The confession

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Maddy's POV

I fished my phone out of a drawer and snatched the piece of paper that was previously neatly placed in my purse.
The phone immediately turned on and I speedily dialled the given number written on the sheet.

Maddy and Zoe's conversation.

"Maddy I was not expecting you to call this quick?"
She asked as the confusion was clearly shown in her voice.

"I need to talk to you about something but I can't on the phone."
I realised that I was begging.
I could sense the smirk forming on her face as I mirrored her predicted actions.
She didn't reply and then I began to regret asking the question.I could hear a sigh and it was then followed by rapid breathing.I didn't know why she was acting like this but I then slowly started to understand the situation.If I had to some it up in one word then the answer would be.

"You don't have to if you don't want to"
I quickly suggested but all I could hear was her silent hughs
."-I know you are worried about Jack but I can promise you that you will not be able to see him....he lives miles away."
I reluctantly lied.My conscious was shaking her head at me.
Why did I even lie?
Guilt was flushing over me as I sharply inhaled long hard breaths.
I could straight away sense a sigh of relief escape her lips.Even more guilt flooded over my already soaked conscious.

"Can I just tell you something?"
I asked but I knew the question was really meant for my own concern.
I was lately so confused about everything and I longed to just talk to someone about it.

She replied she had rephrased her answer into a question.

"Why are you so afraid of Jack....did he do anything to you?"
I had been wanting to ask her ever since we first met.I could not believe that Jack could hurt anyone.He was so broken about Zoe's pretend death and I didnt think he would feel that way if he was abusing her.
I quickly shook my pounding head at the unwanted thought.

"No,no,he did not do anything to me!"
She exclaimed in disbelief as she slightly giggled at my accusation.
Her giggling immediately stopped and silent tears took its place.

"I cheated on him!"
She whisperd over her sobbing.Wait this made no sense.Zoe cheating on Jack?But then why would she pretend to die?I needed to know more.

"I was out...out drinking."
Her sobbing came to a halt but there was no difference in her hushed voice.
So what?We've all been in a pub once in a while?
"I had a lot to drink.And then I got drunk."
She continued her voice was still hushed and I was growing even more worried.

"Just tell me the rest when you get here."
I blurted out not wanting to hear anymore of this.I couldn't believe her right now.How could she cheat on one of my friends.Jack was broken about what happened to Zoe and now she tells me that she pretended to die because she made out with some random drunk guy!

Her hushed voice replied quickly and then the phone switched off.
All of a sudden my baggy eyelids began to drop and before I knew it,I was fast asleep.

Nathen get off me!
I can't move.His strong fists were gripping my weak hands.I tried my hardest to get him off but he was too strong for my frail and battered body to handle,to fight,to just let go.
He still didn't reply to my desperate pleading.Why did I deserve this?
What had I done so wrong for this to be placed upon me?
Silent tears started to trickle down my flushed cheeks as I was suddenly thrown to the ground.
Hard punches were thrown at my face as my tears began to form into heavy sobbing.

My eyes suddenly shot open as I violently rubbed my tired eyes.
My breathing was suddenly heavier and my heartbeat had increased.

"It was just a dream."
I whispered to myself,trying to relive myself from the recent flashbacks of Nathen.
I knew it wasn't a dream but I wanted it to be.I thought that if I could not think of it then it would just go away but actually it was just creeping back into my sore head.
I rubbed my sore temples and then glanced at the clock hanging from the wall.

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