The dinner

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"Who gave this to you?"I  questioned still looking at the piece of paper.

"I was going to the shops until I glanced down on the ground and saw an this an interrogation!"Rachel replied looking at me in shock.

"Where the hell would you get that idea from why would I need to interrogate you!"I looked up from the letter and glanced at her shocked face.

"It doesn't matter as I was saying...I picked up the letter and brought it inside and I think you should know what happened next."Rachel continued and then she stopped.

"We need to tell mum!"She blurted out looking at the clock probably
checking if it wasn't too late to drive over to her house.

"No you need to tell  your mum and are you crazy did you not see the line 'dont show this to your mum'"before lifting up the piece of paper and shoving it in her face.

"Yes clearly but mum has a right to know!"
Rachel yelled grabbing the letter and slamming it on my lap and looking at the picture of her and mum.

"Maybe there is a reason why dad dosen't want mom to see it and anyways our family is already broken apart and did you think of photo copying this?"I asked before waving the letter in front of her face.

Rachel looked confused and then realised what I meant.

"You wouldn't....if you take it then mom won't believe me!"Rachel yelled.

I sat up from the wooden stool and then gave her a smirk.

"Exactly and oh yes I would."I replied and laughed.My heels tapped on the marble floor and when I reached the door I glanced at Rachel her eyebrows were furrowed I knew she was angry and it was her anger that gave me pleasure.

I walked out of the house and slammed the door behind me.The soft winter breeze flowed around me as I stepped into Kat's car.

"If she wants this letter she's going have to kill me first."
I whispered to myself and then chuckled before turning on the car and driving home.

I was finally home,Kat was in the kichen making dinner it was around 8:00 now so I quickly stuffed the letter under one of the pillows on the sofa and walked up the stairs and took a long bath to soften up because I really needed it.

I wrapped myself around with a white towel.I tiptoed out of the bathtub and before I reached my room a light hint of noodles flowed through my nosterels.Kat was perfect at cooking unlike me I was well a disgrace to all chiefs.

I tiptoed to the bedroom whilst drops of water following my every step.I quickly ran over to the cream coloured vanity and looked at myself misreably into the mirror.I wanted to rip this mask of me it felt as if I was a completly different person.My fake tan skin,my fake pink lips I just missed the old me.

"Dinner's ready!"Kat called distracting me from my negative thoughts.I put on a jumper and a pair of black leggings.

I ran down the stairs and quickly grabbed the bowl of curry noodles.

"Yum!"Kat exclaimed gulping down her portion of the noodles.

I replied trying to form a smile but the end of my lips fell downwards and formed a frown.

"What's wrong?"
Kat asked her facial expresion changed I knew she was getting worried.

"It's nothing."
I replied I was still frowning.She looked at me in disbelief.

"Have you been taking your pills,do you need to go to the hospital?"
Kat asked.She placed her hand on top of my palm and rested them on her lap.

"I just feel a little dizzy that is all and yes I have been taking my pills."
I replied I was too scared not to be taking them.

"Lets at least go to your GP tomorow just to check on you."
Kat suggested and I nodded my head in agreement.

I knew that that wouldn't help how I was feeling,I didn't think anythingwould anymore.

Guys i'm so sorry I havn't been updating I had to do sone research for this chapter.Hope this chapter is long and intresting enough for you.

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