Chapter 40

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Have you ever sat in a position for to long and your legs go numb. It has that tingly effect keeping you from moving them. Or a time when you go swimming and you get a cramp in your foot making you loose control of moving your foot. I have that feeling but it's in my whole body. I feel numb unable to move, only to bare through the ache in my body. I blink rapidly but all I see are black and white spots. Just when I get some faith that my family will save me it gets taken away.

As I lay there hating that I'm in this hell and I'm not in darkness where there is no pain. Why haven't I moved on yet? I squeeze my eyes shut and when I open them I'm in the Bayou. The light peeks through the green leaves making everything seem heavenly. The numbness of my body slowly fades away as I sit and my eyes lock on my best friend Thomas. He's training with the adult wolves. He has that murderous look on his face which means he's out for blood. I guess this is not training, Thomas is challenging an older wolf. I don't recognize this man. He has short spiky hair with dark eyes but the only thing I can stare at his the scar that runs down his face.

"Are you sure you want to do this pup?" The man asks in a deep voice. I get up slowly do to my body still aching then walk closer. Woah Thomas doesn't look like that dorky buff teen no more. He's taller, with a little bit of scruff and some tattoos. He's a man, i think.

"I'm more than sure. This pack is rightfully mine Outsider." Thomas growls out. My eyes search the crowd for mom or Jack but no sight of them. All the teens I trained with are grown.

"Very well then." Then man says calmly then jumps at Thomas. Thomas doesn't hesitate moving forward to get the first punch. The scarred man barley flinches when he throws a kick at Thomas's stomach making him fall back. The scarred man goes to jump on him but Thomas is quick enough to roll out of the way. As they continue to throw punches I watch the crowd growl fiercely at the scarred man and his two followers.

"Too slow just like Jackson." The scarred man laughs out. It triggers something in Thomas, he lets out a growl that shakes the ground then throws rapid punched at the man.

"Your not aloud to say his name." Thomas shouts then everyone freezes. Thomas steps back pulling his fist out of the mans chest. The man falls to his knees and eyes the heart that is no longer in his chest. As Thomas drops the heart the man falls to his death. The crowd cheers and howls in approval.

"Alpha Thomas." They shout as they surround him.

"Kill them." Thomas orders and some pack members start chasing the two that followed the scarred man. Alpha Thomas? What happened to Jackson? And where's mom? I watch Thomas try not to limp as he makes his way to the Alpha cabin. I follow after him and see Wesley open the door. I rush quickly to the window.

"Now that Ralph is dead we need to prepare." Thomas says as he goes to sit down. Ralph, I'm guessing the scarred man. Thomas rubs his face then looks to his right. My eyes follow and it's a framed picture of Jackson with candles surrounded it. No, it can't be. Jackson is dead. Where is my mom?!

"Have you heard anything?" Thomas says looking back at Wesley. Wesley takes the seat across from him.

"Not much, only that Lucien is still trying to find a piece of the spell. Klaus is too busy picking off the witches one by one." Wesley says.

"And Hayley?" Thomas questions. Wesley shakes his head and looks down. Mom. What does that mean.

"It's been two years Wesley, since Hope's death. And one year since Jacksons. With Hayley missing like this the pack only grew weaker. But it's we fought back." Thomas says jumping up and walking away. Wesley shakes his head then disappears. I've been gone for two whole years. I guess I have been in a darkness for longer than I assumed. It still only feels like yesterday I was seeing my family. Jackson died. He's gone. I didn't spend that much time with him after I moved with my dad. I can never see his bright smile in the morning again. And now my mom is missing. She's far to broken right now to have her humanity switched on. The pain is probably to much to bare for her. Why does this after life only seem to get worse.

"Get ready Hope." A feminine voice says making me jump and turn around. There's no one there. I look around but there's only pack members training or playing. I jump again when the cabin door opens and Wesley storms out. He runs without giving anyone a second glance.

"You have to be strong. It's going to cause you a lot of pain." The voice says again. Get ready for what? The ground starts shaking making me fall to the floor. Only I don't fall on the floor. I'm still falling. It's like I'm being pulled into a black hole. It's as if a large hand is gripping onto my torso pulling me down. The farther down I go feels like I'm breaking throw brick walls. Each layer hurts more than the last. I scream in pain as I feel my bone cracking. It feels as if a hammer is bashing my head in better it never fully opens. Just as I'm about to think I'm going to be falling forever I hit the bottom. It takes my breath away. I can feel and hear each bone break but it's not over. I'm sinking into the darkness. Yet again another darkness full of pain. I don't know how long I'll be gone. It now scares me that I can be banished into oblivion.

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