I jumped off and stretched my arms. Even after a minute, she was bent down while her hair covered her face, still heaving. I bent down to get to her head level,"Hey ... I'm not that heavy. Don't overreact."

She suddenly whipped her head up looking worried and I stumbled backwards, taken aback. She flailed her arms around in caution,"Oh no it's not you! I didn't mean to offend you!"

She must've thought I was being serious. When she still looked worried holding her breath with a red face I smiled at her with empathy,"I was joking around with you. You know? Come on now ... you don't have to be so scared around me."

She stared at me dead serious in the eyes in silence, then lowered her head. Y/n stood up and exhaled loudly,"Let's go inside."

I followed her blindly and saw the small little place she worked at. It was a cafe that a lot of high schoolers usually came to after school. I was surprised that I had never been there. It was perfect, right outside the park with a lovely scenery.

We walked into it, greeted with the fresh coldness of the air conditioner. The place was rather small, but very aesthetically pleasing. By the time I finished looked around, y/n had already disappeared.

I stood there awkwardly with my hands flopped by my sides. But I was soon in the company of the girl I came here with again. Y/n wore a very cute uniform with a black apron over it. She had a small notepad in her hand and she smiled at me sweetly,"You just gonna stand there?"

I tried not to look at all the girls that were staring at me. It was extremely flattering, yet tiring, but I was used to it. So I bent down slightly to get to her ears,"Can you find me a seat to sit alone at?"

I saw the way she instantly focused anywhere but at me when I asked her. Suddenly she slightly jumped in excitement,"There! That lady is leaving, you can take it."

Her figure strutted over to the small round table with two chairs, and I followed her. As I followed
Y/n, so did the eyes of every other girl in that cafe.

Sitting down, I watched her work tirelessly. She had the shortest shift out of the whole day, but the most intense one. She kept struggling to carry everything, get the orders right, or just even walk through the place properly.

I was mesmerised.

I don't think I had ever been so impressed by a person as I had that day. Y/n was nothing like the girls and the boys in our school. She worked for everything, and never backed down. She really was different. She had a character unlike no other. She was full of emotions, and full of misery ... but she still smiled at the end of the day. Smart, caring, genuinely sweet ... and gorgeous.

It was too bad that the world had to put her down. Way below her place.

I was a huge part of that world too ... but I just didn't know it then.


It had been quite a while and watching her through the crowd seemed to make me sleepy. My eyes started to droop, and without even knowing it, I had fallen asleep.

After some time, I felt someone tug at my shoulder and I jerked awake,"What? What's wrong?"

While I tried to adjust my eyes to my surroundings, y/n stood in front of me with her hands on her hips,"Nothing's wrong, it's just that I'm closing up. Look everyone's gone."

𝐵𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑦 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 // 𝑗𝑗𝑘, 𝑦/𝑛, 𝑘𝑡ℎWhere stories live. Discover now