Chapter 58

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"I forbid it Hope. That wolf is not good enough for you. He bloody hell is not even good enough to lick the dirt off my shoes. Do you understand?" Dad yells while pacing in front of me.

"But." I start, he interrupts.

"No buts. The nerve he had for kissing you in front of me. Your lucky I did not rip his head off." He growls out. I watch as his eyes flash yellow.

"I agree with Niklaus the boy surely had no respect when he put his lips upon Hopes knowing who her father is. It's immature and impolite. I recommend we go back and teach him a lesson." Elijah says adjusting his suit. First of all I haven't heard Elijah threaten a life that wasn't a witches. Secondly they're making to much of a big deal out of this.

"You can't just rip the kids head off for kissing Hope. GOD he's not even a child, he's a man. I have watched him grow up if there's any decent man for Hope it's Thomas." Mom says crossing her arms. And then she smiles at me. A real sincere smile. But dad steps in front of her and I'm almost scared he's going to hit her. But he just does his signature grin then looks at me.

"You are immortal Hope. Thomas will grow old and die while you stay young forever. You made that decision when you killed Devina. So go on be with him but I am protecting you from the broken heart you will have in 40 years." Dad says then disappears. He's right, Thomas is only a wolf. I am immortal. No wonder he was so angry with me at the cabin. O was so focused on being a hybrid again and didn't even think about his feelings. But the love that suddenly appeared can be real. I love his as a best friend, a brother. I only tried to make it more to spare his feelings. But I can't lie to myself or him. My dad is right, he always is. It's clear what I have to do.

I pound quickly on the wooden door in front of me. My hands feel shaking so I squeeze them into fist to control my anxiety. It's never easy hurting someone you love. Just to bad my love ain't enough. I jump when Thomas swings the door open with a huge smile. I don't have time to react when he takes me in the arms.

"I knew you would come back. We belong together." He says setting me down and as he goes to kiss me I step back.

"Actually I came back to tell you we can't be together." I say and watch the smile fall from his face.

"What?" He says broken.

"The last thing I want to do is hurt you Thomas but you know we can't be together. For so many reasons." I say shaking my head lightly.

"Reasons or excuses. Is it Klaus because you know I'm not afraid of him. I can protect you from him Hope. I won't ever lock you up." He says trying to grab my hands but I pull away once again.

"No I just don't love you like that and my dad has nothing to do with this. This is my decision. I'm not going to ruin my family to be with a man I do not love." I say and Thomas flinches.

"Well I'm glad that's out there. I wouldn't want to be with someone who is so broken." He says with a harsh tone. Anger fills me but I control it.

"I understand that you are angry. And I understand if you never want to see me again. You'll find someone who deserves you." I say and rush out the door before he has a chance to speak. Even if I did love Thomas would my dad actually try to keep me from him.

"And were have you been?" A male voice says from the shadows as I walk into the courtier.

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