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The siblings took turns looking at the pamphlet as they walked down the streets. Sam currently held it in his hands, his brows furrowing as he read the inside.

Dean looked behind them at a golden retriever who was chained to a bicycle rack, barking at anyone who passed. "Sam, (Y/n), you know joints like this are only tourist traps, right?" He snatched the pamphlet from Sam. "I mean, you know, balls rolling uphill, furniture nailed to the ceiling." He could go on and on, but a glare sent from (Y/n) shut his mouth. "The only danger's in your wallet."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Okay, look, we're just saying there are spots in the world where holes open up and swallow people... The Bermuda Triangle, the Oregon Vortex..."

"Broward County Mystery Spot?" Dean asked with a raised eyebrow, unconvinced.

Sam sighed. "Well, sometimes these places are legit!"

The eldest Winchester gave (Y/n) the pamphlet as he tried to put together what his siblings were telling him. "Alright, so if it is legit- and that's a big-ass if, what's the lore?"

"Well," a woman bumped into Dean, mumbled 'excuse me,' which threw (Y/n)'s thought process off track. "The lore's as nuts as it gets. People say these places have magnetic fields so strong that they can bend space as well as time. It sends the victims to God knows where."

Dean clicked his tongue while shaking his head. "Sounds a little 'X Files' to me."

"I told you it wouldn't fit!" The siblings turned around in unison to see two workers trying to push a desk that was too big into a small doorway.

The other worker threw his hands in the air. "What do you want, a Pulitzer?"

"Alright, look, I'm not saying this is really happening," Sam started, making Dean roll his eyes. "But is it, we got to check it out, see if we can do something."

(Y/n) nodded in agreement. "A case is a case, Dean."

"Alright, Alright," Dean gave up, seeing that it was two against one and that they weren't going to drop it. "We'll go tonight after they close, and get ourselves a nice, long look."

The younger siblings agreed to that. They knew that was about as much as they were going to get out of him.

Quiet ringing interrupted further conversations from happening. Dean and Sam looked to (Y/n), due to it being from her phone, and watched as her eyes widened at the screen.

"Hello?" (Y/n) stopped at the edge of the sidewalk, not noticing that her brothers were lingering, she assumed that they would continue forward.

"Sugar, I asked you not to pray to me. And don't say that you didn't." A short laugh left his voice while saying so. "I also told you I'd call when I could... I'm sorry that it hasn't been often." There was guilt in his voice at the apology. He really did feel bad.

There was no room for (Y/n) to feel totally upset, as she was thankful that he at least called back in a short amount of time after she left a message. Though months without him answering was a bit of a stretch. "You called me five months ago, Gabe. Have you really been that busy?"

Another laugh filled her ears, drawing a smile onto her face. "If you mean putting people in their places 'busy', then yes." A heated argument was muffled through the phone, making the smile turn upside down. "I'm a tad bit busy at the moment, sugar. I'll call you back when I can- and I promise it'll be soon."

Before (Y/n) could add something about their bond making her feel funny and her needing to meet with him soon, the line was cut. A sigh left her lips, annoyance hitting her chest. When she turned to walk back down the street to catch up with her brothers, a look of surprise slammed onto her face. Both men were standing right in front of her. "U-Um... were you guys listening in on my call?"

Dean and Sam threw their hands up in unison. "All we heard was your side of the conversation, (Y/n)," Sam replied he and Dean nodding at the words. "We were just curious as to who you were talking to."

(Y/n) sucked in her breath, mind racing for an explanation. "It was the friend I haven't heard from in a while. He just called to check in and let me know he's okay." Another half-truth, to which Sam and Dean could only take as the full. "So, we gonna head back to the motel or what?"

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