that they broadcasted." I told
"It makes me feel like I haven't lost a part of my culture in some way."
"Oh honey. Just cause you live with us now and what not, doesn't mean you've lost your culture."
"I know that. But now that I've watched it, I am content." I told as I looked over at her.
She continued to dance while she was cleaning the shoes when she accidentally sprayed the popcorn that was next to her. She went to get rid of it when Wade grabbed it and began to eat some of it.
"Taste tingly." He told before heading off to whatever he was doing.
"He either has a stomach of iron or there is something wrong with him." I told making her laugh.
"Don't worry I think that as well. Also it's stomach of steel."
"Oh fiddlesticks. For the years I've been living here and I still have trouble with some sayings, is that weird?" I asked
"Not at all. It's only been six years nearly 7. And you've only been living here for nearly 5." She told
"I guess."
We heard footsteps coming down from upstairs and soon we saw Teddy storm down.
"Mum. I'm trying to do work up there, so can you please tell these guys to keep it down?" He asked
"Well this is a bowling no." She told
"Why don't you invest in those no hearing headphones?" I asked
"Because they are expensive and the name is noise canceling." He told making me go oh.
"Honey, you've been up in your room all day. Why don't you take a break? Have fun. Go play in the arcade with Ash."
"I can beat you at all the games again." I told making him shake his head.
"I don't have time for fun. I have one week left to finish my break-dancing robot project. Now does that sound like fun?"
"Depending on how well it can dance."
"Oh, can it do the Millie rock?" She asked as she began to dance "or the Nae-Nae? Or the Cat Daddy?"
"Oh that looks so fun!" I told as I gave a giggle.
"Mum!" He cried which has Regina wave him off. "Right now, my robot can't even do the robot."
"Shouldn't anything a robot does considered the robot?"
"She has a point." Regina told making me smile more.
"Which is why I have to finish it. Look mum, this is all a very important part of the Year of Teddy. Everything in my life has been building up to this year...."
"I don't think me being adopted and becoming your adopted sister was pre-thought." I told
"Ok that wasn't. But all my hard work is going to pay off when I get into MIT's summer robotics program."
"Honey. I am sure you...."
"But that can only happen if I win the State Junior Tech Fair. And that can only happen if I get the top grade in my robotics class. And that can only happen if my robot is shaking his tiny tin booty by next Tuesday! YEAR OF TEDDY!" He shouted.
"That is very loud." I told
"Teddy, I am glad you are so focus on your future, and I know that you've had a lot of growing up to do since your dad passed, but you're only a kid once, and you should have friends."
"Well, I have...."
"Who aren't robots." She told cutting him off.
"Ash is my friend." He stated.
"Yes but I also live with you so....there's that factor."
"Yes but you also don't really have any friends as well."
"That's because people think I'm weird and can not get over my whole accent coming and going. Oh now I'm sad."
"You've made Ash sad, mum."
"No no I'm fine. I'll just have to watch my country's news for several hours." I told.
"Well long story short, you both spend all your time here. Which is why I signed us up to host a foreign exchange student. YAY!" She cheered as she held her hands up for us to high five which I did.
"But mum, this is the year of Teddy!"
"Yes, you've made that clear." She stated.
"Think of it this way Teddy......"
"Yeah?" He asked since I stopped.
"I couldn't think of any good reasons. Sorry my bad."
"You know what? I can't deal with this right now. I have really important work to do. Like teaching my robot how to juju on that beat." He told before storming off.
"Do I have to get along with the new kid because I am shy most days."
"Trust me Ash you'll be fine. I know you'll do great hun. Besides, if anyone finds your accent weird then they aren't worth getting to know."
"Thanks Regina."
"Any time." She told before walking away to continue her job.
'She's the best.'

My name is Ashley Warner-Jackson and I was adopted by the Jacksons when I was 8. I was born and raised in my home country Buronia till my father died when I was 6. So me and my mother packed our things and moved to Peoria where we started a new life. She sadly died from an accidental overdose on her pain meds and I landed in the Jacksons arms. Who are now my new wacky family of weirdos. I couldn't have asked for any one better to have taken me in when they did. As much as I miss my folks and home country I wouldn't change what happened since I wouldn't have gotten to experience this crazy adventure I didn't know I would be taking.

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