𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵...

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John was at his home, finishing his assignments

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John was at his home, finishing his assignments. He can feel his eyes getting heavy — not from staying up late, but because of he was staring on the bright screen of his laptop. Not to mention that he was also struggling with it 

After what felt like forever, he groaned, letting his forehead fall to the table. I can't focus with an empty stomach like this. So he put on his beloved hoodie, and walked to the nearest convenience store for the night...

...and not long after, he was already putting his food to the plastic bag. But just before he was about to leave

"Huuuh?" A rather funny sound of an old man was heard, and John turned his head "Whaddya mean there's no more *hic* alcohol?" Asked the drunk man

"S-sir, we don't even sell them here" Even though the drunk man was pulling on the collar below his neck, the employee wouldn't fight back and John decided to approach them "W-would you please leave?"


"Why don't you just fight back?" John began with a blank expression

"I c-can't...! I m-might get fired!" The employee replied, scared stiff

"Call it a self-defense... or was that just an excuse that you're scared?" John said, and the employee's expression changed. Did I hit the jackpot? "Just knock him out. He's drunk anyway"


"Hey, you old bum! Let go of him and just fight already!" John demanded the drunk man, and for some reason, he did as he was told. The old man activated his ability, and his hand glowed a bright aura. So just a strength buff to his hands, huh?

John was focused to the hand, too focused, that he didn't realize that the old man was actually swinging the fist at him. What the...?

"Ugh...!" As his eyes snapped wide open, it was already too late to do anything. His body was sent away to the window and outside, rolling on the ground. All the food he just bought was scattered everywhere

-   Chapter 6   -

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-   Chapter 6   -

Why the fuck did I even bother? He sighed loudly, not even trying to stand up from the ground yet

"Aren't you so good at pissing people off?" 

A voice he didn't want to hear struck him, so he chuckled with disgust "Nah, you're way better" He replied as he stood up. Why is she smirking? Did something good happen to her? It's because she saw me like this, isn't it?

Sera didn't say another word, but was just standing there looking at him with her arms crossed

"What are you doing?"

"I want to see you fight, obviously" She replied

So she wants to see my ability? It's not like I have any reason to hide it, but... "First of all, I don't need my ability to beat a drunk old dude"

"Said the guy that got flown out the window" She replied sarcastically "Just show me, why are you even hiding it?"

"To piss you off, obviously" He replied, mimicking Sera's tone from earlier

Without even realizing it, Sera gritted her teeth out of frustration for almost a solid second, until she immediately calmed down. By showing that she was frustrated means giving in to his words" Fine..."

I didn't expect that kind of answer... now where's that old retard "Huh?" The drunk man was already unconscious on the ground. How'd that happen?

"Hey!" The employee shouted as he ran towards John with a plastic bag. But John realized that the food from before was still scattered. Did he get me another one? "Thanks for helping... I knocked him out while he was focused at you, so..."

"Really? Nice..." John grabbed the bag that was handed to him, "How much was it again?"

"This one's on me. Thanks again" Said the employee while slightly bowing his head, and headed back to work

I... didn't expect that either. I was just bored. John thought, but then realized another thing. "So? Why are you just standing there, Sera?"


"Huh? Sera?" She raised an eyebrow, "Did you forget? My name's Seraphina"

"Yeah, yeah, Sera-whatever-the-fuck. I'm heading home. My assignments are waiting" John replied as his back was already facing towards her

"Wait!" Sera shouted, but didn't know the reason why she did. Her mouth was somehow moving on its own "I can help with your assignment"

Then, silence struck, to the point where the quiet wind could be heard

Huh?! W-what is she... The raven-haired was at a lost for words. Her changed behaviors was starting to scare him "H-hell no!" 

"Huh? What's wrong with you!?"

"What's wrong with you!?" John backfired, "You're the one acting weird here!"

"Fine! Just drop out for all I care!" Sera shouted, and the next thing John knows, is that she was gone, like the invisible wind

 I mean I do need help, but.. what just—?


With nothing but confusion written on his face, he headed home with heavy steps.But Sera didn't actually disappear. She was just hiding at the nearest alley 

She was panting, not because she was tired or anything — more like breathing in and out heavily.

To think... the first time I offer someone my help, I would get rejected

She touched her lips, at a disbelief what just came out from her mouth. She felt like she wanted to slap herself, but her face was already hurt from the previous slaps

Why did I say that? Was it because I was lonely? She thought, assuming that her last thought after encountering him again was the fact that she's lonely.

No, that wasn't it. My last thought was...


It was a whole new week, and Sera was going to the first class of the day like usual—or so she thought, until she heard  someone call her name

"Sera!" Said a certain someone while panting their ass off *pant...pant*


"I... I need help with my assignment" He requested while still panting. His deadline was in the next hour. Struggling with it, he hoped that Sera's offer still stands

"I have class in 20 minutes" She replied with a blank expression, "I'm sure your friends can help, right?"


"I don't have any friends"

-   Chapter 6 End   -

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐱 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя