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The golden retriever barked loudly as the woman bumped into Dean, mumbling an 'excuse me' before walking off faster than before.

"I told you it wouldn't fit!" The same two guys from before argued loudly about the desk not fitting through the doorway.

The other guy raised his hands in the air, just like the times before. "What do you want, a Pulitzer?"

"You two think this cheesy-ass tourist trap has something to do with it?" Dean asked the two, still hung up on not believing what they were saying.

(Y/n) threw her hands in the air, shrugging. "You know, Dean, maybe it's the real deal. Like, the magnetic fields can bend space and time, all that shit."

Dean shook his head. "That all seems a little too 'X Files' for me."

"Well, I don't know how else I can explain it, Dean!" (Y/n) shot back.

"Alright! Alright." Dean patted his sister's shoulder hesitantly, reassuring her that he was going to go with whatever plan they came up with. "We'll go tonight after they close, get ourselves a nice, long look."

Sam and (Y/n) looked at one another and stopped. "No!" They shouted at Dean, starting their brother. "We can't," Sam added quickly.

"Why not?"

An exasperated sigh left Sam as he tried to come up with what to say. "Because you..." Dean raised an eyebrow, ushering for him to continue, but Sam only gave him a look, not wanting to finish.

"I die there?"

(Y/n) frowned at the memory. "Blown away, actually."

"Huh..." Dean took a moment to think about it, a bit surprised that a blow to the chest had killed him. "Okay, let's go now." The other two nodded, thankful that there was a change in the day, and perhaps a change in Dean not dying.

Sam eyed (Y/n) again, waiting once more for the call from 'Gabe' to show up... but it did no such thing...

Without looking to cross the street, a green car, driven by Mr. Picket, flew by them, Sam yanking Dean back by the collar of his shirt before he could get hit. "Get out of the way!" The older man shouted from his car after passing them.

Short laughter left Dean's mouth as he stared at Sam in awe, who was breathing heavily- as was (Y/n). "What did he..." a frown quickly replaced his smile at the thought.

(Y/n) nodded. "Last Tuesday."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "And?" Sam and (Y/n) gave him a 'what?' face. "Did it look cool, like in the movies?" He was grinning at the thought of looking badass while getting hit by a car, a sick feeling in his siblings' minds.

(Y/n) and Sam bitch-faced Dean. "You pissed yourself." She deadpanned, narrowing her eyes. To which Dean's face morphed into disgust.

"Of course I pissed myself," Dean countered, frowning at his brother's judging tone. "A man gets hit by a car, you think he has full control over his bladder? Come on!" That earned a snort and eye roll from (Y/n).


"Guys, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this." The owner of the Mystery Spot, Mr. Carpiak, grinned at the three. "We could use all the ink we can get."

(Y/n) stepped forward, wanting to ask questions first for once. "How long have you owned the place?"

Mr. Carpiak smiled at the thought. "Well, my family's been guarding the secrets here since you don't want to know when."

Dean was about to ask something else, but Sam shot a question first. "So, you'd know if anything strange happened?"

"Strange?" Mr. Carpiak frowned a bit at that. "Strange happens here all the time. It's a mystery spot." His smile snapped back at the name of his attraction, laughing a bit afterward.

Sam smiled a bit back, though it was fake. "What exactly does that mean?" His siblings began to frown at their brother's questions.

The owner licked his lips, nodding slowly. "Well, uh... it's where the laws of physics have no meaning." He said each word slowly, hoping to make Sam 'understand' what he was talking about.

"Okay. Like how?" Sam's voice rose at the last bit, growing impatient at the 'vague' answers.

Mr. Carpiak grinned. "Take the tour."

Finally done with his brother's questions, Dean cleared his throat, the spotlight was on him. "The guy who went missing, Dexter Hasselback, he take the tour?"

A short scoff/laugh escaped the owner. "Hold on a minute, what kind of article is this?" The happy grin was no longer there, more of a nervous smile in its place.

"Just answer the question," Sam demanded, his aura becoming hostile.

Mr. Carpiak moved his hands to his hips, growing tired of the giant's questions. "The police scoured every inch of this place. They couldn't find that man- I never seen him before... we're a family establishment."

Sam stepped forward, his impatience gone. "Listen to me, there's something weird going on here. Now, do you know anything about it or not?" His tone was low and slightly angry.

"Look, guys, um... give it a break. I bought the joint at a foreclosure auction last March, alright?" His tone had become impatient as well, done with what Sam's been saying. "Hell, I used to sell bail bonds!"

Dean stepped forward to their brother, patting his chest. "Okay, Kojak, let's get some air."


"Well, I hate to say it, but that place is exactly what I thought- it's full of crap," Dean admitted to his siblings, earning eye-rolls from them both.

"So what is it, then, Dean?" Sam asked, throwing his hands in the air. "What the hell is happening to us?"

Dean shrugged. "I don't know." He stopped, holding a hand out for (Y/n) and Sam to do the same. "Alright, let me just... so, every day I die. And that's when you guys wake up again, right?"

Sam and (Y/n) nodded. "So, let's just make sure I don't die. If I make it to tomorrow, then maybe the loop stops, we can figure all this out."

Sam narrowed his eyes, gluing his mind to the thought. "You think?"

"It's worth a shot," Dean shrugged again. "I say we grab some takeout, head back to the motel, lay low until midnight."

(Y/n) scoffed lightly. "Easier said than done, Dean." Earning the bitch-faces from her brothers. "But... I guess that's the best we can do at the moment..."

"Alright, good." Dean nodded and started walking again. "Who wants Chinese-"

A large desk fell from the building above, landing directly onto Dean.

The siblings looked up to see a rope that was held by one worker in the street. It leads up to another worker- the ones who had been trying to fit the desk through the door. Their eyes followed down to the desk, where only Dean's ankles and feet could be seen.

(Y/n) smacked her hand against her forehead. The feeling of surprise and sadness was pushed down a pit, replaced with a feeling that this would happen many more times.

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