Chapter 3

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A/N hope you guys liked the last chapter and I hope you like this chapter! Here's chapter 3 :D 

Chapter 3 

Julian's POV 

"We're going to LONDON!" Jayden announced reading out the card that he'd taken out of the envelope. We were all at Sydney Airport and all in our different categories so under 25 girls, under 25 boys, groups and over 25s.  

Jayden had just announced to all the others in our category that we were going to London! It's going to be amazing!  

This week has just been amazing. It's just been a whole week of getting to know the guys. We got together and did a lot of typical aussie things like a barbeque and played cricket. I think we just got along really well which I guess we were thankful for... For all we know, we could have ended up with people we hated or didn't get along with but we all got along really well.  

Anyways, back to the present. We walked in the rotating glass doors... well Jayden being.... well Jayden, walked around and around and around and around in the rotating door glass doors about... 10 times... maybe more but I guess that's Jayden for you.  

We headed towards the gates and then onto the plane. Once on the plane, we took our seats. I got out my headphones, plugged them into my iPod and turned on Never Say Never, closed my eyes and went to sleep.  

Will's POV 

I looked over at Julian who was sitting next to me then looked up at Jayden.  

"We should prank him." I mouthed to Jayden over Julian's sleeping body. Jayden's eyes lit up with excitement and he nodded.  

"Julian! Wake up!" I said, poking his side gently.  

"No, mum. 5 more minutes." he mumbled. I watched Jayden crack up with laughter. He just called me mum... nice.  

"Come on, Julian. Justin Bieber's here." I continued.  

"WHAT?! WHERE IS HE!?" Julian said, waking up instantly. Jayden had stopped laughing but as soon as that happened his mouth opened wide and he started cracking up again and so did I.  

"Oh my!" Jayden said, between laughs. "Your face!" he said, continuing to laugh.  

Julian rolled his eyes at us then went back to sleep.  

"Shh... other passengers are trying to sleep!" one of the air hostesses hissed at Jayden and I.  

"Sorry." I said before looking at Jayden who looked as if he was going to burst.  

I silently laughed at his face before closing my own eyes and sleeping.  

Jayden's POV 

Finally here. In London. I never thought I'd come here to be judged on my singing but here I was. We'd gotten off the plane and headed to the cars which drove us to our hotels and then to the venue where we were going to perform. We were finding out who was our mentor. 

All of us were huddled staring anxiously at the door waiting to see whether Ronan, Nat, Guy or Mel walked in. We heard the door creak open and in walked... RONAN!  

"I'm stuck with the groups again!" he said as he walked towards us. We laughed and then walked towards him.  

"So you all know why you're here. We need to narrow down from 6 to 3 and I'm going to have some help. They were in the same position as you were except the UK XFactor." I could hear all the girls gasp around us. Could it be? 

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