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"The dog," The twins said in unison as they walked down the street, passing the barking golden retriever. Dean looked back with a small frown at it.

"There's got to be some way out of this," Dean told them, trying to lighten it up a bit into them not saying everything that's going to happen.

"'Where're my dang keys?'" They passed Mr. Picket, who was patting his clothing down, asking the same exact question.

"'Excuse me'" A woman bumped into Dean, saying those exact words after she passed them.

Dean pointed with his thumb at the woman, "she's kind of cute," laughing at his own words. (Y/n)'s upper lip twitched but did nothing else.

"Hey," he held his hands out, stopping his siblings. "All the times we've walked down this street, I ever do this?" He jogged back to the woman that he had bumped into, asking for a flyer.

"Excuse me, miss!"

The younger siblings shook their heads as he came back. "A hundred Tuesdays, you never bothered to check what she was holding in her hands?" They shrugged in response, faces falling when Dean held the flyer up. "This the guy who went missing?"

"Yeah," Sam said with furrowed eyebrows, asking himself why they didn't do that.

"That's his daughter back there." Dean gestured with his head to the woman. Sam took the flyer out of his brother's hands and sprinted after her while (Y/n) smiled, shaking her head at the change that could've happened a hundred Tuesdays ago. "For nerds, you two miss the biggest things."

The golden retriever was close again, this time barking at the two. Dean smiled and started to walk over, holding his hand out. "Hey, buddy. Somebody need a friend?"


Sam was surprised to wake up to Asia's Heat Of The Moment playing. He eyed (Y/n), who mouthed 'dog' when he gave her a questioning look.


"So, the police report says Dexter Hasselback is a professor, but that's not all he is." Sam read from his computer.

Dean looked up from his food. "What is he?"

"I talked to his daughter, the guy's quite the journalist."

Low buzzing stopped (Y/n) from asking a question. Luckily, her brothers didn't acknowledge it. A smile was formed on her face from the contact, but it fell at the words written. 'I'm sorry.'

'The hell does that mean?'

"...He gets his kicks debunking them." Sam eyed his sister, who looked confused, but it wasn't directed toward the case. "I mean, he's already put four of these places out of business. Here," he turned the computer to where it faced Dean and (Y/n).

"'Dexter Hasselback: Truth Warrior'?" Dean read aloud, frowning. "More like a pompous schmuck, if you ask me."

Sam scoffed. "Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, I've read everything the guy's ever written. He must have weighed a ton, he was so full of himself."

Ignoring the last bits of their conversation, (Y/n)'s eyes followed a man who was just leaving the diner, a gasp coming out of her mouth as they slid out of the booth.

Dean and Sam ignored it, too lost in laughing at the man. "It's funny, you know. I mean, this guy spends his whole life crapping on mystery spots, then he vanishes in one. It's kind of poetic, you know? Like-"

"Just deserts." (Y/n) finished for him, earning a questioning look from her brothers. "Sam, Dean, I think I know who we're dealing with." Deep down, she was angry, but the surface showed sadness... something Dean and Sam couldn't put a pin on as to why.

Her siblings gave her a strange look, but instead of telling them she put two-and-two together on her own, she pointed at where the man who had just left sat.

"Guy has maple syrup for 100 Tuesdays, then all the sudden has strawberry?" Sam frowned, realization hitting him like a brick.

"It's a free country," Dean replied with a raised eyebrow. "Man can't choose his own syrup, huh? What have we become?" He joked, no one found it funny but him.

Before Sam could reply, (Y/n) sprinted outside the diner, following the man who had just left. "Son of a bitch," Sam muttered, grabbing Dean to catch up to her, filling his brother in on who that man was.

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