This is a little over board dont you think?

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I was heading to my locker when I saw Emil with a box filled with things that looked familiar. Once he looked up and saw me he began to smile making me mirror it back to him.
"Why do you have a box Emil?" I asked once I was next to him.
"Well you see Ashley. I have collected things from Teddys past to make it the best Bakshal ever."
"I watched yours."
"It was a very long day."
"I would imagine." I told before Sydney walked up over at us.
"Emil, what's with the box? Did Teddy kick you out?" She asked as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"No! It's for Teddys surprise party."
"Besides we all know I wouldn't let Teddy do that." I stated making Emil smile more.
"I am going through a box of his moments to make sure his party is filled with all his favourite things."
"So just robots then?" I asked making Emil laugh and Sydney smile.
"That reminds me. Do either of you know where I can find a time travelling cyborg?" He asked as he opened one of Teddys old books showing a picture.
"I do, but he's got a soccer game that day." Sydney told
"Just my luck." He said as he closed the book and put it back into the box as Sydney laughed.
"You're really going all out for this Bakshal thing, aren't you?"
"I never got to enjoy mine. It was a day of royal duties, ceremonial gifts and endless parades in my honour."
"You got prince problems." Sydney told
"I'm sure there was one good moment during it Emil." I told
"Not really. It would have been better if you were there for the whole thing but you weren't because of what happened." He told
"It is just so cute and how the way you two acted around one another makes so much sense once you've learnt you guys where childhood friends." Sydney told making us share the same look. "Right hush hush about that part."
"But back to Teddy. There is no way I will not allow Teddy to be disappointed with his Bakshal, like I was. So he will think we are simply having cake at 4, when in reality, he will be getting the greatest surprise party ever. The only thing I have yet to figure out is the music."
"Hello!" Sydney exclaimed.
"Hello." We both said making the other smile.
"No, me! You know I wanna be a DJ! Please please please please."
"Sydney you need to relax or you'll give yourself a blood rush." I told only for it to be ignored by her.
"I'll make a mash up of Teddy's favourite songs....Vivaladi and an audiobook on haunted shipwrecks?"
"I actually got that for him a few years back."
"Did he like it?" Emil asked
"Oh yeah, he loves it." I told before Emil looked back at Sydney to see she was bobbing up and down in her spot
"Fine. Sydney you can Dj."
"Yes!" She said jumping up and down.
"That's a lot of pep." I told making Emil agree.
"But if Kanye hits me back on Insta, I'm going with him."
"I prefer Tyler the creator, but that's just my opinion." I told
He turned his head and saw teddy walking towards us making him freak out. He quickly handed Sydney the box and pushed her into the classroom next to us before he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
'I think there was a test happening in there.'
"So Ashley your birthday is next week and I was thinking....."
"Emil I don't want to disappoint you are make you upset. But I don't really want a surprise birthday party."
"You don't?"
"No. I just want to have a quiet birthday." I told
"Ok then."
'Why do I feel like he is going to still do it.'
Teddy walked up to us and looked tired.
"Hello roomie! What are you doing here at this school that you go to?"
"Trying to stay awake. I was up late last night trying to teach my robot how to roll over rugs." He explained.
"That is useful for our house." I stated
"What's up with you? You seem even.....peppier than usual." He told before making his way over to his locker.
"Well, I was thinking of your upcoming birthday, I would like to grant you a Bakshal wish. Anything you want, let your imagination run wild."
"Did you really forget what happened with Fillmore?" I asked
"Really? Oh, you know what would be great? A relaxing, uninterrupted 'Me' day."
"Are you sure you would not prefer a 'we' day?"
"Yeah I'm sure. And if you really wanted to make my birthday perfect...."
"I do!" Emil exclaimed
"I've been dying for a nice, long, massage from this beauty." He told as he opened his locker to show an old lady in a massage chair.
"I didn't know you had a type Teddy:" I told
"I mean....she does look experienced." Emil said making us both laugh.
"No! Not the lady. The chair. It's the Relax-a-nator 3000!"
"What happened to the other 2999 ones?" I asked only to get ignored
"Anyway, this chair has ten horsepower calf massages, butt warmers, and a build in tablet so I can watch my stories."
"I didn't think I would see him this excited over a chair." I stated making Emil chuckle and earning a look from Teddy.
"Well, it's not what I was expecting, but if I were to give you this 'me' day, you would be done relaxing by 4, right?" Emil asked.
"Yeah sometime around then." Teddy said oblivious from why he was asking.
"It is very important that you are done by 4."
"Because we are having your cake at four. Remember?" I asked
"Because that is the best time for cake!" Emil said nervously before he giggled and ran off.
"Man, that kid really likes cake."
"He does."
"Uh Ash, can we quickly talk?"
"Of course Teddy. We can always talk."
"Why did you decide to hide that you two knew each other to me?"
"Well for starters he didn't know it was me. So I also hid it from him. But I didn't tell you because a) you were going to tell the twins about him so it would also be known that I was friends with him before. And b) it was to protect him and me. Because if people knew who I was friends with they might have put two and two together. We were just keeping it hush hush." I explained.
"Which also meant I couldn't know."
"Exactly. I'm really sorry I hid it from you."
"I get it Ash. You guys were just making sure it didn't spread to protect you two. Nothing wrong with that. Just tell me next time if you were friends with any other prince." He joked making me laugh.
"I will. Well I gotta get to history so I'll see you later."
"See ya Ash."
We waved bye and I continued to walk when I saw someone who was green making me pull a displease face.
'That's fun.'

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