The encounter

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Dad had then left to go home a while ago after I had lied to him that I had just fell and banged my head against the bed.

Why didn't you tell him that a guy raped you!
My conscience yelled in disbelief.
I just couldn't tell him,I had my reasons.
I locked the door and paced back to the bed where everything had happened.I stared at the white covers in disgust.I tried to remember what had happened but I couldn't remember.Why couldn't I remember?

I lifted up the plain covers and carried them down the hallway and into the lift.

I got out and dumped the covers into the bin.People were staring but I didn't care.I was planing on signing out and heading back to Toronto soon.

I decided that I was going to have a walk just to calm down and also to try and regain my memory.

I got to my room and changed into a grey jumper and black jeans.

I wore a pair of runners and then I decided I was going to call Kat.I quickly paced to the kitchen area and got myself a drink.There was a drink that was left on the counter top.

"Who could have left this here?"I questioned to myself and assumed it was dad.I sat on one of the white chairs.I got a pillow and rested it on the base of the chair and sat on top of it.I sipped a bit of my delicious drink and dialed Kat's number on my phone.

"Hello?"A tired voice answered.

"Hey.It's me Maddy,whats up?"I replied.

"One word.Sleep."Kat answered and I chuckled at her humour.

"Well just checking on you.Well I'll be back next week."I said in an uncertain voice.

"Well see you later alligator!"Kat said and hung up.I laughed and then slid the phone into my pocket.I got up and all of a sudden I felt a bit dizzy.I tried to reasure myself that it was nothing.I gently rubbed my sore temples and breathed in and out.

I got up and walked out of the room.I walked down the long sets of stairs just because I was feeling up to it.

I reached the last floor and walked out.I breathed in the winter air and felt a chill inside my body.I began to walk.I saw a small park in my view and looked back.The hotel was still in my view.I crossed the road and before I could open the gate a shoulder thumped mine.

"Watch it!"I yelled and glanced at the familiar face.

"Oh..hey Maddy!"Andy replied and gave me a smirk and began to walk closer.

"Get away..get away from me!"I yelled and began to walk away.

His hand grabbed mine.He had a firm grip on me.I tried to get out of it but it was no use.

"Maddy,I just want to talk to you."Andy asked putting on an innocent face.Oh I was not going to fall for that.

"Well I don't want to talk to you!"I yelled and he loosened his grip on me.I snatched my hand away and began to massage the bruise.

"I know I've done a terrible thing please let me explain!"He replied staring into my brown eyes.

"You are sick and I know that I am not the only one,the only life you've destoyed!"I said firmly.He looked at all directions checking if anyone was listening.

"Ok I see you've left me no choice."He whispered his voice was cold and harsh.What was he talking about?He chuckled at me and then walked away.I took in two deep breaths and then noticed a pharmacy nearby.

Andy raped you.The person that raped you wants to make peace with you?Don't let him get to you.

My mind was screaming those sentences.I walked into the pharmacy and walked into one of the eilse.I picked up one of the boxes.My hands were shaking in fear.I read the label."Pregnancy Test."

I grabbed the box and walked over to the counter.

I handed the box to the lady.She took it and placed her palm out.

"And you are?"She asked after looking up from the till.

"Eh..I'm Maddy."I replied and handed her the box.

"That will be $8 please?"She asked and I dropped the money into her palm.She clutched her hand and I left.

A girl walked up to the counter and rested her elbows on the surface of the counter.

"Eh would you mind telling me who that girl was by the way I'm Zoe?"She asked and gave the lady a desperate look.

"Well Zoe...why do you need to know?"The lady replied and gave Zoe a smirk.

"It's important!"Zoe said firmly and thumped the counter with her fist.

"I think she said her name was Maddy."The lady replied narrowing her eyes at Zoe.

"And what did she buy?"Zoe questioned placing her fingers on The lady's hand and pinching her skin slowly.

"Ok..ok she bought a pregnancy test!"The lady shreiked.Zoe let go of the woman's white flesh and gave her a sly smirk.

"Thank you for your assistance."Zoe replied and gave the lady a wide grin.

She walked out of the pharmacy and began to think.

"Why would Maddy need a pregnancy test?"Zoe questioned as she looked forward and caught a familiar figure entering the hotel.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.Hope it's not to boring.Hope you guys still like it.Also I am planning on writing another story I've already written a small fraction of it so I hope it will be out soon.Sorry it's late w
Wattpad kept crashing so it took a while for it to work again

Hunter Parrish as Andy

Maddy's TalentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora