Chapter 22

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Chase's p.o.v*

"I stuffed up big time" I say to my self shaking my head whilst walking out the door trying to find Sharla.

"Yo Chase man, I think you should let them cool off before you go talk to them" I heard jai say. I nod in agreement cause well I don't want to cause anymore drama.

"Yeah, I suppose you are right" I say whilst walking back inside and up to my room.

Sharlas p.o.v*

"Ugggh I hate her so much!!" Grunted while punching a punching bag.

"I can't believe I never noticed how much of a snake she really is, Sharla im so sorry. If I would of known then I would of done something months ago." I heard Rosie mumble. "No no Rose don't blame this on you, like you said.. She's a snake. Never should of trusted her anyway, she looks like scum." I say giggling. "Now come on, let's practice some more" she says. I nod in agreement. I love boxing/kick boxing.

My old therapist said its a good way to get my anger out. But ugh oh well it's one of my hobbies now and we'll I'm not complaining. as Rosie and I are sparing some chick comes up to us.

"Um can I help you?" I say quite rudely.

"Um can you please sign this" she says nervously holding out a piece of paper.

"Not to sound rude or anything but um why?" I asked confused

"Well you see, your scooter Brauns soon to be step daughter and well I think you're pretty cool and thought "hey why not get her autograph" she says laughing at the end.

I giggled abit with her and decided to sign the paper for her anyway. But I don't understand.. I'm not special? I'm not a celebrity?

"So what's your name?" I say going over to the bench and grabbing my water bottle.

"I'm Ellie, Ellie perry"
"Well it's nice to meet you Ellie, I'm Sharla and this is Rosie." I say introducing them. They exchanged smiles and we all started talking about God knows what but we all just clicked. Looks like we made a new friend? Hmm. Cool. Hahah.

"Ahh shit, it's 9pm already. I'm so sorry but I have to go. Maybe I could get your guys numbers and we can hang out again soon?" Ellie says. We agreed and we all exchanged number and before we knew it she was gone.

"Hmm she seems pretty chilled" I say.

"Yeah she's not that bad! I mean we could give her some tips on clothing but other than that she's cool!" Rosie beamed. Oh Rosie. I says shaking my head.

"Well it's 9:30pm now, what should be do?" Rosie asked.

"Idk I'm getting pretty hungry, how about we go home, have dinner then go out clubbing?" I smiled wide and jumped up and down like a little kid.

"Come on then, last one home has to cook dinner!!" I hear her say before sprinting out of the boxing arena and running towards home. I shake my head a follow her.


"HA I WON!!!" I say jumping around and cheering.

"oh shut up, come on. Help me cook pleaseeeee you are like the best cook!!" Rosie begs.

"Ugh okay fine!!!" We laughed and walked inside.

Scooter Braun is my new step dad.Where stories live. Discover now