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We were sitting around the campfire and everyone was singing campfire songs. I only clapped along with people and swayed side to side as I sat next to Emil on the log.
"Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?"
"Tanner stole the cookie from the cookie jar." Emil said pointing towards him.
"Who me?"
"Yes you."
"Couldn't be."
"Then who?"
"This guy stole a cookie from the cookie jar!" He said pointing towards Teddy.
Teddy stared at him before looking back at the fire.
"Yes you." Emil continued.
Everyone decided to ignore Teddy and continued to sing the song. Teddy headed over to his things and I went to go see if he was ok. I quickly covered my face and my arm since he began to have a shower in the bug spray.
"This stinks! Why does anyone enjoy this?!"
"Nature is beautiful. I think it's nice to enjoy the fresh air and the isolation from the rest of the world."
He was going to say something back but was stopped when Emil walked over us in his usual excited self.
"Teddy, Ashley, isn't camping delightful?" He asked
"It reminds me when I would go on camping trips with my father. He liked to train for the badger hunt sometimes and would take me with him." I told making him smile.
"Yeah maybe for the mosquitoes." Teddy told as he began to slap different parts of his body from all the mosquitoes. "They are getting an all you can eat Teddy buffet out here."
"Teddy I think you may be over reacting." I told
He rolled his eyes before he began to spray himself again. I placed my hand over my mouth and nose when he spun around and sprayed Sydney in the face by accident making her cough.
"Oh good. You got it in my mouth. In case I eat any mosquitoes." She told making me giggle.
"Food may also taste weird for a bit as well."
"Oh sorry. I'm so Sydney. I mean.... what's up? What you doin' here?" Teddy asked making me bite my lip to hold my laughter back
"Well, I've got my tent and my sleeping bag... so I'm clearly here for Laser tag." She told making Emil become excited.
"There's Laser tag?!"
"She's being sarcastic." Teddy informed
"Always eludes me."
"Maybe we can go do Laser tag once we get back." I told making him smile again.
"So Sydney, I'm surprised your parents let you come out to this." Teddy told.
"Me too. But I convinced them this trip would be strictly educational. Now who brought the marshmallow gun?!" She shouted as she took a step to the side.
"Right here!" Tanner shouted holding it up in the air.
"Hit me!"
He shot a marshmallow towards her and she caught it before turning back to us.
"Desert before dinner? I already love camping!" She exclaimed before heading over to the campfire.
"Not if I see you first! What?!" Teddy said before pulling us both further from the group. "Emil, you didn't tell me Sydney was going to be here."
"I thought you would like it, because you like her."
"Of course I like her. That's why I don't want to talk to her." Teddy told
"I'm positive that's the opposite effect you want to happen." I told
"Ah. Another intriguing layer peeled off the onion of Teddy. Let's dig into the smelly core." He said as he poked Teddy in the chest. "Perhaps with the classic Buronian game of Honesty or Hijinks."
"I haven't played that game since I was 6!" I told
"Same!" Emil told with the same enthusiasm as me.
"What's that like....truth or dare." Teddy asked causing a scene.
"Truth or dare?! I crush at that game. Hey everybody this dude wants to play truth or dare!" Tanner shouted causing me to freak out a little from the sudden crowd.
'Oh my. This was quick.'
"Wait no no no no I....."
"Wonderful Teddy will start us off." Emil said.
"No, let this guy go. It was his idea."
"No that is Teddy." Sydney said to him making him realise.
"Ooooh. Cool."
"Truth or dare Teddy?" Sydney asked
"Pick dare. I got some sick dares." Tanner said
"Well then there's no way I'm doing a dare." Teddy said
"Truth it is. Who you crushing on?"
His eyes went a little wide and he quickly turned to Sydney.
"I don't...I...I mean, it's definitely not Sydney, that's for sure." He said making me shake my head, before he turned quickly looking back at Tanner. "I'll pick dare."
"Nice. Eat this pine cone." Tanner said grabbing one from the ground.
"I believe in you Teddy. You can eat the pine one."
"What? No. Only an idiot...."
"I'll do it" he said before he began to eat some of the pinecone. "Winner, winner, pinecone dinner!" He said before he threw it onto the ground and began to chant his name with everyone joining.
Everyone went after him leaving me and Teddy alone next to our tent.
"You ok Teddy?" I asked as I gave him a sad smile.
"I just don't understand how anyone can like camping. It's so boring and everything try's to eat me."
"People like the outdoors. I like it. Now if you don't mind me I am going to sit and collect nearby flowers to press when we get home." I told as I gave him a smile before I did as I told him I would do.
'This is going to be a good night I can feel it.'

The girl from Buronia Where stories live. Discover now