Chapter 1

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A/N Ok! Well here's chapter one of I Surrender!! I hope you guys like it. Just telling you, most of this won't align with what actually happened in real life. Hope you guys like it! 

Chapter One  

Trent's POV 

"Come on, Trent!!" my best friend, Katie whined at me as I sat down in a bean bag at home.  

"No, Katie. I don't want to go and then be rejected again. I just can't bear the thought of going there, getting to say boot camp or home visits again and then from there getting told that I'm not good enough." I said to her. She was trying to convince me to audition for X Factor again. I'd already auditioned twice before and both times I never made it into the top 12. I didn't want that to happen again.  

I looked up at her and I could see her eyes were grey. She was sad. You see, Katie had this thing with her eyes that meant that you could tell her emotions from the colour of her eyes. Her eyes tended to be bluer when she was happy but greyer when she was sad.  

"Come on. Please, Trent! You know what they say . Third time lucky!" she said. "Would it help if I said I'd already sent in your audition video?"  

"WHAT!? Katie!!! Why?" I complained to her. This whole scene probably looked crazy to everyone. I was a 21 year old guy complaining to my 19 year old best friend while on a beanbag... yep. Weird.  

"Because you want to! If you don't go.... I'll get Phobia to hit you... Hard. And you know she will!" she said to me. Phobia was another one of my friends and I guess you could say that at times she acted more like a guy than she did a girl. I guess that was one of the reasons why we got along so well.  

"Trent! Mum said its dinner time!" My little sister Kiara called up the stairs. "Oh! And she wanted to know whether Katie's staying for dinner." Kiara was my 14 year old little sister. We were pretty close even though there was a huge age gap between us. Along with Kiara, I had another sister, Gracie who was 16. People said that Kiara and I looked alike but Gracie not so much. I guess she takes after mum more while Gracie and I take after Dad.  

"Ok, Kiara." I said getting up from my beanbag. "You want to stay for dinner?" I asked Katie.  

"Nuh. I got to get home." she replied. "Oh! And you're auditioning for X Factor whether you like it or not." she said, before walking out the door of my bedroom, and leaving my house.  

Three Days Later 

"Dear Trent. Congratulations. You have been accepted to audition for the fourth series of The X Factor Australia, 2012. Your audition will take place on the 21st of March 2012 at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. Looking forward to seeing you." I read out to Katie, Phobia and my family.  

I looked up from the letter and I was met with 6 smiling faces.  

"Congratulations." my mum squealed, tears in her eyes.  

"Thanks mum." I said to her. "Well, looks like we're going to Sydney again." I said.  

21st March 2012 

I rubbed my hands nervously together as I watched the audition before mine.  

"You're up, Trent." I heard Luke Jacobz say. I quickly hugged mum as we could only afford to have mum and I flown over to Sydney. The others had wanted to come but they ended up staying.  

I walked on stage and looked over at where Nat Bass, Ronan Keating, Mel B and Guy Sebastian were. Guy was clapping and smiling as I walked onto the stage of the Entertainment centre for the 3rd time.  

I Surrender (The Collective Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang