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Sam was disappointed and angry when the chorus of Heat Of The Moment filled his ears. He rose out of bed, eyeing (Y/n). She looked about ready to cry.

"Rise and shine, Sammy!"


While Dean ate his food, Sam watched the man who had strawberry syrup the Tuesday before eat. (Y/n) kept her eyes away from him, trying to figure out what she would say when they confronted him.

"So, you guys think you're caught in some kind of what again?" Dean asked, dropping his fork to stare at Sam. It was easier than staring at (Y/n) due to her being directly next to him.

Sam turned. "Eat your breakfast." He demanded, then turned back to watch the man, which made Dean raise his eyebrows then continue eating. He had a feeling that he wasn't going to get much from (Y/n).

The man with the strawberry syrup rose from his seat at the bar, leaving the diner after wiping his mouth.

Once the man was gone, Sam pulled out a paper bag and followed him out. (Y/n) harshly poked at Dean's side, meaning 'get off your ass and follow Sam' They slammed a twenty down on the table, then hurried after their brother.

Sam quickly caught up with the man, as he didn't make it too far away from the diner by the time the Winchester left. Pulling a bloodied wooden stake out of the paper bag, Sam grabbed the man's shoulder and pinned him against a metal railing. "Hey!" The man protested, shrinking when the tip of the stake met his neck.

The other Winchesters quickly approached the two, (Y/n)'s breath hitched in her throat while Dean just looked confused. The eldest looked back and forth between Sam in the man, not remembering their conversation from the previous Tuesday on who/what it was.

"I know who you are," Sam hissed at the man. "Or should I say 'what'?"

The man looked back and forth between the three, starting to shake as Sam continued to jab the stake into his throat. "OhmyGod. Please, don't kill me." His voice leaked desperation and fear as he looked back and forth between the stake and the siblings.

Dean looked at the man than his brother. "Uhh... Sam?"

"It took me and (Y/n) a hell of a long time, but we got it." (Y/n) crossed her arms and pressed her lips into a thin line. She was going to let Sam have the floor.

"What?" The man asked exasperatingly.

Sam smiled, narrowing his eyes. "It's your M.O. That gave you away." Dean's eyes widened. "Going after pompous jerks, giving them their just deserts. Your kind loves that, don't they?"

Dean turned to look at the man, waiting for something that confirmed it- as he had died over a hundred times and not remembered much except what his siblings told him.

"Yeah, sure. Okay." The man looked down at the stake as it was pushed further into his neck, not quite breaking the skin yet. "Just put the stake down."

Seeing that the man didn't fit what Sam was saying, Dean lifted a hand to lower Sam's arm. "Sam, maybe you should-"

"NO! There's only one creature powerful enough to do what you're doing-" Sam started, looking back at the man. "Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops." The last example was spat out, venom dripping from his tone. "You'd pretty much have to be a god. You'd have to be a trickster."

The man smiled nervously. "Mister, my name is Ed Coleman, my wife's name's Amelia. I-I got two kids! For crying out loud, I sell ad space!"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Sam shouted lividly, pressing the stake further into his neck, not quite pricking the skin. "I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE! We've killed one of your kind before!"

The man's nervous expression slowly faded to a smile as his face morphed into one that the Winchester's never thought they'd see again. Slicked back dirty blonde hair, playful whiskey eyes, and a smirk crossing his lips. "Actually, bucko, you didn't." It was the trickster from Crawford Hall. It was the person (Y/n) had been trying to get in contact with for months.


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