Chapter Four

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Hermoine went over Draco. "She's going to do something she regrets." Harry stated. I grabbed Hermoine's arm and pulled to sit down. "We're not even together! At least I don't think so, like I told Ron, stay cool its just a kiss." I said trying to get her to calm down. "Fine but if you become a pair, I get to punch him." Hermoine says with smile. I rolled my eyes. "Rebekah no offense or anything but I'm going to say this once more, Draco Malfoy is bad news." Ron said shoveling food into his mouth. "Gross." Harry said as he looked away. "I'm hungry." Ron said. "We get it." We all said in unison keeping a blank face. I looked over at Draco and smiled. He gave a small smile back then continued talking. After a long day of classes I went back to my room and changed out of my uniform. I saw a note on my bed. "What's this?" I said aloud to myself. I opened the note and it read. "Meet me at the astronomy  tower at 7 pm. - D.M" I shook my head and smiled. I got ready and went to the astronomy tower before Hermoine got back. When I arrived I saw Draco standing in front of me. "I see you got my note." Draco said and turned around. I blushed and then walked over next to him. "Sorry about the whole telling Weasley about us." Draco grabbed my hands. "Us?" I said confused. "I asked you out here for a reason Rebekah." Draco said. My heart started racing. "But Draco, your father?" I asked. "I don't care Rebekah, I like you." Draco replied. I smiled and put my hand on Draco's cheek. "I like you too." I said and then I made a bold move and kissed him. I smiled against his lips and he kissed me again. I had to stand on tiptoes to reach his lips because Draco was much taller than me. "Haven't you tried a growing spell or something?" Draco laughed. I shook my head. "Shut it Malfoy." I said laughing with him. "Lindsford! Malfoy!" A voice called. "Shit its Snape, run!" Draco shouted and then started laughing again. We ran through the halls trying to avoid Snape. "This way!" I shouted and pulled Draco's arm into my room. "What the bloody hell!" Hermoine shouted.  Draco stood against the door. "Excuse me, Rebekah why is Draco Malfoy in our room?" Hermoine asked throwing down her books. "We were running from Snape and this was the closet place!" I replied "Didn't you see my sign?" Hermoine asked. I look over at the sign she was pointing at, it read "No Malfoys aloud." I looked at Hermione who was laughing, Draco was laughing too. "Not funny, right over my bed. Seriously?" I said a took the sign down. "So are you two official?" Hermoine asked picking her books back up. "Well-" I got cut off by Ron and Harry who came barging through the door. "Oh bloody hell, Just shut up and kiss each other already! I'm tired of watching the tension between you both!" Ron shouted. My jaw dropped and Draco chuckled. "Just two hours ago you said and I quote, 'Malfoy is bad news' your words have changed Ron." I stated. Ron rolled his eyes. "Anyway what I was going to say was yes Draco and I are together now." I said and grabbed his hand. "Oh thank you." Hermoine stood up and punched Draco in the face. Ron and harry gasped. My mouth dropped open and my hand flew over it. "What the hell Granger!?" Draco shouted. "Don't ever hurt her or it will be worse." Hermoine said and sat down. I looked at Draco's face. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine, but I should probably head back to room now." Draco said and walked to the door. I stood at the door and told him goodnight he kissed me and left. Soon we all settled into bed, "I'm dating Draco Malfoy. Bloody hell. I'm dating Draco Malfoy!" I said turning to Hermoine. She smiled and told me to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep at all, My crush of 4 years was finally mine. It felt like a dream, like I was living on clouds. I eventually got to sleep and slept like a baby. Hermoine and I woke up and made it to breakfast on time today. "I did not!" harry shouted as he and Ron argued over something. Hermoine told them to shush up and eat. As you walked to class you noticed people starring at you. "Why are they all starring at me?" I whispered to Harry. He shrugged his shoulders and then Pansy Parkinson came up to me. "Is it true? Your dating Malfoy?" Pansy asked. My eyes got huge and I saw Draco walk into the classroom. "Go away Pansy." Draco said in an annoyed voice as he took his seat. "Well is it true?" Pansy asked one more time. I looked at Draco and he stood up on his chair. "Draco?" I said looking up at him. "Attention! Do not ask Rebekah if she's dating me again or I'll cut your ears off!" Draco stated and took his seat. Pansy sat back down too. " can't say that." I said tilting my head to the side. "Just clearing things up." Draco said. "You didn't.. nevermind." I smiled and gave wide eyes to a laughing Hermoine. 

Draco  ad I have been dating for about 2 weeks now. It was now December and the holidays were coming up. "Are you going home for the holidays?" I asked Draco. "No, are you?" Draco asked as he wrapped a scarf around my neck. "I am, come with me! My mom would love to meet you!" I said grabbing his hands. "Really?" Draco asked. "Yes! You can meet my little brother, he's really sweet." I said as we walked outside into the snow. "Sounds good." Draco said. "So does this mean you'll go?" I asked smiling at Draco. "Yes I'll go." he said and kissed my forehead.

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