Chapter 9

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Today is my eighteenth birthday. Today is the fifth day i have been staying at the Salvatore home. I still haven't talked to my dad or mom. Actually i haven't talked to anyone from back home. I met Stefan and his girlfriend Elena. Stefan is very kind and caring. He understands I'm going through a lot. Same as Elena, she's kind and funny. It's her friend Caroline who doesn't like me so well. Damon says she has history with my dad that's why she's such a bitch to me. I never heard of her so she's not that important to him like she think she is. I spend most of the days sketching in my sketch book or reading. Besides that i hangout with Damon. He takes me hunting and showed me more fighting skills. I notice Damon is very similar to my dad. He's ruthless and likes things to go his way. But to me he's kind, gentle, and kinda funny. I guess i see the good in all people. Damon says I'm good company so he lets me tag along when he's having fun with his enemies. I find it quite amusing watching him tease his enemies like prays. He's very cocky. Elena and Stefan suggest i don't be around Damon too much cause i might pick up his dirty habits but i trust him. Damon makes me feel at home. But there's still a missing piece. I know it's because my family is not here. I got use to hanging out with Damon that i dress in black. You feel pretty badass when you ride on the back of the motorcycle with a hot guy dressed in black. So for today that is suppose to be a special day. I'm going to wear the black dress Elena got me with a dark blue flannel i bought with black sandals. My hair will be in loose waves with natural make-up. I'll change later when i go for a hunt. I walk downstairs to get lunch. Yes lunch. I've been sleeping till twelve these past few days. I stay up late crying, missing my family. I'm not that hungry for regular food so Damon gets me blood bags. I go to the fridge and take a seat at the table like i usually do. Damon steps into the kitchen with a smile on his face. Every time i see Damon smile it makes me smile. I feel safe with his presence.

"Hope. I would like to be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday." He says sliding a small gold box with a white ribbon on top towards me. I put my hand up from keeping it from falling on my lap. I set my empty blood bag down and pick up the box. I take off the lid and smile when my eye's lock on the small gold motorcycle charm. With my vampire speed i rush to Damon and give him a hug. He doesn't hesitate to hug me back. He laughs then we let go.

"I love it" I say taking the charm out and hooking it onto my bracelet that i haven't took off.

"I knew you would" He says with a real genuine smile not his cocky one.

"Happy Birthday Hope" Elena and Stefan both say. Elena gives me a hug.

"Thanks" I say.

"Someone would like to talk to you" Stephan says extending his hand with his phone in it. I hesitate but take the phone. They all leave the kitchen to give me some privacy. What's the point when i know they can hear.

"Hello" I say softly.

"Happy Birthday baby wolf" My dad says. I want to cry. Now he chooses to call me after five days. I thought he was going to come visit me. A cup on the counter explodes sending a piece of glass to my cheek. I wipe it away and see blood on my fingers.

"So your not coming to see me" I say trying not to break. My dad clears his throat.

"Not this time Hope. I can't risk being followed. I sent you a present" I feel anger rush through me but i see Damon step into the kitchen. He looks at the cup then me. I take a deep breath.

"I don't want it" I say with anger. I look down at a piece of glass not wanting to meet Damon's gaze.

"Hope i know your angry with me but it's for" I cut him off.

"I know my protection. Can you make this quick i have things to do."

"Don't be angry with me Hope. I'm trying to make it safe so you can come home." He takes a pause and i hang up. I'm tired of the same excuse every time. I set the phone gently on the counter.

"Well that was heated. Let's go on an adventure birthday girl" Damon says. I have a short laugh and nod my head. I follow Damon to his bike and hop on after him. I wrap my arms around him as he drives off. It feels natural every time i hold onto him when he takes me on a drive. Damon drives to a small diner in the town. This is the most i been out since i got here. I just order a chocolate milkshake. Elijah use to always make them for me. Damon sits across from me with a small cup of coffee and my pretty sure he mixed scotch in it. I don't know why but he hides his drinks from me.

"Damon" I say twisting my straw. He smiles.

"Hope" He says still with that smile on his face.

"Am i a bad daughter cause i keep hanging up on my dad"

"No" He says right after. I look up at him. "I would do the same thing. You just need time" I smile when he says that.

"Yeah i do" I take a sip of the milkshake but it taste disgusting. I only want blood. I slide the cup away from me. I look out the window and see Caroline talking on the phone walking towards the diner. I roll my eyes great. I sense her walk in then she walks in my direction. I groan and Damon's face changes from soft to hard.

"Taking the child on a play date Damon" She asks.

"I wouldn't say play date" Damon says with a wink towards me.

"Surely. Care to join me for a drink Damon and leave the kid to play" She says in a bitchy tone.

"Do you have a problem or something? Please don't tell me It's because my father forgot about your pathetic ass." She glares and i stand up. "Oh it is. How sad. I guess he doesn't like snobby bitches. Just letting you know if he was to find out how you been treating me. He'll kill you himself. So don't for a second think you have a place in his heart. It's filled." She grabs me by the throat. But i have her on the ground gasping for air. Is she stupid. Hello I'm a witch. I laugh and bend eye level with her. "I'm glad he forgot about you. He found Cami" I stand up then walk outside. I don't wait for Damon when i run back to his house. Damon arrives shortly after me on his bike. I'm sitting on the coach drinking from a blood bag.

"That was interesting. I like the way you handle things Hope" He pours himself a drink then sits down. "I would of finished the job but still a great show" He lifts his cup like a cheers then takes a drink. I feel kinda bad for hurting her feelings. I know i took my anger out on her. She deserved it. Stefan walks into the living room with a not so happy expression.

"What happened with Caroline. She made it very clear to get rid of Hope." Stefan says looking at me and Damon.

"Hope is not going anywhere. It was Caroline who took it personal by Hope's presence here. She's angry with Klaus because moved on" Damon says. I smile because he stuck up for me. Stefan nods his head then goes to pour himself a drink.

"I don't understand why she's angry. She's the one who rejected my dad. Not the other way around. And why hate me?" I question.

"Because around when you were born that's when she decided to give him a chance. But he ignored her calls. He found someone else and he had you. He didn't need her love. But she didn't know that until you came here." Stefan says. He downs his drink.

"Can my life get anymore fucked up" I say resting my head on the couch. Damon laughs. That's another thing. These boys got me cussing. Especially Damon.

"Nope but it's about to get frustrating" A tan girl standing next to Elena says. She's a witch i can sense it."I'm Bonnie and I'm going to help you control your magic." She says with a smile. I don't need help.

"Thanks but i got it under control" I say resting my head back down.

"Do you? Cause that's not what i heard." She thinks she's all smart. I look at Damon who nods his head. If he trusts her I'll give her a chance.

"Fine" I say. Rebekah was suppose to help me. I guess she lost her chance.

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