The questions

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I got out my bag and changed into a warm jumper,it was winter and at this time of year it was really cold.I was walking home,I passed through the forest because it was a short cut and all of a sudden I could here foot steps.I stopped and listened snap.

I could here someone following me so I ran as fast as I could my house was quiet far so I sprinted to the nearest building which was the Academy of Music but a hand grabbed me from behind.It was Jack.I looked back,he had a tight grip but I managed to push him off.

"Get off me!"
I shouted aggressively.Did he not get that we were over.We actually didn't even have a relationship at all and I honestly didn't know what his problem was!Why couldn't he just leave me alone?Why was he always bothering me all the time?

"Hear me out,I need to talk to you."
Jack replied impatiently.I really didn't want to hear him but I made an acception.
I realised that if I rejected his proposal then he would continue to annoy me until I said the one word that he was weirdly longing for me to say.

"I really like you...and if you dont want us to be in a relationship then could we at least be friends?"
He asked looking down at the ground.
I could make an acception with being friends but I knew that he wanted us to be more than friends.Why was I so special to this guy and why did he want to be with me specifically.There were plenty more attractive girls out there so why me?

"Ok but friends that dont stalk their other friends!"
I said whilst smiling hint hint.I hoped that he realised that we were not going anywhere past friends.This guy wasn't my type.Not that I even had a type.
I kept wondering why he was so attracted to me?I had never seen him before the past few weeks before the situation with me being so clumsy and in most cases a person would back away not come closer!

He looked at me in confusion but I just smirked at the fact that he didn't get my small joke.God this guy was so stupid!

"Ok,well here's my number."
He replied.I was reluctant to take it but I did anyways,just to put this guy out of his misery.I knew I was running late as I had to get back as quickly as I could so I began to walk away.Who knew that I would have to be running after him soon.

I realised that I actually didn't need his number and I didn't want it to seem like I was some way interested in him so I decided to try and give this guy his number back.

"But I dont need it!"
I shouted wanting him to take it back but I had been shouting to no one because he already left.


Knock knock.

I reached Kat's house and knocked on the door but there was no reply so I took out my bag and started to scavenge for my precious keys but they strangely were not in my bag.I looked to the left and to the right but there was no one to be seen in miles.I took out my phone and dialed Kat's number but all I could hear was the  sound that everyone hates that femenine voice that would begin to say 'welcome to your voicemail box your call has been fowarded to an autimated voice system.'
That indicated that the person you were calling wasn't bothered to actually reply.

I threw every single item out of my bag but I honestly did not even have as much anyways.

I was aimlessly searching my bag until a piece of paper caught my attention.I quickly picked it up and to my annoyance the piece of paper read;
Jack +1 063 842 2351

He was sadly my only choice,it was either him or sleeping under the stars.So I reluctantly dialled the number but he picked up on the second call.

"Hey, can I stay at your house for an hour or so?"I blurted out I just hoped he would agree.

"Yeah sure I'll pick you up."Jack happily replied.This was going to be a very long day.

well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter i know it was boring and short,sorry;-)

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