Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Trent's POV 

It was week 7. We had made it to week 7.If we make it 2 more weeks we'd be at the semi-finals and even possibly the grand finals the week after! 

Lately, I'd been texting Demi quite often. She was really easy to talk to and whenever she could, she came and watched us perform on X Factor. She was really supportive and she was just such a great friend.  

I took a deep breath and looked up around the studio. We were practicing for the live shows. It was really sad because last week our good friends, Fourtunate had gotten out. We'd gotten really close over the time at X Factor so it was really sad to see them leave. Their song that they sang at the battle was really good. I'd say it was their best performance yet. I sighed and went back to practicing.  

Katie's POV 

I took a deep breath and walked towards the counter to check in. I put my luggage bag onto the conveyor belt and did everything to check in then walked towards the terminal. When it was time to board the plane, I got up and walked towards the gate. I walked in and went to my seat, quickly setting in for the 1 hour plane trip.  

I closed my eyes, stuck my earphones into my ear and let the music seep into my ears. All of a sudden Tears of Jupiter came on. I couldn't help but let a couple of tears slide down my face, remembering Trent's audition and how he's forgotten me. I slid my hand across my cheeks to wipe away the tears.  

"Are you ok?" the person next to me asked. She was a young girl probably around 15. She had large dark brown eyes and long dark brown curly hair which was tamed by a simple head band.  

"Yeah. Sorry. I'm just going to visit my best friend who's forgotten me." I said, depressingly. "What about you?"  

"Oh I'm going to visit my boyfriend." she said, smiling a bit. 

"Oh! That's good." I replied, happy for her.  

"I'm Natasia." she said.  

"Oh. I'm Katie." I smiled at her.  

"So why is your friend in Sydney?" she asked.  

"He's in X Factor." I replied.  

"Oh! That's so cool! My boyfriend's brother is in it. What's your friends name?" she asked.  

"Trent." I said.  

"Oh. In the Collective. My boyfriend's brother is Jayden. My boyfriend is Trent Sierra." she said.  

"Oh really? What a coincidence! Why were you in Brisbane?" I said.  

"Oh. My family came up for a holiday up here and I'm leaving early so that I can see Trent." she explained.  

"Oh ok!" I said.  

"yeah! So why has Trent forgotten you? Weren't you the one that convinced him to audition?" she said.  

"Yep. How did you know that? and he's replaced me... with the manager's daughter." I said.  

"Jayden told Trent and Trent told me. And that's harsh." she said.  

"Yeah. So I'm going to see Trent and remind him... of me, I guess." I told her.  

"Well he'd be stupid not to remember you again." she smiled at me.  

"I hope so." I sighed. We continued talking and once we landed we grabbed our bags. Trent Sierra was there to pick up Natasia so I introduced myself, told him my story and he agreed with Natasia that Trent was stupid to forget about me. I have to admit that Natasia and Trent looked really cute together. You could tell they loved each other.  

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