The return

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As I was driving I began to think and process everything that had happened to me last week.My mind was racing with the past events that had occurs in the recent past.So I  decided to put on some music to help me review everything.Why hadn't I called the cops?
My conscious screamed for an answer and now.I often seized to listen to it before,but now,I honestly just didn't know which was really strange to me.Why didn't I know?

I opened the disk casket and quickly put on a random disk into the opening,hoping that it would be something relaxing whilst I drove towards my house.

Seeming as it was Kat's car it was probrably somthing to do with rap.It was her favourite kind of music and I honestly didnt understand her obsession for it.

The disk automatically entered and all of a sudden a masquilene voice started to rap.His voice was husky and low and I could hear distant beat-boxing.I immediatly turned it off.

"Why did you even put it on when you knew it would be rap!"

I silently hissed at myself.As my ears were slowly recovering from the loud music.I single handedly fished my phone out of my purse and attempted to put on some different music.

The first song that had revealed itself was 'Four five seconds'.

Luckily it was one of my favourite songs so I decided to put it on in full volume.I wasn't going to risk killing myself by trying to reach for my  earphones in the passenger seat.
The music was doing the opposite effect.It was distracting me from my thoughts,feelings and my annoying,nagging conscious.
Strangely I was kind of expecting it to happen,and even worse,I wanted it to happen.

I drove along whilst singing out loud to the blearing music.

As the song slowly finished,my thoughts came zooming back.I wasn't anywhere near home so I decided that the only option to keep me going was music.It was my life.It was the only thing that freed me from the bitterness of my life.

I longed for my light brown acoustic guitar.It was a gift from my dad when I was 6.It was for my dad and that was the reason why it was oversized but I endlessly played nevertheless.
But I knew it was miles away from my grasp.

I quickly tapped on the screen and then another song had started.I knew immediately it was
I couldn't help but grin as the music flowed all around the over spaced car and retrieving into my ears.

There was only a few more miles left and I suddenly came to a halt.The traffic lights were changed into a vibrant red.The traffic gave me a chance to turn off the blearing music and relax my now sore ears.

All of a sudden it is silent.Not even my breathing had made a sound but all too soon the traffic lights changed into a blinding green.

I drove off and before I knew it I was entering into my weirdly silent street.I quickly parked into a corner and then got all my things and paced into the clear porch.I rang the bell several times and then finally the door bursts open and standing there is Nathen.

Guy's I am so sorry that I havn't been updating recenty but I have a reason for that.As you guys may know that this story is coming to an end.I didn't want to publish them really quickly and all at once so I have decided to put one out every week or two just to let it last a bit longer.Sorry if this chapter too short.Picture of Kat's house in the top/side

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