The plan.

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(Emil p.o.v)

After school I began to plan for Teddy's party in Ashley's room since we can hear whenever someone is coming up the stairs.
"How big should the ice cream cake be?" I asked as I looked over at her.
"Well, it will need to fit in the freezer. So if it's bigger then that I don't think we should go for it." She told before going back to her work.
"Got it." I told as I quickly wrote it down before getting off her bed and to stand next to her. "So what are you working on now?"
"I am pressing more flowers since I'm running low on sunflowers and indigos."
"You making one for Teddy?"
"I am. I've already drawn up a design for him." She told as she grabbed her sketch book and opened up to the page of it.
"This is amazing Ashley." I told once I saw it and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.
"Thanks. I just hope he likes it."
"I'm pretty sure he will love it. It's a robot made out of flowers."
"The flowers from the broquet you got for Teddy to be precise."
"You are so creative Ashley. You will never stop amazing me with what you do."
"Thanks Emil. Maybe when you go home, I'll be able to visit and I'll steal some flowers from the garden." She told as she turned around to wrap her arms around me and I did the same.
"You are always free to visit me Ashley. The gates have never been closed to you."
"I mean I'll be able to visit a lot since I don't really plan on going to uni."
"Wait what? You don't want to go to uni?"
"Not really. I was actually thinking of after school heading back to Buronia and see what's the same and not the same."
"It's mostly the same. We do have Starbucks now which is a plus." I told making her giggle.
"I was also thinking of going to see how you were going. But you beat me to the punch I guess."
"I did. So what did you want to do for your birthday?"
"Have a nice relaxing day with the people who mean the most to me.... and Braughner if she is able to behave."
"I do not think she will."
"Oh well."
'I have an idea.'
"Ashley I gotta go see Regina really quickly." I told as I pulled away.
"I can come as well if you like."
"No, no, it is fine. You just work away."
"Ok. Have fun." She told before I left the room.
Once the door was shut I quickly bolted downstairs to see Regina working away.
"Emil! Everything ok? Has Ash gotten locked in the attic again?!"
"She's been locked in the attic before?!"
"Yeah the door handle once came off before. We were able to fix it quickly since she called us. Please tell me it hasn't happened again."
"No no she is perfectly fine. But on the topic of Ashley. Her birthday."
"Yes it's next week."
"And she has said she doesn't want a surprise party."
"Which obviously is just the dance as you know. So, my plan is to have her party on the same day as Teddy's. That way she doesn't know about the surprise."
"Emil, how are you even going to get her to not help with the set up?"
"Oh she takes awhile making her flower frames since she likes to be precise with everything. Especially with hers for Teddy she is about to start, and I know she won't finish till around 4 on the day."
"Wow you've planned this really well. But alright let's do it."
'This is going to be a great surprise.'

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