𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴

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Is that Sera's mother? They don't seem to get along, though

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Is that Sera's mother? They don't seem to get along, though... 

John glued his ear, eavesdropping through the other side of the door. And she wants to stay the night here? Does that mean I'm bound to get found out then?

Well... might as well introduce myself instead of getting caught.


.     .     .

"Is someone else here?"

Just what is that idiot thinking? Did he forget what he was supposed to do in there!? She screamed inside her head, while her face was blank. Veins almost popping out of her forehead trying to deal with this situation.

"Seraphina, I asked you a question"

With a heavy sigh, she replied. "Yes, mother. Did I really need to answer that?"

"Watch your tongue" Narisa coldly replied, "I don't recall raising you to run your mouth like that"


Because I don't even remember being raised by you...


-   Chapter 16   -

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-   Chapter 16   -

The bathroom door opened, and John slowly creeped out. The mother just glared him down from the dining table while Sera faced away from them worriedly, not wanting to see what's to come.

Narisa stood up from her chair. "And who might this young man be?" her glare became even colder towards John for some reason, "I didn't think you were the type of girl to bring a guy home, Seraphina"

"Its not like that" Sera shyly answered.

John approached Narisa and reached his hand out for a proper handshake. "Name's John, nice to meet you"

But Narisa didn't react. She just stared at his hand with her arms crossed.

"Don't worry! I washed my hands!"

Ignoring his hand, she sat back down. "Seraphina, who is he?" The atmosphere became tense around the house.

"But I just said my name, and I'm her frie—" John was cut off

"I asked my daughter" Narisa's fierce glance switched to Sera, "Well?"



"No one!" Sera shouted, "And I want him to leave as much as you do!"

She panted. Seemed like that took a lot of conviction just to say. Oh no... All I wanted was to subtly John to leave before my mother gets pissy, but that must've came out wrong.

Sera peeked at John that was raising an eyebrow. Then she made a concerned look, trying to tell him to listen to her.

Please, just leave quietly!

Alright, alright.

They communicated through facial expressions, but while John was about to get the door...

"Sit down"

Narisa demanded, her hand waved to the empty seat in front of her.

.     .     .

Am I... going to be interrogated or something? Is this supposed to be a normal thing? 

They're now facing each other, and John couldn't help but to feel slightly overwhelmed by all this. Narisa told her daughter to go to her room beforehand.

"So, John" She began, "How did you become friends with my daughter?" 

How did we become friends? Now that she mentions it, I don't even remember. "It... just sort of happened, I think"

"Hmm. So you aren't this... 'no one' that Seraphina claimed you to be" She crossed both her arms and legs. Knowing the fact that her daughter never had brought a friend before, nor did Sera mentioned anything about friendships to her, so she just had to ask. "What's your family background?"

B-background...? What's that supposed to mean? And why is she bringing up my family?

"Uhm... I just have my dad"

Narisa squinted her eyes, "I meant, what does your dad do?"

"A writer" John replied, "He just likes to write, for as I can remember"

Narisa squinted her eyes even tighter. Did she not like my answer? "John, I want you to leave"

"What!?" Surprised, he stood up from the chair. "What was so wrong with my answer!?"

"You seem to be too... underwhelming to be her friend" Without a care, she answered nonchalantly.

"You didn't even ask anything about me personally!" John pointed at himself. "Like my personality or whatever!"

"And what's good about your personality?"

"I don't know..."



"...but it's definitely better than yours"

Narisa snapped her eyes wide open, and also stood up by slamming the table with those menace eyes. "Excuse me? How dare you insult me in my home!"

"Thanks for your hospitality" John bowed sarcastically to her, and headed towards the door

"Stop right there" Narisa activated her glowing emerald eyes, and attempted to freeze him just like Sera did that time, but as to be expected... "It's not working?" She made sure of it by deactivating her powers, and reactivating it, but John already left the place

*tat tat tat!* 

A sudden quick footsteps. It was Sera that was sprinting out from her room. "What happened? Where's John?"

"Seraphina" Her mother began with the low tone, "We have a lot to talk about"

-   Chapter 16 End   -

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