Chapter 17

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It's Saturday morning and we decided it's time to take a break. We parked the truck at a drive in. Wesley is tired and needs rest. We're not to far from Portville. In the morning we will meet at the lake with Cecilia. I just need some supplies first. I slip through the window then run a mile back to where i last saw a town. Wesley is going to need things to protect himself. Small towns always has gun stores and like i guess i found one. I walk in and grab a duffle bag. I grab a crossbow with arrows and shove it in the bag. I grab swiss army knives. And a pair of combat boots. I drop the bag on the counter and stare at the man in the eye's.

"Your going to give all this to me for free. Then forget i was ever here." He nods his head. I grab the bag and run out of the store. I run hiding in the trees back to the truck. I drop the bag in the bag then hop back in. Wesley jumps awake.

"Sorry. I just had to grab a few things. Wesley you don't have to go with us. After i get to the lake. I can clear your memory and you can go home"

"My life was boring before you showed up in my store. This is the most excitement i had in my life. I'm not backing down. That's what friends are for." He says with a smile. I can't let him die. I bite down on my wrist drawing blood then i put it towards him. He looks at me confused.

"Drink." I order. He grabs my wrist then puts it up to his mouth. I leave it for ten seconds before i pull away. I grab his shirt and make him look me in the eye's.

"Forget what just happened. Go back to sleep" He nods his head the closes his eye's. If Wesley dies during the battle. He'll wake up a vampire. I promised i won't let him get killed. And this is me keeping that promise. I promise i won't let anyone i love die. I close my eye's and let the exhaustion take me into a deep sleep.

The truck shakes and i jolt awake. I look around and see Wesley in the back of the truck with a knife in his hand. I stretch then hop out of the car. It's still dark out.

"What are you doing? And what time is it?" I question. I jump up and sit on the hood of the truck facing Wesley.

"I was checking out what you got. Why is there a crossbow? And it's about four in the morning." He answers. He holds up the bow, testing it out. Good thing i got wooden arrows. To cause pain.

"It's for you. For protection. While I'll be fighting vampires. Your going to be protecting my friend Cecilia from vampires while she does a spell to stop the wicked witch of Mystic Falls." I hop down and pull out the combat boots i got for him. "Vanz won't cut it in the woods." I grab the crossbow and hand him the boots.

"Thanks." He sits down on the side. "I can get killed doing this right" He questions. He kicks off his shoes.

"Yes and no. You'll be a good couple miles away from the fight. And I'll send some of my pack members to you guys. If they have red glowing eye's kill them or run. If they have yellow glowing eye's it's me sending help." I say with a smile. I'm not going to tell him. If he dies he'll wake up a vampire. It'll be like a surprise. "Lets go. We should be there around six if we leave now" I say hopping back in the truck.

We drive in silence the next two hours. I keep thinking about battle strategies. Cami will be close to Dad trying to calm him down. Elijah will be by Mom who will be by Jackson and some pack members. Rebekah will be with Marcel. If Damon is there he'll stand close to Dad. Maybe Stefan, Elena and Jeremy will be there too. Bonnie won't hurt Elena and Jeremy. Stefan maybe. Damon surely. I won't let her. I care for Damon to much to lose him. Bonnie will be worried about Dad, Elijah, and Rebekah. Cecilia has that covered. She just needs more protection. No doubt Thomas will be in town either. If i can reach him, he can watch over Cecilia and Wesley. Rogue vampires will be fighting Damon, Marcel who i know will try to protect Cami and Rebekah and the same time. Mom and Jackson will be fighting off rogues as well. Cami is vulnerable with no one stopping Caroline. I won't let my dad lose her. I won't lose her.

Wesley pulls into a small camping ground. I hop out and let my senses guide me to Cecilia.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a couple of minutes." I say and follow Cecilia's sent. I find her sitting on a log by the water. Cecilia has the whole Gothic look going on but don't let the looks fool you. She's Actually a sweetheart.

"Cecilia" I say. Her head snaps in my direction with a big smile. She drops her bag and we run to give each other a hug.

"Now tell me everything." She says.

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