Chapter 46

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I always hated those stupid red eyes. I still hate them only now I fear them too. What could possibly be worse than a human girl covered in blood in a room full of very hungry vampires. I don't move as I watch everything unravel in front of me. As I blink I see a  short haired woman charge at me. Then everyone follows after her, rushing towards me as there fangs pop out showing they are tired of waiting to eat. She doesn't make to close to me because Wesley quickly tackles her to the ground then snaps her neck. As I look forward again a blood eyed male vampire with spiked hair is grabbing my hair. I scream as I watch his fangs go to bite my arm but in quick movement he is being thrown off of me. My vision gets blurred as I try to get up to move but everything and everyone is moving so fast. Screams and growls erupt in the room. The sound of glass shattering and loud bangs as if someone is hitting the wall with a hammer can be heard.

I'm quickly being picked up by Wesley then he rushes towards the door but doesn't make it far. Someone tackles us down making me fly to the other side of the room. I gasp for air as I feel a pain shoot through my leg. I ignore the dizziness in my head and quickly sit up.  I can see a large piece of glass sticking out of the right side of my thigh. I guess now I'm thinking I should of listened to dad. In a blink of an eye I'm being push down and feel a weight on top of me. I blink rapidly to see the tall man with red eyes who was watching me earlier. He holds down my arms with his hands and smirks. I scream and shake as he comes close to my face. His breath reeks of death.

"Time to die Hope Mikaelson." He whispers then quickly bites down on my neck. It sends a shock wave of pain through my body. As I can feel myself fading the man jumps off me. I watch as he stumbles back gripping his throat. His body shakes then he drops to his knees. I watch as small lines of light trace each vein in his body then he erupts into flames.

"ENOUGH." A male voice yells. I hear some ripping noises and chokes but I don't take my eyes off the man in flames in front of me. I feel warm as my body slowing is being picked up. I look and see Dad with pain and betrayal in his eyes so I look away. I see Elijah grab Wesley by the throat lifting him in the air and shove his hand in his chest.

"NOO DON'T!" I scream as dad walks to the door. Elijah freezes and looks at me.

"If you do. I will never forgive you. NEVER." I yell as dad carries me away but I don't take my eyes off of Elijah. Then the door closes and the bloody room, the deadly building, Wesley are out of my sight. In a short blink of an eye I'm already in my room being set down on my bed. Dad starts rushing around mumbling to himself.

"Why would you go Hope. Do you know the danger you put yourself in." Mom says popping of no where with a cloth. She gently wipes the blood off of my face with the cloth that I assume was dipped in water.

"Klaus she was bitten." Mom says turning my head to the side and looking over it dramatically. Then it's dad who is inspecting my wound. I ignore them and rip the glass shard out of my thigh with a yelp. Mom quickly covers my wound with the cloth. As they continue to yell and care for my wounds I blank them out. Dad was right but I'm not going to admit it to him. I shouldn't have went but Rebekah got me a dress so if she thought I was safe then I took that chance. Poor Wesley I dragged him into this mess. All because I was being selfish and wanted to have fun. I will not forgive Elijah if he kills Wesley. The only promise I have made Elijah would have broken it.

"Hope are you even listening. What are you trying to do. I can't loose you again." Mom says cupping my face then brings me into a hug. I flinch as she puts a little bit to pressure but I don't tell her because she has already been through enough. The least I can do is let her hug me without knowing she is hurting me.

"I know I should have not went. But it is not Wesley's fault. I made him take me and if is not alive I will no longer speak to you." I say and look Dad in the eyes. His nostrils flare then he is out of the room. I cant stand this place. The vampires and  the blood. I need an escape.

"I can't stay cooped up in this house like I always have been. At least let me go to the Bayou. Thomas wouldn't let anything happen to me and I promise I will not leave." I say with pleading eyes.

"I'll talk with Klaus." Mom says and walks to the door.

"You have just as much of authority as dad does. You don't need his permission to let me go home with the wolves." I shout as she walks out. Even if he says no I won't stop trying to escape this hell hole.

Hours later I'm showered, bandaged up and looking for that dorky vampire again. As I search for Wesley I push myself to go faster looking in each room ignoring the pain. He's no where. Gone. I rush to dads office and barge in. Dad sits in his favorite chair by the fire place. Elijah stands by the window with his hands in his pockets and mom sits across from Dad rubbing her face. Surly they knew I was looking for Wesley yet they let me run around this whole house franticly searching for Wesley.

"So where is he." I say hoping they don't give me an answer I don't want to hear. I lean on the door frame putting the weight on my left leg, easing the pain on my right leg.

"Your pathetic friend is alive for now. I believe there is something you wish to ask me." Dad says using his alpha tone. I roll my eyes.

"He's not pathetic and I don't want his life to be threatened like it does not matter. And I don't have something to ask you. I'm telling you. I'm going back to the Bayou, where I feel safe." I say trying not to show fear. I should never fear my father but the look he's giving me right now shows it all. He's angry and the look of betrayal is in his eyes again. But I won't break he needs to know, I'm not the same girl anymore. Multiple things are different now and he needs to accept it.

"It's lovely to know about how you feel for your dear Wesley Hope but like I said before and I do not want to repeat myself again. You are not going. This is the safest place for you not with a pack of dogs." Dad says standing up in anger.

"You can't control me like this. I'm your daughter not your prisoner. And those pack of dogs your referring to is my family. I will go and if you try to stop me. I will always try to escape this place." I say practically shouting at him. No he's in front of me shaking but not with anger with pain. It hurts me to talk to him like this. But this is not living and human lives only last so long.

"Yes you are my daughter. The only thing I care about in this world that's why I need to protect you Hope. I can not loose you again." He says with sadness and hope in his eyes.

"I'm not the same anymore. And you won't loose me but locking me up in here is driving me crazy. I need fresh air. I- I'm going to the Bayou just don't try and force me to stay because that will only push me away." I say and walk away. That's when I feel it. It's not my dad or Elijah or Mom or anyone else who's around me. It's the fact that everyone here is a vampire and I'm human. It's the fact that they have this huge power over me. It's make me feel on edge.

Hope For The MikaelsonsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin