Chapter 23

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I grab my opponents leg as he tries to kick me. I twist his ankle making him fall on the ground. I jump on my opponent and push down on his throat with my arm.

"Enough Hope." Mom says. I jump up and wipe the dirt off my pants.

"I have to go anyways." I say walking away. I rush to the cabin into my room. I change into a fresh pair of black jeans and a loose dark blue long sleeve with grey slip on vanz. I'm going to town with Damon. To hunt and visit home. It's only been three days but mom suggest i visit. She says it's dad who is now on edge. I can also tell Damon is not so comfortable in the Bayou surrounded by wolves. I rush to the road to find Damon leaning on his motorcycle.

"Ready" He asks.

"To go visit family yes." I say then hop on the bike behind him. "To act like you mean nothing to me. No." I sigh. He shakes his head. Then starts the bike and we're off. Maybe i shouldn't have said that. I can tell i hurt him.

We arrive in the courtier in a short amount of time. Damon walks not to far behind me as we walk through the gate. I hear a sliding type noise then i see an arrow appear from under the balcony. I get pushed out of the way. I turn my head and see the arrow went in Damon's hand. As Damon pulls the arrow out of his hand i rush to where the arrow came from and have the person by the throat. It's a young human man. Using my crossbow. I snap his neck the throw his body at the wall.

"Well he was useless" I look to the stairs and see Rebekah walking down.

"He's only food." I say then hear a laugh. I walk to the Damon who still stands by the gate. I look up and see my dad with a smile on his face.

"Yes sister, he was only food. I would of killed him myself for trying to harm my daughter." Dad says to Rebekah. I look at Damon and his hand is already healed. It could of went in my heart. It could of went in Damon's.

"That was a rude way to be welcomed home." I say then grab the crossbow and put in on my shoulder. I walk up the stairs with Damon close behind. I follow dad as he walks to his office. Damon goes to the bar as i take a seat on the couch. Dad takes the seat across from me with a drink already in his hand.

"Before you ask how I'm feeling and shit like that. I just want to say I'm fine. Turns out being a lone wolf isn't for me." I say then cross my legs.

"Must you use such language when talking to your father." Dad says. I laugh and cover my mouth.

"I'm sorry." I say with a soft smile. "I want to apologize for my language and" I move so I'm sitting next to him. "And for blaming stuff on you. You don't deserve how i yelled at you. All i want is your happiness." I say and kiss him on the cheek. He grabs my hand then kisses it. When i look back Damon is gone. I sigh then cuddle closer to dad, resting my head on his chest.
"What's going on through your head?" I question.

"My mind is full of plenty of things love. Just some are hard to handle." He says resting his chin on my head.

"What about the witches?" I ask.

"They will be dealt with. I will kill every last one if i have to." He says.

"But are you happy?" I question.

"Yes i am. I have my baby wolf safely secured in my arms where no one can hurt her." He says. I close my eye's and listen to his heartbeat.

"Niklaus Mikaelson it has been to long old friend." I lift my head up and see a young man leaning on the door. Tall, messy brown hair, hazel eye's, and a light beard. This man is hot. Dad stands up and walks to him.

"Augustus Vladimir indeed it has." He says. They do a short hug.

"And who is this beautiful young lady." The man says then walks with dad towards me.

"Watch your tongue Augustus. This is my daughter Hope." Dad says. I just give him a light smile.

"It is my pleasure Hope." He says then takes my hand and moves it up to kiss it. But i bring my right leg up and kick him in the jaw. He stumbles back with a groan. I jump up.

"I am so sorry. It was a reflex." I say with a guilty smile. I look at dad who has amusement in his eye's. Augustus stands up and rub his rub.

"Well you two should talk. I have to go and do....stuff." I say then rush out of the room. I bump into Elijah as i make my way to the balcony. He grabs me then rushes back to the office.

"Heyyy what are you doing?" I question as he sets me down.

"They come for her Niklaus. We need to get Hope out of here." Elijah says. Dad grabs my arm and puts me behind him. The door flies open and in walks two girls. The tall girl has short blonde hair dressed Gothic. The other one is a bit shorter than then blonde one has crazy brown hair dressed in a black dress with heels. Dad and Augustus runs at the girls but their hands fly up and dad flies to the right wall and sticks to it. Same for Augustus but to the left side. Elijah steps in front of me. The blonde hair girl steps forward while her friend keeps my dad and Augustus on the wall.

"Move Elijah. We only came for the girl. I do not want to harm you." Blondy says. Elijah takes off his jacket.

"You know i can not do that." He says standing in a fighting position. She sighs.

"Very well." Her hand goes up and Elijah falls to the ground shaking. The house starts shaking as my hand goes up and a chair flies in blondy's direction. It hits her and she falls to the floor. I run then jump on her. As I'm about to tare out her heart she shoves some type of herb in my face. It burns then i fall to the ground. It gave her friend time to pour some liquid down my throat. I scream as it goes down my throat burning like fire. Wolf's bane. I get on my knees as blood starts spilling out of my mouth. It's like my insides are on fire.

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU FILTHY WITCHES." My dad yells. The blonde one picks me up in bridal style. My stomach is burning and my muscles are tense to even fight. I cough as more blood comes out of my mouth.

"I think not Niklaus Mikaelson. Say farewell to your daughter. After all it is the last time you will ever see her again." Blondy says. I jump out of her arms and grab her throat. I fall to the ground in pain as i feel like my insides are being pulled out. Blondy kicks me in the stomach and i fall on my back. She gets down and holds down my right arm and leg.

"Give her more." She says to shorty. Shorty puts her knee on my left arm. She pulls out another small bottle of the liquid. Wolf's bane. I scream and shake as she brings it closer to my lips. My body is already burning. I can't take much more.

"PLEASE. STOPPPP. DADD" I scream at the top of my lungs. The liquid gets poured down throat. Shorty holds my nose and mouth shut making me swallow the liquid. When she's sure it went down she let's go and gets up. I feel like every cell is getting ripped apart. I scream then choke on blood. I can feel blood falling out of my nose. My ears are ringing while the world spins. I can hear dad yelling at the top of his lungs with Elijah making death threats. Blondy picks me up again. She begins walking out of the office. I grab hold of the corner and look at dad. His eye's show murder with loss. Blondy doesn't have to do much to get my hand off the corner. I scream as we walk farther from the office.

"DADDD" I scream but again choke on blood. I continue coughing as blondy walks down the stairs. I can see Rebekah, Marcel, and Damon against the wall not to far from the gate. Their eye's catch me and Rebekah screams. Damon starts shaking trying to get out of the hold the witches have on him. The witch walks calmly to the gate.

"Don't let them take me." I try to scream. I am about to scream but i cough up more blood and the fire is back. My head is to heavy for me to hold and it falls back. Damon fades away as the witch continues walking. The last thing i see is the gate before the pain is too much to handle and i pass out.

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