Chapter 10

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"I'm taking a break" I say to Bonnie. I get up and head to my room. We have been practicing for two days and it's hurting my head. Bonnie says i should continue but she can't stop me from walking away. I mean would you step up to a hybrid when she wants to leave especially when she's learning to control her powers. I won't ever hurt Bonnie on purpose. She's a friend. She's nice and actually wants to be my friend. Damon sits in with us when I'm practicing. Bonnie told me he's seems protective over me but i don't notice. I plop down on my bed and turn my head to the left to look at my dad's painting he sent to me. It's a red rose garden with a silver wolf in the middle. The wolfs eye's stand bright yellow. I've been ignoring his calls but i can't anymore. I miss him to much. I take out my phone he sent it with the painting. I dial his number. It rings twice like always before he answers.

"Hey dad" I say happily so he knows i want to talk to him.

"Well i must say this is a wonderful surprise baby wolf. I know my day will go splendid from now on" He says. I smile.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to leave. I miss you so much. All of you. But Elijah and Rebekah don't call only you and mom." I say softly. I talked to my mom yesterday. She sent me clothes for my birthday. That was the hint that i will be here awhile. I told her how I'm learning to control my magic. How Bonnie is teaching me. She says i have to tell dad myself that someone is teaching me to control it. I also told her about Caroline she says i should keep it a secret between us. Dad doesn't need to worry about her right now.

"I know Hope but it's not your fault. It's mine for making so much enemies. I miss you too baby wolf"

"Don't get mad but Stefan's friend Bonnie is teaching me to control my magic" I hold my breath for his answer.

"If Stefan and Damon trust her. I'll trust her teaching you how to control it. I wish i was there to help" I can hear other people talking in the background. He's busy but doesn't want to tell me.

"I have to go dad. I'll call you later. Love you" I say.

"Love you too Baby wolf" He says then hangs up. I set the phone on the bed. I hear a knock on the door and sit up. Damon walks in.

"I was going for a run and maybe catch something to eat. Care to join me Ms. Mikaelson" He says with a bright smile.

"I will love to join you Mr. Salvatore." I say hopping off my bed. Good thing i went with black jeans and converse. I have have a gray T-shirt with a black and blue flannel on. So it won't really matter if i get blood on my clothes. I skip my way down the stairs followed by Damon. When reach the front door i can see Caroline sitting on the couch with Bonnie. I feel i shouldn't trust Bonnie anymore. What if Caroline tries to fight me again. Bonnie might be able to figure out my weakness and tell her. Bonnie sees me and smiles. Just that smile makes me feel uneasy.

"Are we going to train later" She asks walking towards me. Something feels not right.

"Actually i was thinking we should stop. My dad wants my aunt to train me. Thanks for trying to help" I say with a light smile and step outside. I quickly run after Damon who's got a head start. When we get to the woods i push myself to find a campsite first. Like at home we only kill tourist. The same goes for here. I smell a fire mixed with humans. I push myself to go faster but Damon beats me. We stop in the middle. There's two boys maybe in their twenties and one girl. Possibly a girlfriend of one of the boys.

"Shall we" Damon says flashing his fangs. I smile and copy his lead. I grab the girl and snap her neck backwards as i stink my fangs onto her adams apple and bite down. As i finish up the girl Damon gets the other boy. I throw the bodies in the fire as does Damon. I take a seat on a log by the fire. Damon sits next to me like usual.

"So no more training with Bonnie" He questions.

"Yeah i know she's your friend and all but i felt like i couldn't trust her. Not after i saw how close she was with Caroline" I say resting my chin on a knee.

"Hope" Damon says. I turn my head to look at him. He extends his hand towards my face. "You have something on your face. All right there." He taps on my chin. I roll my eye's and slap his hand away.

"You do too smartass" I rest my chin back on my knee.

"I have a surprise. To cheer you up" Damon stands up. He takes my hand and starts walking.

"And what might that surprise be" I question. He chuckles.

"It's called a surprise for a reason Hope" He answers. We continue walking in silence before we stop in front of a cave. "Surprise" He says with a cheery smile.

"This. A dark cave." I point at the cave. He nods his head and walks in. I could see everything fine. Rocks, slimy green stuff on the walls. I peak over Damon's shoulder and see a waterfall. I rush past him and stop at the edge of a large pond like pool. The water is perfectly clear with a small waterfall at the top.

"It's beautiful. How did you find it" I turn around to look at Damon and he's smiling at me. He stops a few feet away from me.

"Around a certain time in my life. I needed to stay low for a bit. Then i found this place" He steps next to me and looks at the waterfall.

"Damon" He turns to look at me. "You have something on your face." I tap his chin then push him. With my hybrid strength he fell in the water. I start laughing when he emerges from the water.

"But did you forget Hope. There's something on your face" I turn around to run but he has his arms around me. In a blink of an eye he's jumping in the pool with me in his arms. Cold water hits my skin but it's refreshing. I swim to the top and rub my chin to get the blood off. I turn around and no Damon.

"Damon" I turn all the way around. "Damon this is not funny" I shout. I turn around and he has his cocky grin on. I splash water on his face. "Jerk" I turn around and swim to the edge. I hop up and sit on the edge. At least i can't get sick. Damon hops out too.

"Let's go Home" Damon extends his hand to help me up like he always does. I gladly take it making him smile. I think he's worried i might be scared of him but I'm not. I trust him completely. About five minutes from the cave a teenage boy stands in the middle of the woods staring at us. He's a hybrid i can sense it. My father made him.

"Isn't it odd to be standing in the middle of the woods alone Tyler." Damon says. Tyler. I know that name. He's the one who tried to kill me when i was unborn. My hand tightens onto Damon's. I know he looked at me but i keep my eye's lock on the enemy. I don't know if i should kill him or run. My dad never runs. I let go of Damon's hand and rush to Tyler he kicks me making me hit a tree. Fucking bastard. I comes to kick me again but i grab his leg and twist it before it snaps in half. He screams then grabs my hand. Damon shows up behind Tyler then snaps his neck. I get up and rub my wrist.

"Well. Was that like a hybrid thing. You just fight the next hybrid you see" Damon asks confused.

"He tried to kill me when i was unborn. I naturally reacted. My dad never runs. So I'm not going to either" Damon smiles. But something in his eye's are different. And i don't want that smile to ever disappear.

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