Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

Jayden's POV 

It was week 1 of the live shows. The boys and I were preparing for Monday's performance. It was the Wednesday before the performance. We had come into the studio to practice. Ronan came into the studio with a stack of papers.  

"This week, lads, its judge's choice which means I get to choose a song for you to perform and I've chosen Domino by Jessie J. You all know it?" he said to us. We nodded our head and then took the sheet music as he handed it to us.  

"Ok. So will, can you sing the first verse and then when it says 'I can taste the tension like a cloud, etc... .' Trent, you sing the main melody and Jayden and Julian can do a harmony. Then um... Will you sing the next bit up to the chorus and then you all sing the chorus. Then we'll have all of you going 'oh baby baby' while Trent sings another bit and then we'll have the rap and chorus." Ronan explained. He looked at us to confirm that it was all good with us. We nodded and then began.  

"Do you think you can write a rap for this song within a few days?" he asked Will.  

"Yeah. Shouldn't be too hard." Will replied. Ronan nodded, satisfied. We continued to practice until we'd finally nailed all our bits and then we headed back to the hotel. Tomorrow we'd be doing choreography.  

Will's POV 

Once we got to the hotel, I locked myself in my room and sat staring at the wall waiting for inspiration to hit me. I needed to write a rap to go with Domino. I grabbed my phone out and searched up Domino on YouTube so I could work out how the rap would fit in.  

Grabbing some of the hotel's paper and pen off the bed side table next to my bed, I jotted down a few lines and tried it out. Finally, after like 3 hours, I came up with something. Hopefully everything would go ok on Monday.  

Julian's POV 

The next day, we went back to the Fox Studios to do choreography. I had a feeling this wasn't going to end up well... I for one know that I couldn't dance and I'm pretty sure the others do too. The only one who could dance was Jayden. 

"You're going to be coming onto the stage from the roof." Ronan told us. What? My face showed my confusion as Ronan explained what he meant.  

"You're going to come down on platforms attached to poles and land on cubes that are placed on the stage." he explained. Right.... 

"Is that safe?" Zach asked.  

"Yep. If you wear your harness." Ronan replied.  

A group of people came over and taught us how to attach and detach the harness.  

"What happens if I fall?" I heard Jayden ask.  

"You'll crack your head." the person who was helping him replied.  

"Oh great." Jayden responded enthusiastically. I laughed at his response. We went through the whole choreography and finally were allowed to go back to the hotel.  

Trent's POV 

It was finally Monday night.  

"The Collective!" I heard the X Factor Announcers voice say. That week, we had we'd sent out a poll online about what our name should be and the majority chose... THE COLLECTIVE! We were The Collective. Now we wouldn't have "The boy band" written but rather "The Collective". Sounds a lot better. 

We were all attached to our harnesses and ready to descend onto the stage. It felt so amazing. After 2 tries, this being the third, I was finally here. Finally in the top 12.  

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