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Once again, the chorus of Asia's Heat of the Moment woke Sam up from sleep. He shot out of bed with a gasp, his chest rising and falling slower than before, but still unsteadily.

Dean turned to his brother, watching him blink and groan tiredly. "Rise and shine, Sammy!" He shouted over the music, finishing the last lace on his boot.

Unlike before, all (Y/n) did was open her eyes and look to her left, watching the same scene from last Tuesday to unfold.

Instead of getting up or making a comment on the fact that it was Tuesday again, Sam plopped back down on his pillow, closing his eyes, not wanting to get up once more to see Dean's death.


"I still think you guys are nuts," Dean told his siblings honestly. "But whatever this is, we'll figure it out." He was very confused- the expressions on his younger sibling's faces told him to take the situation seriously. They both mumbled a 'thanks' this being the first time that Dean was calmer and 'understanding' about it.

Dean looked down at the table, trying to gather his thoughts. "So, if you two are stuck in 'Groundhog Day'... why? What's behind it?"

(Y/n) wasn't exactly paying attention. She was texting Gabe instead of calling so she could hear her brothers' conversation that she was a part of. "Honestly, it looked to be the Mystery Spot before- but now I don't think that place is the problem."

A sigh left Dean's lips. "What do we do?"

"Well, we keep you breathing, try to make it to tomorrow. I mean, that's the only thing I can think of." Sam shrugged, not knowing what to say.

Dean looked at his sister, tapping in front of her. "Do you agree with Sam? Or do you have your theory?"

"I agree with Sam, though it is easier said than done," she answered, not looking up from her phone. "We've watched you die a few times now. It's like we can't stop it."

The eldest shrugged. "Well, nothing's set in stone." He then peered over her shoulder, trying to read the message, which resulted in her moving so he couldn't see. "Who're you talking to?"

(Y/n) waved a hand in the air, quickly hitting SEND before shoving her phone back into her pocket. "A friend."

"Okay..." Dean turned away and looked at the menu. "You guys say I order the same thing every day, right?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. Pig 'N A Poke, side of bacon."

"Excuse me, sweetheart!" Dean called over to Doris, who had just given their order to the cook. "Can I get sausage instead of bacon?"

She nodded. "Sure thing, hon."

With a grin, Dean turned back to his siblings. "See? Different day already." To which Sam scoffed lightly with a nod. "You see, if we decide that I am not gonna die, I'm not gonna die."

Setting their food down, Doris looked at Dean to make sure he was happy with the change in order. "Thank you," she smiled and nodded, walking away. Dean staked a piece of sausage with his fork and took a bite of the end, a smug look on his face that made Sam and (Y/n) laugh. But the smiles fell when Dean began choking, holding a hand to his throat.

"Dean." (Y/n) put a hand on his shoulder while Sam leaned forward. "Dean!"


Heat Of The Moment woke Sam up from slumber once again. He slowly rose from the bed, shocked that their last attempt did nothing. (Y/n) simply stared at Sam, wondering what went wrong.


"You mean we can't even go out for breakfast?" Dean called to his siblings from the shower, acknowledging his stomach's rumbles.

(Y/n) looked to Sam, who's expression was desperate. "You'll thank us when it's Wednesday!" He called back.

"Whatever that means," Dean pulled the shower curtain back- with a shout, slipping from the water and hitting his head with a thud.

The sound of their brother's shout drew their attention away from the window. (Y/n) pinched the bridge of her nose while Sam sighed.


Instead of going out, the Winchesters sat at the table, each eating a taco or burrito for breakfast. (Y/n) and Sam eyed each other as Dean took a bite of his, only to frown when he stared down at his taco.

"Do these tacos taste funny to you?"


While (Y/n) and Sam conversed about what to do instead of tacos and going out for breakfast, Dean decided a shave be good for him.

But when he tried to plug it in, electricity shot from the plug, which met Dean's hand, shocking him until his heart stopped.

(Y/n) threw a book across the room. "SON OF A BITCH!"


The siblings decided to try their first attempt over again, except Sam brought an ax with him- ignoring (Y/n)'s protests of that being overkill.

So, the Winchesters had tied Mr. Carpiak to a chair, a string of duct-tape over his mouth while Sam tore the place down with his ax.

"Don't you think this is a little overkill?" Dean asked (Y/n), who nodded glumly. "You said that to him before, didn't you?" She nodded again.

"Everybody's fine." Dean turned to the owner, not so sure about his own words, but feeling the need to say them anyway. "Nobody's gonna get hurt, okay?" Mr. Carpiak nodded, not wanting to piss the siblings off.

(Y/n) turned to Sam. "Hey, Sam? Drop the ax, this isn't going to work." Mr. Carpiak and Dean nodded. It was a good idea.

Sam shook his head and pointed the ax to where he was butchering the wall. "Something's got to be going on here. I intend to find out what."

"Place is torn up pretty good, dude, time to give it a rest." Dean tried but was shot down quickly.

"NO! I'm gonna take it down to studs!" Sam went back to butchering the wall.

Dean chuckled nervously to the owner, who was yelling now.

"Sammy, that's enough." He stood up and walked over to his brother. "Give me the ax."

(Y/n) widened her eyes at the exchange as her brothers battled for the ax. "Oh, shit- DEAN!" Her shout for his name didn't work, as it only splattered blood on her and Mr. Carpiak's faces.


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