Chapter Twenty Three

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I didn't go home that night I  needed time alone. My mother probably figured I was staying with Draco, I wish I was. I wish that he would of explained everything to me instead of just shutting me out. Instead of leaving me. I did go home in the morning though and I talked to my mother. I left out the fact Draco was a death eater though, she would hardly understand. I told Ivan Draco and I broke up, Ivan would understand what Draco was so I didn't tell him. I hated Draco, but I loved him too. 

-Draco's POV-

I cried myself to sleep last night, I didn't want to hurt her, I love her, but if should would have stayed any longer she would have a been dead, or she would have joined has a death eater. I refuse to let her do that. "If you would have just left when I told you too Rebekah!" I shouted to myself throwing things around in my room. "Draco?" My other walked in and hugged me. "You did the right thing, you did it to protect Rebekah." My mother said hugging me. I shook my head and she left the room. I began to cry. I missed her, all I wanted to do is hug her, but if she stays with me, she'll end up dead, or like me. I read through all the letters she sent me. I should of written back. I listened to her voicemails. I should have called back. "Dear Bekah, I miss you, I' m sorry, I just don't want to see you dead or  become like me. I didn't want this. I didn't want to join Voldemort. You think I had a choice though, No. I love you Rebekah. I didn't want to hurt you but I did. I did it to save you. -DM"  I wrote the letter but I never sent it. 

-Rebekah's POV-

I have nobody anymore. The trio left me months ago, Draco left me, i had no one to to tell what truly happened. I picked up my phone. "I didn't think you'd answer." I said. "Always." The voice over the phone said. "Can we talk?" I asked. "Of course, I'm on my way." When i heard a knock on the door I opened it for Hermoine. "I'm sorry." I said collapsing into her arms. "Its okay, you didn't do anything wrong, we all acted like jerks. I'm sorry." Hermoine said walking us back to my room. "You were right." I said. "about?" Hermione asked setting down her bag. "Draco, he's a death eater, he broke up with me." I said crying again. "I'm so sorry Rebekah." Hermoine hugged me. Hermoine stopped. "Wait, he broke up with you?" Hermoine said like it was impossible. "Yes." I said uselessly wiping away tears. "Didn't he say he'd never do that?" Hermoine asked. "Well yeah, but people lie." I said. "Do you think he did it to protect you?" Heroine asked again. "No, he wouldn't even explain why. he just told me to get out and I said I wasn't leaving until he told why he joined them. So Draco looked at me and said were over." I explained the break up. Hermione looked confused. "That's not like him though, when he's with you he doesn't do things like that, even I know that." Hermoine said shaking her head. "He's changed, I hate him Hermoine. I hate him!" I said crying into her shoulder. "Its okay to hate him." Hermoine said patting my back. 

As weeks passed September was rolling around, it was time to go back to Hogwarts. 6th year. Hermoine and I would still share a room since we've made up. Harry and Ron have apologized aw well and we all forgive each other. Things started to go back to normal,  I didn't like to talk about Draco. I hugged my mother goodbye and got on the train. I went to find the trio who I assumed were already on the train. I fiddle with the necklace on my neck, the one Draco gave to me. I never took it off. I probably should of but I never did. I bumped into someone making y way to the trio. "Sorry." I said and kept walking not paying attention to who it was. I felt the icy and grab my arm and chills went through my body. "Draco." I said my heart dropping. He didn't say anything but smiled when he saw the necklace. A tear dripped down my face. Draco wiped it off my face. "Don't cry." he said and walked away. I was starstruck. He acted like nothing even happened. he acted like not even 2 months ago we were kissing then then the next he told me to leave and never come back. The whole school got word of mine a Dracos break up and then of course rumors spilled quick. I began t get picked on again. "Does little Rebekah not her boyfriend to protect her anymore?" Pansy snickered pushing me back to the wall. "Leave me alone Pansy." I said and tried to walk away. "Not so fast." Pansy said pulling out her wand. "Am I interrupting something?" A voice said from the left of me. Pansy and other girls ran off. "Are alright Miss Lindsford?" Snape asked me. "I guess, thank you." I said collecting my things. "Why did Snape help me? he was only nice to me because I was with his God son." I thought. I've avoided Draco at all costs. Every time I looked at him memories came flooding back, then i would cry. 

I woke up and got ready, realizing we don't have classes today i sat on my bed. Hermione must have left for breakfast because she wasn't there. I looked and the pictures on my wall. "Happy anniversary." I said and began to laugh until it turned into a cry. Today would have been Draco and I's 2nd year of dating. There was quidditch game today. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. I was being forced to go to support Harry and Ron. While i was looking for my scarf i found something else. "Dracos old shirt." I mumbled throwing it back into my closet. 

The Girl you Dared to Love {FANFICTION}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora