Chapter Thirty

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I woke up and got ready, wearing one Draco's favotive tops he loved to see me in and a simple pair of shorts. I curled my pair and pulled it back. Draco woke up while I was putting in earrings. I turned to him and smiled. "Happy birthday." I said running over to hug him. He smiled and rolled out of bed to get ready. We walked down to breakfast where his parents were waiting to tell him happy birthday. Narcissa and Lucius hugged their son and we all sat down for breakfast. "People i'll arrive around 5 pm for your birthday celebration Draco." Narcissa said as someone very familiar walked in. "Severus!" Lucius said standing up to greet him. I turned around then looked back at Draco. 'I really do always forget." I laughed putting my head on the table. "I thought no one was arriving for another 7 hours?" I added, Draco laughed. "it's only one person Bekah." He said standing up as his father called him over. I watched as Draco walked over to his father. Severus handed him a small box and Draco thanked him. Draco shot a glance at me then called me over. I joined Draco with his father and he wrapped and arm around my waist. "Miss Lindsford, how is your summer?" Severus asked. I was shocked. "Well, thank you Professor." I said smiling. "Please call me Severus, we aren't in class." Snape said holding his hand out, I shook his hand and then looked at Draco was holding in a laugh. 

Around 3 o'clock i convinced draco to swim with me. Expect this time I pushed him into the icy waters. I thought i was safe until I felt a grip around my ankles and a sudden drag into the cold water. I screamed as my body hit the water. "Draco Lucius Malfoy!" I screamed looking around for the blonde hair. I didn't see anyone until there was a loud splash behind me. Draco came up out of the water and pulled me to him. "Jerk." I said turning my head. "You love it." Draco said grabbing my chin so i'd look at him. Blink the water off my eyelashes as they passed my green eyes. "Rebekah! Draco! You must start getting ready for the party!" Narcissa shouted from the window. Draco and I got out of the pool drying off and running upstairs to get ready. I wore a green dress that I had gotten a while back.

 I wore a green dress that I had gotten a while back

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"I believe i owe you something." I said turning to see Draco. "You look gorgeous, what ever could you owe me darling?" He said hugging me. I smiled at him and looked up. "Your 18 kisses." I smirked now blushing. Draco smiled and kissed me. "1..2..3" he kept counting until we reach 18. I laughed and we walk down stairs and people arrived. I saw Bellatrix and gripped Draco's hand. She scared the living daylights out of me. "Its okay." he said rubbing my back. Bellatrix stood close to Narcissa and Lucius. "Rebekah!" Narcissa waved me over and I left Draco side to see what she needed. I really wanted him to walk over with me but he was talking with someone. "I don't believe you two have met, Rebekah this is my sister Bellatrix, Bella this is Rebekah, Dracos fiance." Narcissa said. "Nice to meet you." I said faking a smile. Draco walked over and suddenly i felt a relieved. Bellatrix told Draco happy birthday. "Cissy, can we walked for a moment?" Bellatrix pulled her younger sister to the other room. "Well there's goes that, no doubt Aunt Bellatrix is asking my mother why she would ever let be together." Draco grabbed my hand and we began to walk through the crowds as Draco said hello to everyone. Bellatrix scared me, I didn't care if she hated me or loved me, she scared me. Draco and I walked into the kitchen to get some water and apparently Draco needed to eat grapes as well. "I bet I can catch one of these in mouth." Draco said. "Lets see what ya got shall we?" I said grabbing a grape. I threw it and draco almost caught it. "Let me show you how it's done Malfoy." I said with confidence knowing that i could catch it, Ron and I used to this all time. Draco threw the grape and i moved my head a bit to catch it. "boom!" I said smirking at draco. "Not fair, you had practice." Draco said. "When?" I asked. "4th year, you and ron did that stuff ll tie." Draco said rolling his eyes. "Hard work pays off Malfoy." I said resting my elbows on the counter. "Its does, doesn't it." Bellatrix said I jumped as she stood behind me. I gasped and move back a bit. bellatrix got close to and smile, her teeth rotted and yellow. Draco laughed as she walked away. he walked over to me pulling y by waist so i was closer to him. "Aw does someone not like aunt Bella." Draco teased. "She terrifies me." I said kissing Draco, He kissed me again and then someone else walked in. "Am I interrupting something?" Severus said walking into the kitchn. Draco quickly pulled away and smiled. "Nope." I said blushing hard. "I just came to get water, I'll be on my way." Severus walked out. We have to stop kissing in the kitchen." I said pulling him back into the crowd. 

Later that night Draco and I got ready for bed. "How about 18 more kisses?" Draco asked facing me in bed. "Nope, you had your kisses today Malfoy." I laughed. Draco rolled his eyes and kissed me anyway. "Goodnight Bekah." Draco rolled away not facing me anymore. I pulled out my journal a bgan to write about the day. I also sent a letter to my mum. Right before i went to bed I got letter from Hermoine. 

Dear Rebekah, Ron and I are dating now. Please don't do that thing where you get all excited then say something dumb, or in this case write something dumb. Harry and Ginny are also a thing now as well. Ron wasn't thrilled, you should have seen his face! Anyway I'm writing because I said i would so i expect you to write me back. As always, Hermoine.

I laughed while reading the letter and I did in fact say something dumb in my head. I decided to write hermione back "Dear Hermoine, This is me writing back. I met bellatrix today, she scares the living lights out of me. She got all close to face too. Oh and Snape walked in on Draco and I kissing afterwards. Congrats on you and Ron, I'm happy for you both! Tell Harry the same for Ginny and himself. Always and Forever, Rebekah."  I sent letter late at night so figured she'd see it in the morning. 

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