Chapter 3

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"DAD!" I shout jumping on his bed. He jumps up looking for danger. I laugh and fall on the bed clutching my stomach.

"Hope." He warns. I stop laughing.

"Sorry." I say guilty. He shakes his head then walks out of the room. I jump off the bed and look at his new paintings. There is a painting with blue swirls around a garden of red roses. It's beautiful. I hear something shatter and my head snaps to the door. I walk slowly to the hall and i hear gasping. I rush to the balcony to see Elijah, Marcel and my dad on the floor gripping their heads gasping, groaning in pain. I look to the left to see an elderly women with crazy orange hair that flows in all directions with her hand extended towards my family. I jump down and a growl escapes my mouth.

"Run. Hope. Now." My dad yells. The elderly women smirks.

"So this is the lovely Hope. It's a shame she'll die so young." She says walking towards me.

"Don't you touch her." My dad growls out trying to get up. The women twitches her fingers and he's on the floor again. A burst of energy flows through me.

"Say goodbye Niklaus. To your precious daughter." She says then lifts her left hand. My head aches as i fall to the ground.

"NOO." I hear my dad yell. I push myself up.

"She's a fighter." She says then laughs. My right hand goes up and she gasps. Her hold on my family drops as she grasp her throat. I'm a witch too dumbass. I use my vampire speed to grab her by the throat.

"No one hurts my family." I say. Her eye's widen in fear. I snap her neck and her body falls to the ground. I rush to my dad.

"Are you okay? Damn that was scary. Did you see what i did? That was crazy. I never snapped anyone's neck before. I used my mind to choke her." I stop talking cause my dad hugs me tightly.

"Hope when i say run. You run. You could of gotten killed." He says then looks for injuries.

"I'm immortal dad." I say.

"Looks like Hope has control over some of her powers." Marcel says standing up straight. I shrug.

"That lady just got me angry for hurting my family." I say. They all smile.

"Always and Forever" I say.

"Always and Forever" They repeat.

"Now who's feeding me." I say looking at them.

"Niklaus, Marcellus take care of the witches body. I'll cook for Hope." Elijah says. I smile and make my way to the kitchen.

As Elijah starts cooking i know it's a good idea to ask him questions.

"So who was she?" I ask leaning forward on the counter.

"A very old enemy of your father's and mine." He says. I nod my head.

"One down and probably a hundred or more left." I say. He chuckles.

"Elijah" I question again.

"Yes my dear Hope." He answers back setting a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Why so many? Dad seems so caring and a gentlemen. He rarely gets angry." I say, Elijah sighs.

"Hope you changed him but not all the way. He has made some bad decisions in his life. He wasn't always caring. Besides family, he will kill anyone who steps in his way." I nod my head then start eating. He might be ruthless but i still love him. Even if he wants to kill for sport.

When I'm done eating i get dressed in black jeans, white vanz and a white flowy T-shirt with a jean jacket. I walk to the balcony and see my dad talking to a group of vampires. I sit on the railing swinging my legs. I'm so bored. I take a deep breath and a scent i grew up with hits my nose. I look at the gate and in walks Thomas Hade. My best friend from the Bayou. Which my dad and Elijah haven't met yet. They don't like me talking to any boys so who knows what they will do if I told them my best friend was a boy. I jump off the railing and run to him. He catches me in a hug. Thomas has black hair that flows up and amber eye's. Not going to lie he's hot. But i grew up with him so i know who he truly is. A fat dork.

"Hey ugly. What are you doing here?" I question as he sits me down.

"Pfft ugly. I don't think so. And your mom thought it was a good idea for me to hangout with you. Aka watch you." He says with a smirk. I laugh.

"Well what do we have here." I turn around and there stands my dad. I can hear Thomas's heart rate pick up.

"Boy you must have a death wish for speaking to my daughter without my consent." He says stepping closer to Thomas.

"Dad this is Thomas my best friend from the Bayou." I say with a smile.

"Surely if he was your best friend we would of known about him. Isn't that right Niklaus." Elijah says stepping forward. Ugh.

"If i told you i was hanging out with a boy you would never let me see him again. So i didn't tell you. But before you get all mad. Mom sent him to hangout with me so he's not leaving." I say crossing my arms. My dad's mouth opens then closes.

"Thomas is it. If you hurt my daughter i will torture you in ways you would think that are not possible. Do i make myself clear?" Dad states. Thomas nods his head.

"Keep it in your pants shall we mate." Dad says with a fake smile.

"Oh my god dad. Stop." I say grabbing Thomas's hand leading him away.

"Well that could of gone worse." Thomas says following behind me. I take Thomas to the kitchen to get some snacks.

"Your lucky this time. So notice anything different." I ask setting a soda down in front of Thomas. He rubs his chin.

"Your taller." I shake my head.

"You cut your hair." I shake my head.

"You got rid of your glasses." He says with a smile.

"I never had glasses Thomas." I say throwing a bag chips at him. He laughs.

"I'm just kidding. You smell a little different." He says.

"I shifted yesterday." I say then his eyes widen.

"Not going to lie it was very painful." I say.

"Yeah i remember when i changed too. Congrats Hope." He says lifting his soda like a cheers.

"And i killed a witch earlier." I say and He chokes on his soda. I laugh he's such a dork.

"Well Hope Nika Mikaelson this calls for a celebration." He says with his signature smirk. This is going to be fun. Or I'm going to regret this whole thing.

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