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Sam's eyes shot open when Asia's Heat Of The Moment filled his ears. He rose quickly from bed, his chest rising and falling at an unsteady pace, looking around in fear as to why he was in bed once more.

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean shouted over the music, looking away to finish tying the last lace on his boot.

Instead of a quiet cry echoing through the room, it was much louder this time around, making both brothers jump in their beds and turn to their sister. She was in tears, looking around the room while breathing heavily, her body shook as she looked at her brothers.

Dean raised both his eyebrows at her, watching her stare at him for a

moment, then rush into the bathroom with her clothes in hand, short sobs leaving her mouth while doing so. "Must've had a nightmare,"

Dean mumbled to Sam as he turned down the music. "Never seen her that bad."

(Y/n) held tightly onto the bathroom sink as her brain went over what just happened. Dean was alive, Heat Of The Moment woke her up, and he said the same words he had the last two times.

"Oh, God..." She put a hand over her mouth, trying to calm down once more before getting dressed.


Dean gargled the water loudly, looking up at the ceiling while doing so. He didn't notice Sam watching his every move, staring at his brother- who was perfectly fine, with shock and confusion burning in his hazel-blue-green eyes.


"Hey. Tuesday. Pig 'N A Poke," Dean grinned, pointing at the special for the day. He ignored his sister's quietness and focused on filling his stomach with food.

But, Sam leaned forward, ready to speak for both of them. "Would you listen to me, Dean? 'Cause I'm flipping out, and I'm sure (Y/n) is too." The youngest Winchester didn't say anything. She was afraid of her words transforming into sobs again.

Dean looked his brother up and down, slight confusion reaching his face. Before he could say anything, Doris came up with her pen and pad in hand. "You guys ready?"

"He'll take the special, side of bacon, coffee- black. Nothing for me, and she'll have a coffee with packets of sugar as well as cups of creamer. Thanks." Sam said before Dean could answer the waitress. A shaky breath left his lips when Doris raised her eyebrows, giving him a 'you got it' then leaving the three alone, just like she had the last two times.

Dean grinned playfully. "Sammy, I get all tingly when you take control like that." (Y/n), who usually laughed at his jokes, stayed silent with her leg bouncing up and down under the table, and her fingers in her mouth, biting the nails aggressively.

"Quit screwing around, Dean," Sam demanded, eyeing his sister, she looked ready to cry again.

The grin left Dean's lips at the seriousness in Sam's tone, as well as the expression on (Y/n)'s face. "Okay, okay. I'm listening. So, so... Now, you guys think that you're in some kind of a what?"

"Time loop" (Y/n) whispered, only being able to find a few words. She dropped her hand and pulled out her phone, ignoring her brothers' looks. Gabriel's number highlighted her screen, she wanted to call and talk about it, but Sam and Dean were right there, so a text would have to suffice.

Dean nodded, turning to Sam. "Like, 'Groundhog Day'?" It came out as a statement but stayed a question.

"Yes, exactly." Sam nodded, a small smile reaching his lips at the progress of Dean's understanding. "Like 'Groundhog Day'" Dean let out an unbelieving uh-huh, making Sam frown. "So, you don't believe us?"

A short laugh escaped Dean's lips. "I-It's a little crazy, Sam. Even-for-us crazy. You know like, uh-"

"Dingo-ate-my-baby crazy?" The twins finished in unison.

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at the two. "How'd you guys know I was gonna say that?"

Finally finding her voice, along with a bucketload of frustration, (Y/n) slammed her phone down on the table. "Because you've said it before, Dean! That's our whole point!"

"Alright," Doris approached the table, setting Dean's coffee down. "Two coffees- black," she set down the plate of sugar packets and creamer in front of (Y/n). Sam started to look back and forth between Dean and the hot sauce, gaining his attention as the tray began to tip. "And some hot sauce for the-"

With a blank expression, Sam caught the hot sauce, his hand held out before it even fell. He gave it to Doris quickly, hoping that would make her leave faster. "Thanks." Doris breathed, a bit confused herself as to how he caught it so fast.

Dean looked Sam up and down with raised eyebrows when Doris left, looking impressed too. "Nice reflexes."

"No, I knew it was going to happen." He countered, getting impatient as to why Dean hadn't already processed this by now.

"Okay, look, I'm sure that there's some sort of an explanation," Dean told his siblings in a matter-of-fact tone as if he knew he was right.

"For once, can you just go with us on this, Dean?" (Y/n) snapped, nearly dropping one of the pink packets into her coffee. "I think you owe us that much."

Dean put on his big-brother face and narrowed his eyes at his sister. "Calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Dean!" (Y/n)'s voice began to rise, earning a few stares from the people around them. "You have no right to say that, because--" she trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence.

"Because what, (Y/n)?" Dean ushered for her to continue, ignoring the discomfort on her face.

Sam sighed. "Because you die today, Dean." He finished.

Dean scoffed. "I'm not gonna die, not today," he added the last bit, earning a bitch-face from (Y/n).

"Twice now, Dean, we've watched you die. A-And I don't think either of us can keep seeing it," Sam said quietly, burning holes into the table while doing so. Realization crossed their brother's face when he read their expressions. "We can't do it again. And you're just gonna have to believe me. Please," he added.

The eldest looked at his brother and sister, seeing their pleading eyes and faces. "Alright." Sighs of relief left his siblings' mouths. "I still think you guys are nuts, but... okay. Whatever this is, we'll figure it out."

This time, Dean did not mention why his little sister was so focused on her phone. They had a much bigger issue to worry about, and he felt that her confused and pained expression when looking at the cellular device was unimportant.

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