Chapter 16

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Scooter p.o.v*

It's been three hours and I'm still trying to find a private investigator, I never knew how hard it would of been! I thought that you could have go online and hire one but nope! It's abit more complicated than that!

"Honey, are you okay? Why don't you come to bed it's nearly midnight and you've been on that laptop for about three hours now." I heard my beautiful fiancé speak.

"Yeah, 10 more minutes love"
"No! That's what you said two hours ago, come on. Wait what are you even doing in there?" She asks.
Ahh shit, I'm not sure if I'm meant to tell her. Should I?
Okay I should.

"Well.. You know how I yelled at Sharla?" She nodded, so I continued "well the only way she would forgive me is if I found a private investigator to try and find out what the girl knows about Levi." I say looking into her eyes.

"Oh honey, that is so thoughtful that you would do such a thing, very kind. But love you can do that tomorrow, come to bed... I'm tired and want cuddles" she says giggling at the end. I sigh and turn the laptop off, strip down to my boxers and jump into bed curling up to Lisa. Before we both knew it we were knocked out like a light.

Sharlas p.o.v*

Beep beep beep!!

"Shut up!!"

Beep beep beep

"Mate shut the fuck up!!"

Beep beep beep wake up motherfucker!!

"Alright I'm up!! Stupid fucking alarm clock" I mumble grumpily.
I stormed out of bed and went down stairs to get some breakfast, waffles and bacon and eggs and French toast sounds good to me.

I stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart!" Mother chirped.

"What's so great about it" I mumble.

"Have you forgotten? Your going back home fore two weeks remember?"

Um what?? OMG THATS RIGHT!!!

"What time do I leave?" I ask.
"Well it's 9:30am now and your plane isn't until 5pm tonight so we will leave at 3:30pm" I nod and start getting out all of my ingredients for breakfast.

"What you making there sweetheart?"

"Waffles, French toast and bacon and eggs" I say.

"Woah, you gonna eat it all?"
"Yeah, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't eat as much as guys!"

"Ahh yes, very true! So you all packed?"
"Yeah, just gotta pack my toiletries before we leave" I say putting my waffles on to cook, French toast in the pan and bacon cooking in another pan.

This breakfast is smelling soooo good!!

"Okay well I'm going for a shower, clean up once your done please" she asks.

"Yeah okay"

10 minutes later*

Mmmmm yummy, I dish up the last of my breakfast and sit down at the huge dining table so let me tell you what I have. I've got 5 waffles, 3 French toast, 7 pieces of bacon and lots of scrambled eggs. What!? I'm hungry okay! Sheesh leave me alone! Haha just kidding.

I start to cut my juicy looking bacon when someone clears their throat.

"Can't anyone see I'm trying to eat gosh." I quietly mumble.

" Sorry did I disturb you?" I turn around and its justin. Of course of course.

" Well, not going to lie. But yes, yes you did" I say sending him a glare.

"Well I'm sorry, but yknow a guy does get hungry" he says trying to steal one of my waffles.

"HEY HEY HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" One thing you should know about me is that I don't share my food. It's very rare for me to share food. I mean like its food, food it's precious.

Justin put his hands up in surrender. I chuckled.
"Are you really going to eat all of that?" Seriously again with the doubts!!

"Yes I'm going to eat it all! Why wouldn't i?! Just because I'm a girl does not mean I can't eat big portions like you guys! I bet I could eat more!" I say with full confidence.

"Oh really? Are you sure? You can walk the walk but can you talk the talk?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay please, never say that again" I say pissing myself laughing.

"HA HA HA, yeah I know it was pretty lame wasn't it"

"Yeah it was, now leave me alone so I can eat my delicious breakfast" u say licking my lips looking at my plate.

"Okay, I'm gonna get something to eat too"

"Okay? I don't care?" I say and start eating.

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