Chapter 39

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For the past night Cecilia has been trying to improve her locating spell to find Kole. Wesley sits in the same spot yawning each five minutes staring at the map and Rebekah sits next to Cecilia helping her each time. I sit on the floor by the door watching and thinking to myself.

Cecilia changes the sand, the herbs, and the candles each time but it makes no difference. Whoever did the cloaking spell on Kole was very smart and powerful. Kole went into hiding after my sixteenth birthday because that's when we found out Devina's plans for me. He was heart broken so he ran and was never heard from again. Well only once when he sent a small black box that contained a small silver ring with the Mikaelson crescent charm on it. Dad said that's how he new Kole would be fine.

Maybe that's it. They might need something that was connected to Kole to located him more. Maybe he sent the ring for a reason. To locate him when the time was needed. Dad gave me that ring as a gift. It's hidden in my room, under a loose bored in my closet. I jump up from the floor and the candles blow out making all eyes go wide.

"Woah. Did you do that?" Wesley asks Cecilia who blinks fast.

"Nope, wasn't me." She states nervously. Rebekah looks around before she stands up making the chair screech against the wooden floor.

"I have an idea." Rebekah says then disappears. Cecilia and Wesley just stare at each other confused with some fear in there eyes.

I did something. I made the candles blow out. I can try and communicate with them. I won't be alone.

A few moment later Rebekah is back with her hands full and a hopeful face.

"Will you bloody turn on the lights already." Rebekah growls out. She sets all the object down and grabs the white chalk as Wesley quickly turns on the lights.

"You know what this is?" She questions Cecilia. Cecilia shakes her head watching Rebekah. Rebekah draws a circle with a star in the center, then writes my name in the middle.

"We are going to summon Hope. So put together the spell. It's going to take a pull on you so we won't have a lot of time." Rebekah says wiping her hands on her jeans. Cecilia nods fast then rushes to the ingredients Rebekah brought in. She grabs the print paper with the spell on it and stars throwing things into a stone bowl.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Wesley questions. With shaky feet I stand in the circle, on my name. I hope this works.

"Yes I'm sure. I've done this before. How's it looking?" She questions Cecilia. I wonder why she's such in a rush. I've been here for hours, what's the point in running around like this, I'm not going anywhere.

"I just need Klaus's blood to have the connection stronger." Cecilia states mixing some type of power.

"Niklaus." Rebekah shouts. Dad rushes through the door followed by Mom, Elijah, Cami and Marcel.

"Did Cecilia find Kole?" Mom questions as they all step toward the table.

"No but we believe Hope is trying to communicate with us." Cecilia says

"What?" Mom says softly.

"Klaus I need some of your blood." Cecilia says putting the bowl of powder towards him. He looks at Rebekah who shows pleading eyes. He bites his wrist the squeezes his blood into the bowl. Rebekah takes the bowl then hands Cecilia the paper with the spell. Rebekah goes over the circle and star with the powder that is sprinkled in blood.

"Alright Cecilia this is going to hurt but don't stop okay. Just don't let someone else pull her. Once you open the portal, someone else can summon her." Rebekah says staring Cecilia in the eyes. Cecilia nods then stands in front of the circle. Then everyone circles around with hope in there eyes. I hope this works.

"Let thee come forth, to speak to thee.
Let thee come forth, to speak to thee." Cecilia repeats. Her head is back with her arms spread wide. She chants loud as the lights flicker and the house shakes. A clear wall forms around the circle like a cage then I feel the pull. It pulls at my body making it feel heavy. The house finally stops shaking and the lights are stable.

"Hope." Mom gasps. I look up and she has tears in her eyes staring at me. I ignore the pain as I rush to her but the wall stops me from touching her.

"Mom." I cry out. I ignore the pull on my body as I put my hand on the wall.

"Dad." I say putting my right hand by him.

"Hope are you okay." Mom asks trying to get closer to me but the wall stops her.

"It's cold here. I'm here though. I'm here. But I was gone like I'm fading." I say softly.

"Guys hurry." Wesley shouts as he hold Cecilia firm. She has blood running down her nose.

"It's the golden ring, It will help you find Kole. It's in my closet under the boards." I say looking at Dad. His hand is on the other side of the wall but on mine. The wall flickers and mom pounds on the wall.

"The wall is going to close Hope. Don't worry we have a plan." Rebekah says. A pain rushes through my body making me drop to the floor. My vision is blurry. No. My heart is aching and I feel another pull. This pull is more controlling.

"NO DON'T GO!" I scream as I jump to the wall.

"HOPE." Dad yells. I look dad in the eyes.

"I'm scared. Something is pulling me away. It hurts." I cry out as the pull drops me to the floor. The pull has me stuck on the floor with my back glued. I can see them yelling and Cecilia shaking. But all I feel is as if the silver dagger is digging in my heart again. The dizziness and the heart ache is back. I'm fading again. I'm fading when my family finally saw me. For a brief second I wasn't alone.

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