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Sam's lock-picking skills were helpful when it came to breaking into the Mystery Spot. The siblings, however, immediately looked back at the door once they shut it, making sure no one else was around them.

The hallway was painted to be an illusion, a neon green with large black swirls that got smaller as they reached the entrance. The other doors could not be seen unless a person was to look closely at it. Sam pulled out his trusty EMF while (Y/n) and Dean stuck to their flashlights, moving each of the objects around the hallway, waiting for something to be seen as out-of-place. (Even though the entire attraction was out of place)

The three exited the hallway. All were brought into a room that couldn't be at all described. The rear-end of a horse stuck out of the black wall, multiple orange question marks above it. (Y/n) made a gagging noise, mocking disgust at the cheesiness of it.

Dean immediately moved his flashlight so that it was aiming at the ceiling, highlighting furniture that had been glued upside down. "Wow. Uncanny."

With his trusty EMF, Sam was moving it towards anything that was on the ground, disappointed that it wasn't making any sort of noise.

"You guys find anything?" (Y/n) asked as she grouped up with her brothers with a lollipop in her mouth. She had somehow found a box of them at a table, and by the taste of it, they weren't props.

Sam shook his head, moving his EMF to higher surfaces. "Nope." He looked to his sister, who was making sucking noises as she finished. "Where the hell did you get a lollipop?" She shrugged and pointed behind her.

Dean closed his eyes and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He wasn't even going to acknowledge the candy situation, as they didn't have time for that. "Do you have any idea what you're looking for, Sam?"

"Uhh..." Sam shrugged and turned to Dean, giving him a fake-reassuring nod. "Yeah." The oldest Winchester raised an eyebrow, not believing it, to which Sam shook his head. "No."

Before the siblings could converse anymore, the owner of the Mystery Spot appeared with a shotgun in hand, a fearful expression on his face. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Dean whipped around, on instinct, pulling his gun out, to which he lowered when he saw who it was. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We can explain." Sam and (Y/n) nodded, looking at each other nervously- they didn't have weapons on their persons.

The owner aimed the gun back and forth between the three. "You robbing me?" His accusation wasn't fearful, more nervous, and angry.

(Y/n) held a hand out, to which the gun was aimed at her. "Look, nobody's robbing you, sir. Calm down."

The Winchesters started to lower their hands- "Don't move." Dean continued to nether his gun, for reassurance, ignoring the owner's request. "Don't move!"

Dean started to lower his body, ignoring his siblings' silent pleads to stop. "I'm just putting the gun down." But that wasn't deemed enough, because the owner's finger pressed down on the trigger, the bullet firing into Dean's heart.

"DEAN!" Sam and (Y/n) dropped down to their brother. (Y/n) held his head up, muttering a series of 'no's' with a trembling lip. "Dean, hey- hey- stay awake for me, please!"

Sam lifted his head to the owner, who was looking back and forth between his gun and the siblings. "Call 991." His breathing was uneven as he watched his sister trembling, telling their brother that it was going to be okay.

The owner lowered the gun, looking at the siblings. "I-I didn't mean..."

"NOW!" Sam shouted, watching the owner leave the room. Dean's choking snapped him back to what was happening. "No, no, not like this."

Sobs left (Y/n)'s mouth as Dean grew limp in her arms, closing his eyes one final time. "No... Dean.. c'mon, d-don't..." Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulders, resting his forehead on the top of her head, crying silently at the loss of their brother.

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