𝘕𝘦𝘸𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳

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 Seraphina slowly opened her eyes, and was greeted by the natural sunlight across her flat "Ack!" She felt an intense headache the moment she gained her conscious back, and held her head to endure the pain

W-what happened? Recovering from her dizziness, she rubbed her eyes, "I'm still wearing the same clothes?" She asked herself

She grabbed her phone that was somehow beside her laying on the floor, and checked the time. It's already way past nine!? My first class is at ten!

She jolted up and immediately headed to the bathroom to take a shower, leaving all her stuff on the floor — not even questioning how she got to this situation anymore

-   Chapter 4   -

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-   Chapter 4   -

After taking a rushed but refreshing shower, she realized that she didn't bring her today's clothes with her. She grabbed a towel to cover up her lower body, and headed to her bedroom

But just before she got there, her feet bumped into something. To her utmost horror, she saw the very same guy she loathed throughout the entirety of yesterday


She flinched backwards, and her loud shouting caused him to wake up "H-huh?"

"W-what the fuck are you doing here!?" She yelled while pointing her shaky fingers at him, flustered

"I was just helping you get home—" He stopped. It took him quite a while to realize that the girl in front of him was next to naked. Sera's eyes went wide open, and was late to the realization as well "Look here. I'll just leave quietly, okay—?" John asked. Instead, he was immediately met with a kick in the face


The raven haired was knocked out yet again, and Sera panted heavily out of panic. Oh no... I might've overdone it. Was her first thought, but she shook her head, Wait, why should I care?

But she still put some more thought on what she should do with him, and ended up dragging him outside to the hallway — and came back inside with her slamming the door shut

What actually happened yesterday!? I don't remember anything! She thought while leaning against the door — but then remembered that she had to hurry for her first class of the semester, so she picked up her pace



5 minutes after preparing, she stepped outside her flat. Should I wake him up?

"Hey..." She pushed his body slightly with her feet, but no response "Hey! Wake up you dumbass!" She started to shout, but to no avail. 

Whatever. At least I tried. He can drop out for all I care. She decided to leave him be, and went on with her day like nothing happened


Arriving at the front gate of the University, she met with Remi along the way. "Hey Seraphina!" Remi greeted with a bright smile, like usual

"Oh, hey Remi" Sera greeted with an almost silent voice, and her friend started to worry

"Hm? What wrong?"

"Remi... what happened yesterday?" The puzzled Sera asked, "Wasn't I drinking with you? How did I end up with..."

Remi gasped loudly, "Don't tell me you slept toge—"

"Of course not!" Sera blushed from her hot-blooded embarrassment. She could not believe what just came out of her friend's mouth "What's wrong with you!?"

"Oh ahaha" Remi laughed, trying to defuse the awkwardness "So yesterday..." 

She explained all the things that happened yesterday. How she blatantly just let a stranger carry someone unconscious to their OWN place by telling him the address

"Remi... why would you do that?" Sera asked. She sounded like she was extremely baffled

"I..." Remi slowly starting to realize her mistake, "I thought you knew him. Haha"

Sera gave out a frustrated sigh, and face palmed. She did not want to discuss anything more that relates to that guy "Whatever... do we have the same first class?"

"No, I don't think so"

"Then, see you later"


She doesn't show it, but Sera was actually pretty excited for her first day on Wellston

Entering the hallways, she noticed that many other students eyed the pretty girl that just stepped inside. Her presence was definitely more overwhelming than the professors themselves. But Seraphina was so used to it, that it would be weird if she was not getting stared

Is this the room?

As she entered the class, there were already so many that was already seated. In fact, she might be the last one. It wasn't even a classroom. It was one massive lecture hall. She picked the third row from the bottom up as her seat, and just browsed on her phone while waiting for her class to start

Thirty minutes passed by, and the class was ongoing. But suddenly, the guy from this morning struck her mind. She kinda started to feel guilty just leaving him laying dead on the hallway like that

Why was he sleeping on the floor though? She asked herself. Come to think about it, I was also on the floor when I woke up. Sera sighed, and decided not to think about it anymore as there would be no point. Argh whatever. I should just forget that guy existed. I hope I won't meet him ever again

*creak...* Suddenly, the door connecting to the hall slowly opened

"And why are you so late, young man?" The professor asked, after the late student interrupted his class

"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again" The student said before entering the hall. Only the prof would be able to see the student

"This'll be the last time" The prof gave a fair warning. Not just to the late student, but also to everyone in the room. "Head inside"

The student slowly entered, with nothing on him. No bag, no books, no materials. Nothing

What!?... Sera snapped her eyes wide open. She couldn't believe what she's seeing right now. He does the same major as me AND we have the same class!?

John entered the hall with his torn hoodie, and everyone eyed him weirdly. As John was looking for an empty seat, he saw a familiar face. One that's impossible to forget

You bitch...

-   Chapter 4 End   -

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐱 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now