Chapter Thirty Three.

Start from the beginning

            “What?” I asked. “Why are you laughing?”

            “Because I’m wondering if there’s strawberries in there. It’s like our first date all over again except I don’t think paparazzi will be finding us up here.”

            “Nope. I packed popcorn and I packed some graham crackers and stuff to make smores with but it’s a little too windy to build a fire.”

            I reached inside of the picnic basket and retrieved a beer for me, immediately relieving her of her fear and pulled out a water bottle with a crystal light packet because I know that’s her favorite.

            “I didn’t forget.” I smirked. “There’s a baby on the way.”

            She looked at me in utter appreciation and grabbed the water bottle and the packet, lying down onto her back so she could relax into the pillows. Sophia was beautiful when she focused on something and even though it was opening a water bottle her nose scrunched up when the cap was kind of hard to twist until she finally got it and then struggled to open the packet as well. I could stare at her and the little things she does for hours.

            I just can’t believe that we’ve come so far. She just brought up our first date and if I go back and I just think about where I was at with her then and there I never would have pictured we’d be here today. Before Sophia I was an asshole and I don’t know how she changed everything and I still don’t know to this day how it happened but I’m so glad it did. We were both way too young and we fell way too quickly but I’m glad I fell in love with her. I’m glad she was the one I chose because she loved me for me. For every flaw I had and for every insecurity. She was still here after the problems with the media and the rumors and the mistakes I’ve so stupidly made. Sophia’s still here and she’s one of the few people I can actually count on in this world. She truly is my best friend.

            “Why are you so quiet?” She asked. “You’re weirding me out.”

            “I just love you.” I sighed, lying down next to her. “Hopefully you like this date. I wasn’t really sure if you’d be into camping but I just thought it would be fun.”

            “See the thing is that I’m guaranteed to have fun if I’m with you.”

            Then she literally shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth and she was so comfortable around me that she didn’t even get embarrassed. She just went for another handful and I continued to stare at her.

            “That was attractive.” I noted, letting out a laugh. “Classy.”

            “Never trashy.” She said with popcorn in her mouth still.

            I let her eat and rested my head on her lap until she passed it over to me and started to trace her fingertips along my jawline and then through my hair, me just smiling because whenever she did that I couldn’t think of doing anything else.

            “I need to tell you something Justin.”

            I was alert now.

            “Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry if I-“

            “Justin I wanted to let you know that I forgive you.”

            When she said that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I completely shut up and I just stared at her, praying to God that what I just heard was actually what she just said and that she wouldn’t change her mind.

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