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The Winchester brothers looked back and forth between one another, then to the trickster in Sam's hands. (Y/n) counted to ten in her head, trying to keep her anger at bay.

"Why are you doing this?" Sam breathed angrily. Dean raised his eyebrow, going over the whole 'time-loop' thing in his head.

The trickster, Gabriel, scoffed and laughed lightly. "You're kidding, right? You chuckleheads tried to kill me last time. Why wouldn't I do this?" His words didn't reach (Y/n). They weren't supposed to.

Dean licked his lips and nodded, anger bubbling up inside him. "And Hasselback, what about him?"

Gabriel's eyebrows lifted as he looked at Dean. "That putz? He said he didn't believe in wormholes," he turned to Sam and smiled. "So I dropped him in one," laughing at his own joke when finished. "Huh? Then you guys showed up. I made you the second you hit town."

"This is fun for you?" The three turned to (Y/n), whose voice shook with anger and... betrayal? "Killing Dean over and over again?" Gabriel averted his eyes from her, a mask of guilt in them.

"One: Yes, it is fun." He admitted with a nod, quickly switching his demeanor back to The Trickster. "And two: this is so not about killing Dean." He shook his head while clicking his tongue. "This joke is on the twins. Watching your brother die every day. Forever." Oh, how he wished (Y/n) didn't have to listen to this. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his soulmate.

Sam sucked in his breath. "You son of a bitch." He took a quick glance at his sister, who was turned away, her hands covering her head.

A strained smile made its way onto the trickster's lips. "How long will it take for you two to realize you can't save your brother... no matter what?" Dean's adam's apple bobbed up and down as he took it all in.

"Oh yeah?" Sam adjusted how he stood, a sick smile reaching his lips. "I kill you, this all ends now."

(Y/n)'s anger quickly dropped. The stake wouldn't kill Gabriel, but it sure would raise suspicion... Gabriel started to protest as the stake pierced his skin. "Okay- okay, look. I was just playing around." The weapon lowered a tad bit, still a few centimeters from his neck. "You can't take a joke. Fine. You're out of it. Tomorrow, you'll wake up, it'll be Wednesday." He looked back and forth between the three, indicating he was telling the truth with two words: "I swear."

Sam's lips curled into a snarl. "You're lying."

That only made the trickster frown. "If I am, you know where to find me- having pancakes at the diner."

The siblings looked at each other, taking in the idea. (Y/n) nodded, reaching for her twin's shoulder to lower the arm that held the stake, but her hand was shrugged off. "No. Easier to just kill you."

"Sam-" (Y/n) tried, but her response was ignored and shrugged off once more.

"Sorry, kiddo. Can't have that," Gabriel brought his hands up to their faces and snapped his fingers.


Sam's eyes shot open to Huey Lewis and The News' Back In Time playing softly. He looked around in confusion before rising from bed, eyeing the motel room, his eyes finally landed on Dean, who was brushing his teeth in the bathroom.

"What, are you gonna sleep all day?" Dean asked impatiently. "(Y/n)'s outside, I think. Didn't see her when I woke up."

"No Asia?" The younger brother asked while throwing the covers off from his body. The gear in his mind sputtered to life as he began to fully wake, recalling the last Tuesday he experienced.

Dean sighed, walking out of the bathroom to face his brother. "Yeah, I know, this station sucks." Then he walked back into the bathroom, finishing his morning routine.

Sam turned to look at the radio-clock, gasping when reading the date. "It's Wednesday!" He turned to grin. Finally!

"Yeah..." Dean walked back out, the toothbrush in his mouth. "Which usually comes after Tuesday." He proceeded to walk into the bathroom, taking the brush out of his mouth. "Turn that thing off, will you?"

Sam scoffed at the command, the grin widening as he stood up to get ready. "What, are you kidding? This isn't the most beautiful song you've ever heard?"

The words and faces coming from his younger brother confused Dean more, and his comment forced a disgusted face on him. "No. Jeez, how many Tuesdays did you two have?"

Sam shrugged while putting on a button-up striped shirt. "I don't know, lost count." He paused when Dean was in front of him. "Hey, wait. What do you remember?"

"I remember you and (Y/n) were pretty whacked out of it yesterday, then I remember running into the trickster..." he trailed off, going through his mind for anything else. "But, no, that's about it."

Sam nodded, then continued buttoning up his shirt impatiently. "Alright, pack your stuff and call (Y/n). Let's get the hell out of town. Now."

Dean looked taken-aback. "No breakfast?"

"No breakfast."

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