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The chorus to Asia's Heat Of The Moment filled Sam's ears. He shot out of bed with wide eyes, looking around the room for where the song had come from. It was the clock-radio next to his bed, reading the time as well as the day: Tuesday.

Dean turned to his brother, watching him blink and groan tiredly. "Rise and shine, Sammy!" he shouted over the music, finishing the last lace on his boot.

"Dude, Asia?" Sam asked in a mixture of disgust and a random dose of tiredness. He had slept peacefully, but there was still the fist of no sleep that decided to drag itself across his body.

Dean frowned, looking at the clock-radio then to Sam in mock-surprise. "Come on, you love this song, and you know it."

A loud groan from the other side of the room stopped Sam from saying anything further. "Dean, I swear to all that's holy, if you don't turn that down--"

Dean ignored his little sister and reached for the dial, increasing the volume with a smirk. "What?" He shouted to his sister, who moved her pillow to cover her ears, scowling. "Sorry, I can't hear you!"

Sam chuckled at Dean, who was beginning to bop along to the song, mouthing the words to Sam. The result of doing so earned a boot to the head, halting his show.

Sleep is nonexistent with you two," (Y/n) grumbled as she got up, switching the radio off then storming to the bathroom before her brothers could.

The complaint she had made was half a lie. The truth was, sleep had been quite the amount of trouble since her parting with Gabriel.

While shrugging on her leather jacket, (Y/n) roughly brushed her teeth at the thought of him. Gabriel had dropped a bomb about them being soulmates, talked to her maybe ten to fifteen times throughout the year. Their last talk had been five months ago, and since then, something strange was developing in her body... and it involved the archangel.

Praying had been a bust, due to her not supposed to be doing it. Gabriel mentioned that "Someone upstairs could accidentally catch it," which forced her to stick to the phone. Still, he didn't answer- and it had gotten really annoying.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes?" Dean asked with a laugh as he watched her walk out of the bathroom. (Y/n) grumbled something under her breath that he didn't quite catch, though her expression showed it was something hostile- also known as 'to be left alone.'

Sam shrugged when Dean looked at him for help. "Umm... alright."

The brothers went into the bathroom together to brush and floss their teeth. Dean gargled his water loudly while Sam looked at the toothpaste in disgust, having read the date on it. He then looked to Dean, who shot his eyebrows in the air with a smile, still managing to gargle the water.

Once finished, the brothers left the bathroom, finding a note on Dean's bed from (Y/n): I'll meet you two at the diner. Hurry up. The oldest brother scoffed at it then went to look through his bag for a firearm.

"Whenever you're ready, Dean." Sam sighed, leaning against the door frame for body support.

Dean threw out multiple shirts and pants, finally lifting a different piece of clothing with a curious expression: a purple and black lace bra. "This yours?" he asked Sam, who gave him the bitch-face, moving a hand to his hip. "Ha!" Dean grinned, going back to looking through the bag for his gun, letting out an 'ah-ha!' when he pulled it out. "Bingo." Sam rolled his eyes and stepped out of the way to let Dean through the door. "Now, who's ready for some breakfast?"


(Y/n) sat at a four-person booth, having told the waitress, Doris, that she was waiting for her brothers to arrive. She wanted some time alone before starting the case with Sam and Dean.

She pulled out her phone, pressing the 'down' button while looking through her contacts. Her thumb stopped when a contact G was highlighted. The archangel had given it to her, saying that he would call in whenever he could.

With a sigh, she pressed the contact, bringing it to her ear as it rang quietly. But it only rang a few times before the voicemail box popped up. 'I can't come to the phone at the moment. Leave a message.'

"I know I keep calling you, Gabriel. Hell, this is my second message this month, but..." (Y/n) bit down on her bottom lip, licking them before continuing, "I know you're busy because of who you are, but if you could at least answer my calls once, that would be great."

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