Chapter Seventeen

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- Draco's POV-

"What's wrong with her?" I said looking at my father holding Rebekahs face in my palms. My father shook his head. "You said she had a sore throat?" Mrs. Lindsford asked. I shook my head. "Her fever is gone, the rest ust just waited out, magic won't do anymore. It's just a common cold." My mother said smiling. I grabbed Rebekahs hand and sat on the floor next to her. Everyone walked out expect Ivan. "Do you actually love her?" he asked me. "Why do you ask?" I looked at him. "I just want to know, because I don't you to hurt her." Ivan said. "I'd never do that to her, I'd never hurt her." I replied. "So to answer your question, yes I love Rebekah and I will even she doesn't love me one day." I added. Ivan nodded and walked out. I crawled up next to Rebekah and pulled her close to me. She opened her eyes. "Hi." She smiled closing her eyes once more. I looked at her and brushed the hair off her face. "How do you feel Bekah?" I asked her. "better." She laughed and went back to sleep. I feel asleep along with her.

- Back to Rebekah's POV-

I woke up the morning freezing. I grabbed one of Dracos sweaters and threw it over my head and laid back down next to him. I stroked his hair through my fingers, he always had soft hair. He smelt of his expensive cologne and mint. I loved it. I loved him. I think I always will, no matter what. "Morning love." Draco said as he woke up grabbing me in a hug. "Do you feel okay?" He asked sitting up. "I feel better, a lot better." I said sitting up next to him. "is that my sweater?" Draco smirked. "I hope you don't mind, Its freezing." I said blushing. "Its fine, you know I don't mind." Draco smiled at me then kissed my cheek. 

The holidays flew by and we found ourselves back at Hogwarts in January. When I returned I went up to the trio. 'We need to have a game night." I said wrapping my arms around Ron and Harry's neck. "Sounds fun!" Ron said smiling. Harry gave Ron a look. I looked at confused. "You guys okay?" I asked walking backwards now. "No not really." Harry said. "What's the problem?" I asked right before I tripped, I felt someone catch me. It was Draco and helped me up and then walked away. "That's our problem." Harry added. "Draco Malfoy is your problem? he hasn't even done anything to you since we started dating, a year ago." I stated. "She probably a death eater Rebekah, and honestly we don't trust you either, you spend a lot of time with his family." Harry said. My jaw dropped. "He isn't! Why don't you trust me?" I said in confusion. "How do we know your not one of them!" Harry shouts. I looked and Hermoine and Ron then back at Harry. "Why would you even say that!" I shouted back. "Because Your always around him Rebekah!" harry shouted back. "At least Draco was there for me!" I said. "What do you mean?" Hermoine asked. I looked at them. "You all are so blind sighted you didn't even noticed how much pain i was in! Remember that bruise on my face-" I got cut off by Hermoine. "He hits you?" She said. "No! let me finish!" I shouted "I told you it was brother, but if you really knew me you would know that Ivan would never do that, I went home to see my father returned but he was different and I came back to hogwarts covered in bruises and cuts!" I start crying. "And you know who was there for me! Draco, and his family, mostly his mother, but still!" I shouted and began walking away. The trio didnt come after me, i wanted the too. I wanted them to run after me and comfort me and tell me their sorry, but they didn't. I dared to love Draco Malfoy and knew there would be consequence, but I didn't think I'd lose my friends. I got to the astronomy tower, knowing no one would be there during the day and broke down in tears. I just the people I called my best friends because I love someone who they don't trust. I heard footsteps but ignored the and continued to cry. "Rebekah!?" A voice said meeting me to the ground. "What happened Bekah?" I looked up to Draco looking at me. I shook my head, words would come out I was crying so hard. "Shh, come here." Draco said pulling me close. "You don't have to talk." He added holding me close to him. I didn't speak until Draco brought me back o my room. "What happened?" he asked once more. "They don't like me." I said wiping away tears. "Who?" Draco asked. I pointed the to the picture on my nightstand. "The trio!?" Draco said surprised. I shook my head. "They don't trust me because I spend to much time with you." I said. "I'm sorry-" I cut Draco off. "Don't, it's not your fault." I said laying down on my bed. Draco laid next to me and fell asleep after I did. I completely forgot Hermoine and I shared a room. She opened the door and the light flickered on. I opened my eyes and closed the again. I heard her sigh and I'm pretty sure she shook her head. Draco moved over now holding onto me. I tried to not move but opened my eyes. I sat up not waking Draco. "I don't want him in here." Hermoine said looking at me. I didn't say anything because I knew draco was awake as he began rubbing my back. I grabbed his hand and he stumbled out of bed. I looked at Hermoine but didn't say anything. She watched as Draco and I walked out. "Where are we going?" Draco asked. "back to your room, because i'm tired but i want to lay with you and Hermione doesn't want you in our room." I said opening the door to Slytherin common. We walked into Draco's and room and I passed out.

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