Chapter Fifteen

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I never questioned what happened with my father, I knew he disappeared once more but not what happened to him. I walked onto the balcony and took a breath of autumn air in. The cold air made my face red. "Aren't you cold?" Draco asked walking up next to me with jacket. "Put it on, it's November and your out here with no jacket." Draco said as I slipped on the grey coat. We didn't say much, we both just stood out there silent, Draco went to put his arm around me but i flinched away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-" I cut off with a small kiss. "it's not your fault." I said grabbing his arm and putting back around me. "I keep scaring you." He said looking at my face. "Your fine." I said resting my head on him. Christmas break started on Thanksgiving Day and I know Draco was expecting me to go home with him but I wanted to see my mother and brother.  Plus his father hates me and that terrifies me. 

"Hermoine!" I shouted. "What!" Hermoine shouted back. "Where's my red sweater!" I said throwing clothes everywhere. "Why?" Hermoine asked looking at the mess I was making. "I told Draco i would meet him in the astronomy tower but I can't find the sweater I wanted to wear!" I said Hermoine bent over and held a red sweater in her hand. "Oh, Thank you!" I stood up and hugged Hermoine who started laughing at me. I snuck to astronomy tower to meet Draco and saw him looking at the stars. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show." Draco said reaching for my hand. "I couldn't find my sweater." I said giving him my hand. He chuckled. "Come to the Manor for the holidays?" Draco asked. "Draco... I can't." I said grabbing his other hands. "Why?" He asked. "I have to see y mother and Ivan" I smiled. "Then come to Manor." Draco smirked "What do you mean?" I asked "I got my mother to convince your mother and brother to come to and for the holidays, and they said yes." Draco smiled. "Then yes, I will come with you." I said with smile as Draco kissed me. "Your absolutely gorgeous." Draco smirked as we walked back to our rooms. "I'll meet you here tomorrow then we'll leave." Draco said kissing my forehead before he walked to Slytherin common. I walked into see Hermoine asleep. I quietly changed and went to bed as well.  

The next morning I woke up and started packing, I left out and black overall type dress and a dark red sweater. I got ready curling my brown hair and clipping my front pieces back. I heard a knock on the door. Hermoine jumped. "Where are you going?" She asked. "I'm leaving for the holidays." I said opening the door to see Draco. I Knew the trio and I were drifting for each other, we didn't really hand out like we used to. I grabbed Draco's hand my other hand holding my bags and we were off. The train ride seemed so long but Draco made me play cards with him, I lost miserably, he let me win once. I began to get tired and Draco noticed. "Come here." He said moving towards the windows. I got of my seat across from him and sat next to him resting my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep, shortly after Blaise and Pansy sat down across from us. "I thought you broke up with her?" Blaise said. "I was suppose to, but I couldn't, I told my father i wouldn't do it." Draco said taking the clips out from my hair. "Your father always gets what he wants though." Pansy added. "You don't I know that!" Draco snapped. I shifted my body and moved my head to his lap, no longer being seen to Pnasy and Blasie.  "Don't agitate me, I don't wanna wake her." Draco said. They rolled their eyes. "So your bringing home the girl your father hates, for what?" Blaise asked. "He liked her once, I'm hoping he will again." Draco sighed looking at as I slept. "He's gonna kill her." Pansy said. "I want him touch her." Draco said not taking his eyes off me. 

"Bekah, wake up." Draco said shaking me a bit. I groaned sitting up. "Come on." He said grabbing my bags. We walked off the train and I saw our parents standing together. I ran towards my mother and she hugged me. "I missed you Rebekah!" My mother said letting go of me and opening her arms for Ivan. Narcissa hugged me. "How are you darling?" She asked now holding my face. "I'm good." I smiled. Lucius gave Draco a look that could probably kill someone. Draco looked away then hugged his mother. We all got in the car and headed back to the Manor. "Draco, dear, show Mrs. Lindsford and her son their rooms please." Narcissa said. Draco grabbed my hand and I told my mother to follow. "You'll be staying here, and Ivan you room is right there." Draco said pointing across the hall. They nodded and went in to unpack. Draco picked up my things and we went to his room. "You don't always have to carry my stuff ya know." I said shutting the door behind us. "I don't mind Bekah."  Draco smiled and started unpacking y things. "I can do that!" I said pushing him away. Draco pushed e onto his bed and started unpacking my things once more. I rolled my eyes knowing no matter how hard I tried he wouldn't let me. "I love you." Draco said plopping on the bed next to me after he  finished unpacking my things. "I love you too." I said curling up next to him, I gave him a kiss on the cheek then hopped up to go see Ivan. "You all good in here?" I asked at the door. "Uh yeah, This place is huge." Ivan said spinning around the room. "I see why you're always here." he added, I laughed. "I'm here because I love Draco and he wants me here." I said sitting next to Ivan on the bed. "How's school?" I asked. "Is Snape always a jerk?" Ivan asked. I laughed at him. "Of course he is, unless your name is Draco Malfoy, but even then yes." Ivan laughed with me. I stood up to go check on my mum. "Let me know if you need anything." I said closing the door behind me. "Hello mother." I said walking in. "HI honey, do you need something?" She asked. "No, just came to see if your okay, do you need anything?" I asked. "I'm okay Beks." My mother said. "Rebekah, I never got the chance to apologize, for what your father did to you, I never stopped him and I should of." My mother started walking towards me. "I don't want to talk about that." I said. "Are you okay though." My other said. "I'm fine, I just jump now and then." I said walking away. I didn't want to be around my mother anymore, recalling all that happened. I went downstairs to get some water, I started to feel safer in the Manor, meaning Draco didn't have to follow me everywhere. I got to the kitchen and grabbed a glass pouring water into the glass, i looked out the windows as it began to rain. I saw blonde hair in the corner of my eye, I figured it was Draco. "You don't have to follow me around all time, I'm fine." I said not looking away from the window. "Are you now?" A voice said. I turned to see Lucius standing in the kitchen. "Mr. Malfoy, I'm sorry I thought you were Draco." I said nervously. Lucius smiled and went back to a resting face. I was going to walk out but my legs wouldn't move. "I didn't mean to startle you, my apologies if I did." Lucius said. "Its fine, I was just leaving." I said as I started walking out, before I could walk out of the kitchen he stopped me. "I can sense I scare you Rebekah, Just know I wouldn't ever physically hurt you." Lucius said looking down upon me. I smiled and walked out running up the stairs. I got to Dracos room and shut door almost scaring Draco. "Everything alright?" Draco said jumping from his bed. "No, most certainly not." I said. Draco looked at me confused. "Your father just told me her would never hurt me, physically, does this mean he would mentally?" I asked. "Stop overthinking Bekah." Draco said pulling me to him.

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