Chapter 8

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Chapter 8  

Jayden's POV 

Last week was horrible. Like the first 3 weeks of X Factor had been amazing. We'd gotten up on stage, owned it and the judges gave us amazing comments. Last week however had been horrible. We had "cheesy boy band dance moves" as Guy called them and we didn't "Own it" as Mel said. It had been so bad.  

Once we'd gotten off stage after performing, we all broke down into tears. Will was the worse. I think he has the most pressure on him being the main singer in that song and so for us to have such negative feedback put a lot of guilt and hurt on him.  

Julian had his friend backstage. He'd apparently met her on twitter and had been DMing her for a while until he decided he wanted to meet her. She must have been something special because she was the only thing Julian had been talking about for a while. She seemed really nice and she seemed like she cared a lot for Julian. I think her name was Chloe. She had come back stage and was comforting Julian while I was comforting Will and Trent and Zach just sat on the floor, their head buried in their hands.  

We really owe it to our fans though. Without them voting, we wouldn't have made it through. This so far was the one week we were confident we were going to be in the bottom two. We had practiced our safe song over and over again so that it was perfect because we didn't want to be going home that week so our only chance to stay was that performance but we got through. We didn't even get in the bottom two! That's how amazing our fans are I guess.  

Anyways, enough about our depressing week. I had been talking to Libby a whole lot more. I had been texting her a lot. She was pretty nice and what was good was that she was just like me. She was funny and bubbly so we got on really well.  

"HEY! Why did the mushroom go to the party?" she texted me. I raised my eyebrow at the weird question but quickly typed back a short reply.  


"Because he was a fun guy (fungi) :D" she texted. I read the punch line and laughed loudly, then quickly covered my mouth and looked around. I was in the rehearsal room. Ronan was talking to Will and Trent so the rest of us had a bit of free time. Julian was staring at me as if I was crazy and Zach was blushing staring at his phone. Probably on twitter having a twitter conversation with Fliss.  

I smiled innocently at Julian before looking down at my phone again.  

"That's cheesy :P" I rep'lied 

"Nope it's awesome :D" she replied back quickly, my phone buzzing.  

"Haha if you insist ;)" I replied back. Ronan was ushering us to come back so I quickly sent her a text message saying I had to go, stuffed my hat in my beanie which was laying at the side of the room and went back to practising.  

Zach's POV 

"My Romeo @zachariahbrian." my girlfriend, Fliss had written on twitter. I smiled and then clicked reply to her tweet.  

"My Juliet, @itsFliss :D" I wrote back. I scrolled through my mentions as notifications began pouring in with people saying how cute "Zachiss" was. It was so nice to have the support of our fans. We were in practice right now but Ronan was talking to Trent and Will so Julian, Jaydo and I were off to the side doing whatever. I was on twitter, Jayden was probably texting Libby and Julian was probably DMing Chloe.  

I watched as Jayden started laughing, confirming my suspicion. He only ever laughed like that when Libby sent him a joke. It was nice though that he'd found someone like that, even though they weren't actually together at the moment. I'm sure they'd end up together, it's inevitable.  

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