Chapter 24.

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Sharlas p.o.v*
The time went quicker than expected, right now we are all at the airport and I hear those words. "Flight to Atlanta is boarding now, this is the last call. flight to Atlanta is boarding now." I look at everyone with tears in my eyes slowly getting up and hugging everyone goodbye. I promised them all that is keep in contact and they can come visit me when ever they wanted. These people are my family, I love them with all my heart and with family it doesn't matter how far away you are, time difference or even a house away. You can always count on them and they will be there for you no matter what and love you with all their hearts.

We all did one last group hug together before I set off on my journey back to shit ole Atlanta.

Lisa's p.o.v*

Today is the day Sharla will be coming home from Miami and I'm not sure how she's gonna take what Scooter has to tell her.. But I have to hope for the best and prepare for the worse.. Oh who am I kidding we all no it's probably gonna turn shit but I'm just gonna stay positive and brace myself.

It's around 3:30pm and I'm driving to the airport with Scooter and Justin to pick Sharla up.

"Babe, you alright?" Scooter asks.
"Yeah, just bracing myself for what Sharla will say with what you have to tell her.."
"Yeah I am a little worried about that as well.. Just hope for the best and prepare for the worst." I nodded and scooter with a faint smile on my face and before we knew it we were at the airport.

Parking the car and quickly the three of us jump out.
"Justin come on" I say as he is standing by the car still on his phone. Kids and technology these days I swear.

Sharla's p.o.v*

"Good evening everyone this is your Captain speaking. Please fasten your seat belts we are about to land. Thank you for flying American Air Lines." After hearing that I switch my phone off, pop a bit of peppermint gum in my mouth and put on my seat belt ready to land. This is probably my favourite part of flying, well and taking off. I don't know why I like it so much but yeah haha. The Wheels touched the ground and wa - lah Miami girl is back in Atlanta. I roll my eyes.
20 minutes later*

"Finally" I mumble as I'm walking out to the arrivals area. In the far back I see mum, Scooty and what the fuck!? Why is Justin here? Ugh oh well he can carry my bags. I laugh at the thought. Walking over they all looked like something was up but I'll let it slide for now.

"Hey." I say trying to sound excited.
"Sharla baby, how was your flight?" Mum asks.
"Yeah good.. Can we go now? I don't like how the papz are taking photos of me" I say making a weird face.
"Sure lets go" Scooty says.

"So how was Miami?" Mum asks.
"Yeah good, wish I didn't have to leave though.." I say the last part quietly more like a mumble but I think Justin heard cause he looked at me with I think a sad face? I have got no idea. Why is everyone being so weird!?! I will find out.

"So Scooty. I believe you got in touch with an investigator am I correct?" I say.

"Um yes I did, but I think we will wait until we get home to tell you.."

"Um okay, whatever. Justin put my bags in the back please" I say with a smug look. He gives me evils but does it anyways. I was actually going but o well. :')


The ride back to Scootys was awful! No one talked at all! Well apart from me annoying Justin but he doesn't count. Besides it was fun he got so angry. I laughed at the memory.

I have just finished unpacking my bags when I hear mum call me down stairs.

Trotting down the marble stair case I see mum, scooter, Justin, Pattie, Fredo and Kenny all sitting down in the living room.

"Um.. What's going on?" I question.

"Honey why don't you take a seat.." Pattie says. I did as told still confused on why she is hear and telling me to sit down?

"Okay so I guess you are wondering what is going on.." Scooty says.. I nod in response.

"Well you're here because we found out some pretty important information about that girl.." I nod for him to go on slightly moving forward on the couch.

"When you were driving home that afternoon with your dad and got into the accident the guy who swerved into you was her uncle and I don't know if you remember but she was on your soccer team as well.. Her name was Alice back then before she changed her name and moved up here with her parents."

Justin's p.o.v*

After Scooter told Sharla what he knows I concentrated on Sharla, her knuckles became white, her face looked angry, sad, confused and white as snow.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!" She scream getting up and punching the wall. I went up behind her and grabbed her but she turned around and looked me dead in the eye, I'm sure she was going to cry but instead she sprinted off out the front door.

"Sharla! Please wait!" Lisa ran calling after her but it was too late, she was already gone.

"Don't worry, I'll go get her" I say, Lisa thanked me and I quickly got my car keys and headed off out the gates in my blood red Lamborghini. As im driving down one of the main streets I see her storm into a boxing gym? Wait what? I pull over and park then sprint across the road and into the boxing gym.

Looking around the place there was only two people in there, I spot her going hard out punching the tall black punching bag. I go up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. She jumped at first but I shushed her and told her its me.

"What are you doing her Justin?" She demands.

"I came to find you, to see how you were doing." I say trying to choose my words carefully. But I think I chose the wrong ones..

"How I'm doing!?! Oh well I just found out that Alice's fucking Uncle KILLED MY FATHER!!! How do you think I'm fucking doing Justin.. How do you think I'm doing" she says the last part in a quiet voice slowly falling to her knees.

"I'm so sorry Shar, I really am." I say slowly crouching down behind her and comforting her by giving her a hug. I turn her around to face me and I see tears falling from her greeny blue tint eyes. Gosh she's so beautiful. What are you thinking Justin! You are going on a date with Selena tonight and you're calling another girl beautiful. Cut it out. I say to myself.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry. It's going to be okay, you will get through this Sharla. I promise" I say rubbing her back.

" do you pinky promise?" She says looking up at me and pouting her lip a little. I chuckle and held out my pinky wrapping it around hers. "I pinky promise" she nods and hugs me one more time before standing back up and wiping her eyes.

"Thanks Justin, I mean it." She says with a small smile.

"Hey no worries, I'm always here if you need me" I say putting my arm across her shoulders.
"Come on, let's get out of here." I say, she nodded and we took off out the door and back to Scooters.

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